He's not holding a guitar

>he's not holding a guitar

I don't get it. He was a bassist.

yeah that's because he is lighting a cigar

He's wearing a hat

>he's lighting a cigar
Are you. Fucking. Kidding me.

This whole fucking time I thought he was playing a trumpet on the fucking cover. Fucking shit god damn....

pipe tho

please be memeinf

Would have to be the smallest trumpet in the world

I've never looked up Mingus before. I don't know what instrument he plays and I've seen the album cover a lot of times on here. The way his hands and mouth were positioned made it look like he was blowing on a trumpet.


It's the best album ever made so do yourself a favor and look him up, but start with Blues & Roots

Mingus wasnt no dringus

So he's a bass player? Good to know.

>It's the best album ever made so do yourself a favor and look him up

This first track is really really fucking good holy shit.

You might need to become Mingusanon.


....hello, Jeff.

Holy shit, Herbieanon, how have you never listened to this before?

I was busy with Herbie albums.

>Hancock fanboy is an uneducated plebeian
No one is surprised.

more like herpes scamcuck

*Herbie Hancock
You're bad at spelling, man.

bernard herrmann > herbie: fully loaded