What are some good movies about rape culture and white privilege?
What are some good movies about rape culture and white privilege?
*fingers u drunkenly*
Lord Of The Rings
The Hobbit
The Chronicles Of Narnia
The Last Unicorn
Animal House
I Spit On Your Grave
Sup Forums: the promising young lad: the picture
*defends the honor of a drunk who passed out behind a dumpster*
If he fingers a girl for 20 mins straight, he deserves to go to jail
>What are some good movies about rape culture and white privilege?
This is a case of white privilege - he was given an incredibly low-sentence due to the white equivalent of "he a good boy2
Deer White People
Biopic starring Michael Cera when?
Half Past Dead 2
>*defends the honor of a drunk who passed out behind a dumpster*
You're a gross idiot.
>a white dindu
how come nobody ever talks about them on Sup Forums?
Irreversible. Also shows how faggots are the scum of the earth. Gay people are literal cancer.
Because double standards.
It's not white privilege, it's rich privilege.
If he was a broke ass college community kid he'd be in jail for 10x as long.
I think more people are upset because a silver spooner got away with it. That said the girl he fucked is obviously a whore and I have no sympathy for her. She got drunk as fuck and the guy was more than likely drunk as fuck too, and they ended up having sex behind a dumpster like the drunk retards they are. Then the girl wakes up and cries rape
This whole thing of assuming the victim is lying is just as wrong as always assuming guilt
Wait, why was some random women passed out behind a dumpster?
I thought this was a standard college party rape. What exactly was going on here?
It doesn't matter what she was doing there, if she didn't consent to having sex it's rape.
Just a fingerbang like any other. He rolled her over like a tauntaun amd climbed inside.
He came across her passed out behind a dumpster after having talked to her at a party a short while before.
Proceeded to finger and grope her until two guys were on a bike ride and chased/tackled him when he bolted.
Not arguing that at all. But ...
If I get stabbed to death while passed out in an alley, that's a different story than if I got stabbed to death lying in my bed during a home invasion.
wait, hol up. he just fingered her, he didn't even fuck her? that's what they're trying to nail him to the wall for it? wtf I'm a polmissle now
P-please watch ep. 3
Apparently a random dumb slut getting molested by a creepy teenager is national news worthy. 2016 in a nutshell.
What's the difference? Someone's still sticking a foreign object in you while you're passed out. If he had taken a bottle out of the dumpster and fucked her with that, would that not even be rape to you? I mean, it's just a bottle.
There's literally 2 witnesses (the guys who caught him) that said she was completely unresponsive and unconscious
>obviously a whore
you are pathetic