Jonsa is Love, Jonsa is Life, and CIA dies episode 10
/got/ general
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Azor Jon!
remove D&D
ITT - whining little babies.
>waaah waaah waaah Euron doesn't have an eye-patch!
>waaah waaah waaah Lannister hair is the wrong shade of blonde!
>waaah waaah waaah they call her Yara not Asha!
>waaah waaah waaah Dany scares me because I'm a virgin!
>waaah waaah waaah Arya is half an inch taller than she should be!
>waaah waaah waaah The Mad King's fingernails were not long enough in that one second flashback!
>waaah waaah waaah D&D!
>waaah waaah waaah I pretend to hate everything about the show in a desperate attempt to be different but I watch every episode and post on here every two minutes to whine like a child.
You unwashed beta virgin bed-wetters are truly pathetic! Adults should join me in abandoning this cringeworthy thread with haste.
How big of a crate did Kit need to stand on to film that scene?
I am seriously looking forward to the high sparrow being exposed for the cunning manipulator he is.
>waaaaaaaahhh cia help me
Sansa in episode 9
leave Dabid alone
>abandoning this cringeworthy thread with haste.
Cya faggot you won't be missed xoxo
GRRM said CIA = Gatsby. Also he secretly hates D&D for ruining his character and turning him into a mustache twirling villain.
>jonsa autism
i swear to god once i stop using my phone i'm going to make every thread early just to avoid your faggotry
>decide to watch season 2
>that baratheon bros confrontation scene
>those awful fucking moose flags
So is Rickon ever going to exist or what
I'm sure you'd love to think that, because Sansa would never marry Jon while CIA still lives.
He'll exist as a flayed corpse in E9
You notice how Theon is always treated as a joke, even in a meta sense? His "rebirth" was sort of as him being a servant to his sister, and even that episode was called "The Broken Man", yet they were referring to the Hound, not even Theon. Sort of like a jab to Theon, showing what a worthless joke he is. Even when he "sacrificed" himself to save Sansa earlier in the season it was like dark humor. His existence seems to be a joke, in every possible sense, on meta levels, his meaningful scenes seem to be intentionally an insult to his entire existence.
Like, it's dark humor with layers upon layers. Even in past scenes his torture scenes were overly drawn out with no point in many many episodes. Like D&D seem to enjoy tormenting him and find it amusing, and show it in subtle ways that you will only pick up subconsciously.
What the fuck? This shit makes me nauseous.
Rickon is Ramsay's broodmare. He's birthing Ramsay's sons at this very moment.
I didn't even hate the idea of Jonsa before but I sure as fuck do now thanks to these autistic retards ruining the general.
she has such a fucking horse face
Ramsay put him in a boat and told him to keep rowing
If Theon and Dany manage to ally with KellyC and she sails to Westeros,wouldn't she be going up against the Starks?
Thus getting rid of Theon's redemption arc
Dub and trip confirms
>'abandon thread'
>stays in thread to complain
Kid, you should try to be more self-aware.
She's gonna team up with Jon Snow, duh, retard. Theon will become leader of the army since he has no cock
Why would Jon want Lady Bolton? Her husband destroyed his home.
Same here. It's very forced and cringey.
I bet OP is the same bitch who posted this on tumblr. She's a pathetic cunt who wants CIA to die so her shit-tier "Jonsa" pairing has a chance. They KNOW CIA is threat and rival for Sansa's affections deep down, that's why they cling to the hope he'll die in the finale so desperately.
There was no crate
Based Jonsa thread
Thank you OP
Everything about this general is cringey.
Outside of bad lines like "cunt became the more she shat arousing arousal" Wex was the absolute worst part in the books.
>hey guys look remember that character that you didn't care about? Guess what he totally knows where Rickon is lmao
Hearst does not fuck around
Dubs and trips confirm
>salsa crying bc CIA left without her
>he comes back for her
this is ACTUAL jonsafag logic.
>implying anyone would join a thread created by a shitposting namefag scum
>tfw you have to disown your normie friends because they actually think this way
Then Sup Forums is not 4 u, user. You might want to go to reddit
How would you like him to die?
i saw trips yesterday saying he wouldn't die so the only thing that's been confirmed is that you're a faggot.
> More and more men were pouring out of the trees.
> The winds were blowing the banners so much it was hard to see their sigil.
> But there was yellow, so much yellow. Yellow banners with a red device.
> Whose banners were those?
His teeth look like he has a ritz cracker shoved in his mouth
I agree when he "throws the dagger at the map" and it supposedly lands on Skagos. Okay then
On a scale of 1- 7 how bad did they ruin Jaime's character?
lmao look at OP samefagging and praising his own thread. top kek.
Anyone here got a swordfu?
Either from the books or the show.
Dawn is best sword
helping danny invade king's landing
as king of the ironborn
Eiffel Towering with his volcanic cock some whore with his sister
>Tfw based lord stannisheart is revealed
Why did the show go so far down the shitter after it entered the AFfC/ADwD phase?
Yes, those books are less straight forward plotwise as the first three but if they'd plotted out better and stuck to what they did so well in the first three or four seasons, every episode wouldn't leave its own fanbase apoplectic at every colossal plot fuckblunder or cock reference.
Every week I try not to get triggered by their stupidity, but D&D screw the direwolf every time.
Take this week's episode: hired a class actor for just one episode only to waist as a combined character to bring some cheer to the Hound for a moment before quickly bumping him off pointlessly. He barely gets to say a few garbled points from Meribald's class speech. It's like they're trying to piss people off with this substandard shit.
I'm sorry, I've sperged too much. It just really rustles my jimmies to see them wipe their arse with the material.
You've be trying to troll threads with shitty bait for every subgroup of fans you think of, just go already.
Read the books and then you can actually troll us for real.
the mosin of house blin
I barely even know how the fuck tumblr works much less have a tumblr.
Just think that Sansa killing LF would make shit interesting and fit.
She's his weakness but he clearly feels he has the upperhand since he has the large army she needs to win and thinks he knows that she doesn't have the balls to reject him or hurt him in anyway, couldn't even get Brienne to do it. Which is why he underestimates her. She knows he's willing to turn on people and fuck them over, she knows he's willing to kill and poison, she knows he wants everything including her, killing him right there in Winterfell where she has more control and more of her own people before he can fuck her or the North over through CHAOS, fits. And Royce, who is much easier to trust and work with, is probably leading the army as well and doesn't like Littlefinger so he'd probably be fine with his death especially since he knows LF sold Sansa off cause he knows he sure as fuck didn't say where she and LF were going for them to get ambushed by Bolton men and LF has his hooks deep in Robin which isn't good, and could keep the partnership between the Vale and North. Robin already said he wanted to help Sansa anyway.
>arousing arousal
Were there ever nipples so large and responsive?
She was upset because she didn't realise he would hand her to a rapist. Are you autisitc? I bet you were a stannisfag.
Meh, like a 3 i reckon. We still have the books and I still enjoy his chapters. Plus i'm still holding out for him changing his attitude towards cersei.
Jamie's parts in the show are still interesting, and he is genuinely a better person that he was before he lost his hand. Has he killed anyone in the show since losing his hand?
>implying jonsa is Sup Forums related and complaining about it means you should gtfo
fuck off. jonsa is tumblrshit, period.
stop trying to make it a thing.
please don't use that cave dwelling troglodyte to represent me thanks
D&D were tainted by the success and acclaim the show received after the Red Wedding. They realized that ratings were more important than anything so they went full dabid.
Dawn or go home.
Hello my black friend
Yeah the Dorne guard.
>long rambling autism
wew lad
GRRM's supposed bad lines are actually fairly impressive. He has a real skill for writing sentences that are utterly baffling.
>her cunt became the world
Theon will be honorary unsullied
I don't want to imagine Tyrion, Varys, Greyworm and Theon in a same room, the amount of eunuch jokes will be the first memestorm and the last
Reminder that memes are universal.
It would fit, but it wouldn't be interesting because then no more master plans. Plus she isn't in charge here..
Head chopped of in the same place where everything started.
I guess he wouldnt be laughing anymore.
Fuck you
Book Dawn>all
Literally thousands of years old. Might even be as old as the war against the others.
>wants salsa to team up with royce
that's not how the game of thrones works
It would fit if Sansa wasn't an idiot.
Also, CIA is too entertaining to die.
>fat pink mast
Heartsbane 4u
Unfortunately he's amazing at worldbuilding but terrible at prose.
Don't ever tell me how to use my own language, colonial, or I'll burn down your fucking capital again.
He brought it on himself. He had a choice. He could have went back to Robb and died with him at the Twins. He had a choice, and he chose wrong.
The best laid plans of mice and men.
Littlefinger has to fuck up major sometime, might as well be now to his own weakness right when he feels strong as fuck
That's a weird way to spell dark sister
so why didnt jon return the mormont sword, and why doesnt brienne give him her sword, seeing as it was made from ice
Oh hey guys a meme expert!
I'm not even gonna tell you to go to reddit. You belong on fucking 9fag.
Gonna DROP this show if we don't get Aegon.
Way to prop up Dany as superqueen of the world with no real contest, D&D.
You cunts dont actually find sansa attractive do you? its just a meme right?
Please do. Make sure that Congress is in session.
It really fits, topkek