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realer than real life

>breasplate is flat to absorb the full force of an impact
>no leg armor
>blue spandex leggings

I'm really sad i was expecting a great final battle, not a short duel.

>"Shield formation"

What the fuck is that? Even into the early medieval period they'd still yell "Tetsudo" or "Tortoise"

Shield formation is like yelling out "sword formation" it means fucking nothing, at the very least he should yell out "form a line" or "form a shield wall"

Would audiences really not understand what a shield wall was meant to be?

Directors always freak out the actor won't be able to express enough if you can't see their face clearly.

lothars son death scene was pretty good though, that smug look on the orc after lel

I haven't seen the movie. How do the humans fare against the 8 foot green übermensch orcs?

Is that like a reference to the original RTS games that nobody remembers anymore?

they using BOOMsticks

No. If that would've been the case the guy would have yelled "K, all back to base, train Conjurers to summon Water Elementals"

Warcraft orcs are literally shit-tier orcs.

I don't know. I'm the commander mega lord. I invent sword formation. It's literally just throw your your swords in to a pile. I invented and named it. Doesn't make anysense, but what the fuck does key mean. Someone just decided that it's a word that means something.

Looks like Orcposting is back on the menu boys!

Those are orks, not orcs. Fucking newfag retard

I know it's a camrip and all, but they look like fucking plastic toys.

Orks = 40k
Orcs = Fantasy

Learn your Warhammer newfag.

Could be worse

Why are the props made of plastic.

thats an Uruk-hai not an orc
othose are orks, not orcs




Is that one of the Hobbit movies?

God those looked like shit, which is a shame considering how well the LotR movies stand out.

Those graphics are amazing what game is this

wtf is that shit

I want a standalone Grom Hellscream movie

>angry green manlets

Literally the best race.

from the stag that the elf is riding, I guess it is from one of the horrible Hobbit movies

Glad I haven't watched this shit.

A battle elk, really?


is there anny nelfs in the movie

>enemy consists of 8ft tall brick shitfist monsters that turn everyone they hit into paste because their standard weapon is a slab of rock on a tree branch
>arm all your infantry with broadswords and shields instead of spears
>give every single one of them a full suit of expensive plate armor that as expected does nothing
I mean

is there a stream somewhere yet
dont want to torrent yet because ill get owned by my isp because i am cuck loser virgin faggot

Look it up on putlocker. Quality will probably not be so good though.

This is the 3rd Hobbit, isn't it? I only saw the first 2. What the fuck is this shit? What the fuck happened? The battle of Helms Deep was GOAT medieval battle scenes. Is Peter Jackson depressed or something?

Dark Souls 2 DLC

Those are goblins, Orcs are big guys. and Uruks are Chad orcs.

They were filming a more grounded, practical version but they decide it to scrap it and replace it with all CGI.

It wasn't really Peter's fault. They had no storyboards, no choreographer, no props for half the extras, barely anything.

>Just half of the movie
What the fuck!

I love the Orks so goddamn much.

Did you know that they can breathe in space because they're too fucking stupid to know that they're not supposed to be able to?


>bringing 40k bullshit into WHFB

that don't make sense

Everything about 40k orks is intentionally stupid because the entire setting was a gag until edgelords took over with muh grimdark.

Besides the battle-elk, this is miles above Warcraft.

The main idea behind warhammer and wh40k is the whole of reality is malleable by an individual's willpower. So if orkz thinkz theyz breafz in spacez, deyz breafz in spacez.

I don't now jackshit about anything 40k related, I played DOW 2 and the aesthetics were amazing although grimdark

was good to see that the alliance in the movie was as inept in pvp* as they are in wow.

*except av. 10 years and still not fixed. thanks blizz

Do they polymorph anyone in the movie? Any druids transforming?

yes no

druids didn't exist before..

oh right, most people don't know there were games before wow.

You talking about Age of Sigmar TM?


>night elf bodies impaled and hanging from the trees
>skewered night elf head on the bottom left
Damn, I've seen this picture countless times but never noticed those. Brutal yo

They existed. Night Elves just weren't in Orcs and Humans because they hadn't been written in yet.

>What the fuck is that? Even into the early medieval period they'd still yell "Tetsudo" or "Tortoise"

lol moron

... anything that wasn't written in didn't exist. They aren't opening windows to parallel universes.

Were the swords CGI? they looked fucking weightless.

>dwarf opens briefcase
>Lothar: "What is this?"
>"The boomstick".

that's literally the plot of the movie
aliens from a paralell universe (orcs) invade earth

>They aren't opening windows to parallel universes

They literally do

This movie is better than most capeshit. This will do phenomenally at the box office.

The area of vidyashit has begun. Cowadooty coming 2018

In that context "the writers" were the subject of reference.

warhammer orks and gobbos would utterly destroy the blizzard horde orcs. The horde would have a week, possibly a month, before the orks murdered every last faggot.
>they literally paint shit red to make it faster and it works

that's how swords really are, even the biggest most gigantic great swords that are 5' plus long can be easily twirled around by a normal male

Is this movie actually good?? I wanna know because a die hard fan on youtube gave it a 7/10 so it cant be that bad??

Also all the behind the scenes with the character bios makes me wanna see it even more with the plot looking to be very rich.

Why aren't they facing off with Warhammer Fantasy orcs?

I think there's a rip out, why don't you go see for yourself?

Just got home from seeing it.

I played Warcraft 2, 3 and WoW for several years.

I really enjoyed it a lot. I think its the best that they can do to make a movie on warcraft. Even the lore changes did not bother me as I dont look at the movie being the games verbatim.

But yeah it was a blast. I can see why people who are familiar wouldnt be crazy about it though.

i played a ton of warcraft 3 and the only story i'm interested in seeing is the frozen throne storyline. i just wish we could all skip this part

You know arthas is just going to be fodder for green jesus, right? They aren't going to do his storyline.

Yeah I am super excited for that.

Thankfully china will make sure we get more movies...


its not a parallel universe. its literally another planet.

>anything that wasn't written in didn't exist

You realize the script to this movie was written recently, not pre-Warcraft 3, right?

I mean it makes sense to exclude them since they don't emerge from hiding till the events of Warcraft 3, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

Its fiction son. It doesn't exist until it's shown.

is this true?

Right, but it's an adaptation.

Yea, pretty much. Also that other reply.

It's just a fun, mediocre summer action movie. I don't really see how it deserves a 20% score.

Will you enjoy it if u never played the game? Is it too confusing?

It's just a fun fantasy movie.
Definitely flawed, but enjoyable.
The main errors I'd say are the really fucked pacing at the beginning (because of the 40 minutes of cut footage) and some human performances are hit-and-miss. Plus there are a couple shots were the green-screen is pretty obvious.
But the orcs carry this movie so much; probably the best motion capture I've ever seen. The action scenes are pretty great looking as well.
Like I said above, the first 20-30 minutes are really overwhelming for those unfamiliar with the lore because of the abysmal pacing in that section. If you are interested I'd say it's worth a watch. You may like, it you may not, it's hard to predict.

Hellscream is the goat

ive played wc2, 3 wow for years
this very well be the worst movie i have ever seen. the performances are awful, the pacing is bonkers, jump cuts everywhere, the drama is awful, nothing feels earned, the fights are boring
this is not a lore gripe. you cant gripe about the lore when it gets so many basic tenets of storytelling and filmmaking wrong.

its awful. anyone telling you otherwise is retarded or a shill

they should of gotten more paladins

Is the Medeev from Warcraft the same one from Warcraft 3? Also what made him corrupt in the first place? The ambush?

>have a week, possibly a month
too long, it'd be over in 3 days tops

This is the same Medivh from Warcraft 3, he goes into a coma after the events of the first game. His corruption happened before he was born. His mother fought with the avatar of the biggest, baddest demon, Sargaeras, and somehow he managed to corrupt his mother, and then corrupt her son when he was born. Medivh has always had this corruption.

If there were an equal amount of Warhammer and Warcraft Orcs fighting eachother, with tech fitting both from their universes, Warcraft would win. Iron stars, Mana bombs, crazy magic that doesn't require interacting with the warp to use. If the Empire can win battles against the Orcs, Warcraft Orcs can most certainly as well.

Seriously, just have a shaman rip a fissure in the earth beneath the WHFB Orcs. Or burn them alive with hundreds of mages casting spells that DON'T call daemons to the world. Or mow them down with massive cannons, iron stars, mana bombs. Hell, get one of those giant Kor'kron robot scorpions out on the battlefield. Goblins built it once, no doubt they can do it again, since many of those designs still lay in Ragefire Chasm.

warhammer orcs have giant spiders at their disposal (fangs of Ghur)
and lets not forget about the wyverns, shamans (who can whipe out entire armies on their own), maw-krushas, various types of squigs and wurrzag who literally turns enemy wizards into squigs
and that's not even counting the various war machines, the warbosses, the ironjawz (who wear inch thick armor) and all the other races who fight alongside the orcs
also the empire are described as easy pickins in orc culture, the only human race that are somewhat hard for the orcs are the Bretonnians

Also you literally can't get rid of the fucking ork-shrooms. Even if orcs win the fight(doubt it), they won't win the war ever.

hentai orcs are the true patrician orcs

Director said he's not gonna do Arthas. He said his trilogy will be about the orcs finding their home or something. So it's probably Thrall's storyline. Gotta wait another 20 years for Arthas lad.

Sadly I think the polymorph scene cemented the film's status as uncinematic vidashit. Looked silly as fuck.

polymorph scene is great nigga

I watched it with chick friends of mine that had no idea about Warcraft. They had no trouble following the movie. While pacing did suffer a bit at the start from all the scene jumps, it's not as bad as people show it and certainly not bad enough to make normies miss stuff. You'd have to be an autist to not be able to follow the simple story that's happening here.

just want to live enough to see the shamans giving bloodlust to the best orcs warriors.


no wonder you guys hate so many movies when you watch shit quality and chinese subtitles

This was funny and I wish someone had replied to it.

not a bad movie. covers all the ground warcraft covers. orc love, the asthetic, and it brings teh 90s feel. all subsequent movies will be like everything from frozen throne onward: by the third movie we'll have pandas
