ITT: underrated kino

ITT: underrated kino

Where were you when this film proved once, and for all, that God isn't dead and simultaneously blew the fuck out of atheist philosophers like nietzsche?

Better than the first, but hardly kino. Pic related is kino.


Memes aside, pic related is straight-up Christian Kino

>Christian kino

I was being a disgusting atheist in my grotty basement. Now I live in the light of the lord every day


Literally everything is kino if you trust the judgment of Sup Forums

God's Not Dead 2: Die Harder
God's Not Dead 2: Judgment Day
God's Not Dead 2: Revenge of the Deity
God's Not Dead 2: Death Match
God's Not Dead 2: Hard to Kill

So is this actually a good movie or is it a meme?

Yes, that's right. You could that the term is a pleonasm, though.

could argue that*

orthodox - kino
catholic - film
cuckestant - flick

>No God's Not Dead 2: Electric Boogaloo

I'm disappointed.

Jesus this poster is so fucking lazy.

its memes.

It does have Ray Wise though so that's nice I guess.

At least you know who's boss.

It's american christian drama, what do you think?

Does he play a demonically-possessed atheist professor?

Underrated post

sadly no just an evil lawyer that hates god and christians

You tried, buddy. Better luck next time :^)

God's Not Dead 2:For you

the cobra has definitely risen

Checked. Also how did they fit Melissa Joan hart on the cover ?

>Sup Forums calls violent children's films and Christian schlock kino

Is kino code for shit to avoid?

Maybe for uncultured euphoric fedora plebs like you


>be contrarian
>call everyone a pleb
>muh persecution
>muh 2deep cape shit
>dey dont understand me

Who's the real fedora here, shitposter kun?