Winter isn't coming edition.
/got/ general
Azor Jon
What will grrm's last words be?
inb4 Khaloreesi
More gravy
his manuscripts
first for Queen of Love and Beauty
Promise me, DABID
Time to publish Winds of Wi--- (heart attacks)
Reminder that Ned will use Dawn to perform a c section on lyanna.
It's dressing, I was thinking of putting it on the salad.
Promise me, D&D
bring me... (wheeze) more... (gasp) s-s-s (frrrrt)
"Preston, how did you get inside my house? Preston, put down the gun. PUT DOWN THE G-"
I truly have become The Winds of Winter
Hey as long as it's Dabid and not Dan then I will be ok with it. City of thieves was actually decent.
hell be fine
>farts out his own soul
>u killed sweetrobin why? George, why? if he can't live neither can you
>City of thieves was actually decent
mah nigga
Sweet girth
"Sibel! Oh gods baby I'm co.. EHHNNGGG"
Post yfw Night King POV.
And now it ends
It was pretty comfy and the Russian solider was a total bro and his death devastated me.
Knew I shouldn't have had 5 burritos for dinner last night, shat my o ring out in the toilet, oh dear GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!
someone post the shopped one
>it's an epilogue
>5 burritos
That's standard breakfast for GURM though.
The series has spent its course demonstrating how corrupt society is.
The Night King's thoughts demonstrate the necessity of destroying human society to allow magic to thrive once more.
gone are the days of yesteryear when our craven follies with brazen lolis were the subject matter of many a tenured p- *dies*
As someone whose family members actually survived through the seige of Leningrad, Fuck City of Thieves and Fuck you
what did he mean by this?
Is that Brent Hinds?
Worst choice to play a young Ned. I hate his ugly fucking face and ugly fucking accent.
He got the accent spot on mate
This idiot is going to all the cons and living it up, he got sick last one. I pasted his blog post from yesterday, serves him right being around all those freaks signing autographs and not working on the books.
Jun. 8th, 2016 at 1:42 PM
thumbs down
I am back home again in Santa Fe, after two weeks on the road in Baltimore and New York City.
Great trip... but I seem to have brought the plague home with me.
Some kind of con crud was going around at Balticon. My assistant Jo was stricken with it, as was my friend Lezli Robyn, though in both cases it did not manifest until after the con. Coughing, fever, headache, congestion, more coughing.
I got it too, albeit a milder case. And then my assistant Lenore was stricken. (So far Parris has been spared, knock wood).
We're all still under the weather, though recovering.
So I will keep this short. Lots to report on, lots to catch up on, but just now I don't have the energy. More sleep and more fluids... I should be my old self shortly....
I understand. He's hated by normies but he's an entertaining character, sadly he hasn't had much to do this season. After he helps defeat the Boltons in Ep 9 how would you like to see the rest of his story play out?
did you? were you even alive? no? then fuck off
>Weirwood internet
>watching Cersei and Jamie fucking
>watching Sansa fingering herself
"I didn't go on a crusade for this shit."
Do you guys ever wonder what would happen if a major actor died in between seasons? Like what if Kit or Emilia got into a fatal car crash, how would the show go on?
I'd like one hamburger please, hold the mayo.
No one gives a shit.
Should've been played by this guy
Say no more.
They'd just recast them you idiot, like they did with Daario. We had hunky Oblivion man replaced with generic beard guy #3828424.
it happens, sometimes the show shuts down sometimes they replace actors
They recasted The Mountain twice, I think they'd survive.
It's northern and the similarity ends there.
hope he dies of it tbqh
it will be literal pottery
One foot in the grave already
Look at what happened to Spartacus
>We need a new guy to play-
>He's outside sir.
Ever seen Spartacus?
DELETE THIS, nearly gave me a heart attack
>Sansa leaves Winterfell and arrives at the Vale to fullfill a certain promise.
GRRM here
WOW will be released next month, screenshot this post.
The man had so much charisma ;_;
Does that Icelandic monster still play the Mountain or is it some other freak with a helmet?
meant for
were user's last words.
Either Dabid is a corrupt money-loving whore who propagates progressive beliefs to his own benefit or he's a sincere SJW nu-male faggot whose ancestors were weak-wristed cowards
How did she get there so quickly? did the little dove learn to fly?
>Wed, bed, behead
I did security for mayhem fest and the guitarist (big busy beard) fist bumped me mid set
Still him
He posted pics on instagram with the JUST contacts in
Plus tons of pics of him in costume
Wed Salsa, bed Maisie, behead Bran
Wed Bran, bed Sophie, behead the little pig
>Wed: Isaac
>Bed: Isaac
>Behead: Sophie
Bram, Salsa, Darla.
If Andy didn't die then we would have been saved from lifeless Jai as all his roles for movies would have been given to him.
>being gay
Wed and Bed Isaac, behead the roasties.
why the fuck do people like lyanna mormont so much?
Bed Arya just to say that I've slept with a gorgon
Wed Salsa so I can fuck her every night
Behead Bran. Nothing personnel, I'm just not gay.
>why are normalfags normalfags
social signaling
we like her too, not just normies..
As a published fantasy author I can inform you all that GRRM is lazy. You could write a decent long fantasy novel in 2 years. The quicker he finishes the series the faster he can move onto writing books that no one will read.
Because reddit is an easily manipulatable lot. Lyanna felt so out of place in this world it was painful to watch. Yeah, I get she's supposed to be unruly and shit in the books, but this was full-out slapstick comedy.
muh loli
>living in the nile
Because she's based
>Lyanna Mormont will never laugh at the size of your penis and make you lick her boots.
honestly anyone who calls out the Starks on their bullshit is going to be liked, also pedos
Where now the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing?
Where is the helm and the hauberk, and the bright hair flowing?
Where is the hand on the harpstring, and the red fire glowing?
Where is the spring and the harvest and the tall corn growing?
They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow;
The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow.
Who shall gather the smoke of the dead wood burning,
Or behold the flowing years from the Sea returning?
I'm not in denial. Every time I watch gay porn, I can only ejaculate ironically.
Wed Sansa
Bed Arya
Kill Bran
Sorry Bran but I am not gay.