Lord Farquaad

>Lord Farquaad
>Lord Fuckwad
ho-ly shit

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>movie is about accepting who you really are and appreciating inner beauty
>manlet is made fun of for his height from start to finish

because he never learned

Manlets should kill themselves

But hes a meany

His height was just a subtle way to hide that he had a small cock from the censors.


>Sky Walker

wow how did George come up with this?


Based on Michael Eisner of Disney


damn that hurts fuck shrek im with #farquaad now

they never learn

>Martin """"""Short"""""""

At least filthy Ogres are big.
Manlets literally have nothing to offer the world.

actually rewatched it today and unironically liked it.
they tried to do that joke twice

Learn what, that the monster he trusted to help find love would make cruel jokes behind his back? Where's the lesson in that?

>tfw 5'6

at least you can get government money for being legally disabled

I remember when it was 5'8 that was the height always shitted on.

It's just seems to keep getting taller and taller


He blackmailed the ogre you idiot

>unironically liking Shrek.

Well no shit, it's a good movie with good jokes, what's there not to like aside from the meme?

I'm going to be brutally honest, I'm 6'3, nearly 6'4, and I'm usually not the tallest person in the room

This is in Australia, one of the tallest countries on Earth

He called Shrek hideous beast and other shit before Shrek even saw him like, stop defending him cause you sympathise you manlet

>will never break the official tall person limit

got my army physical today, still 6'1"

feels good man, I was the tallest guy in rooms of 20 95% of the time

holy shit

what do you mean by that

you can still be my fun-sized bottom qt bf

all is well

iktf all too well bro

that picture is quite heterosexual

>both of them have erections

Do you live in Asia?

that little one has a batcave for an asshole

i am currently imagining them fuck

Just move to Los Angeles. There are so many Mexicans here you will feel like a giant

no one likes a manlet, Shrek is ugly but hes big and lovable, manlets should just kill themselves immediately

he's a big guy

6'0 is good man, theres some exceptionally tall girls out there but you're golden on 90% of them

that would be because gravity isn't pushing you from growing down there in the southern hemisphere.

wtf I hate ogres now

>tfw 6'2
>tfw just wanted to be the girl

>be 5'8.5
>have to add the .5 because every little bit counts


Gravity is equal in all parts of the earth, you're thinking of air pressure. Also you're retarded for thinking the hemispheres have anything to do with this.

tall bottoms are hot

>tfw 6'2"
>tfw best friend is 6'4"
>tfw whenever we're together i'll always be the manlet

it fucking hurts
i'm getting cucked by reality daily

I thought love was only true in fairytales.

>drop the 0.75 because 5'10 is still normal

haha le cuck meme infinite upvotes my good sir

actual manlet detecteed

>Not #farsquad

I thought I was 5'10 until I measured myself.

>the muffin man can create monstrous cookie giants at will, if given enough time

Why hasn't he taken over the kingdom?

>in the mind of women
when will you REEEEEE's learn that's a meme holy shit
no decent woman cares about that enough to the point of not dating guys cause they are shorter. yeah everyone has their standards and preferences, i prefer really tall men myself to skinny/buff or whatever but i've dated skellies shorter than me cause i liked them.
that just depends on if you're a cunt looking for a trophy bf/gf or not

anyone else find the first shrek a little....off?

>be 6'1
>talking to acquaintances
>somehow grils get on the topic of height
>ask us how tall we are
>me first, say I'm 5'10
>manlets in the group forced to say they're even shorter than they are or get called out for lying

>Diagon Alley

>Nocturne Alley

r u a grill?

I love Mystery Men!!!


Holy shit. Some of the stuff I see posted on this site just kill me. Are you people comedians or something?

please go back to rebbit


>Gravity is equal on all parts of the earth.

Well that's just not true.

Literally defeated by a moat

you fucking monster.

>Not 99%
>He really thinks 10% of women are 6' or taller.

>inb4 i'm a grill btw
ye m8

Maybe in your murrrica pal

You're retarded thinking I was sincere.

You're literally a little boy to them you heightcuck.

Kill yourself, shorty.


I'm a 6'8 grill m8, you guys just seem to have serious height issues yourselves but ofc it's all women fault

wtf I hate Shrek now






>a 6'8 girl
literally kys no one will want you

Pls say there is video of them fucking because HHHHNNNNNNGGGGGG

can you give me death by snu-snu

jokes on you, i date a 6'5 :-)

kill yourself.

>cup my onions


shit son, i meant 5 not 6 jfc

Close enough for bitches not to know better.

>tfw 5'11

Manlets are not people though

Same, although i tend to have a preference for shorter guys (5'8 and under) men seem to care more about height than women.

Fucking nice.

It would explain why everyone here is depressed, ugly, and short.

I'm still taller than you

>still using inches

kill yourself

What do you mean?

That's nothing. Try being 5'7

>be 6'4" and some change
>say I'm 6'5" because if 5'8" people say they are 5'10" then I can magically gain an inch also

Like i said, everyone has their preferences and that's fine, now if you don't date someone you're otherwise attracted to can't they don't fill one superficial requirement then they are just cunts

ain't competing m8, was saying i've dated shorter guys than me and they are considered "manlets" so that excuse of "i dont get grills cause im a manlet *sniffsniff* fuckin bitches" is utter bull


Just round it up you bellend.