We can all agree, there is no excuse to have bad cgi in movies but no guys they cram these shit down our throats after we spend dollaroos to watch their movies. UNACCEPTABLE

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Jumanji monkeys



What movie?

Star Trek Into Darkness

/r/ing those gifs/webbums of the unfinished version of Wolverine: Origins

Green Room


Why did they have to make Prof X go bald in such a cringey way? Why not show he's 10 years older in the new movie by having him look naturally receding?


It's a stylistic aspect of the prequels

so cringe


The fight scenes between the kryptonians in man of steel. Also the oil rig scene where he pulls that door off and he's covered in fire.

That leak was the most hilarious thing ever. I really hope someone has the gifs.

The finished version was pretty bad, too

I remember that. I used to have the unfinished version on a DVD. Sadly it is lost.
>mfw starburst animation as the explosions in the World War segment of the movie's intro

I agree.
Especially in this instance considering that Patrick Stewart has aged pretty well.

You choose a specific frame when it didn't look great, but overall they did a fantastic job. In motion the flaws are negligible.


>that part where Logan gets hit by the truck
I used to have a DVD copy of it too.
It's really hard to find.

is this the webm you're looking for?




Sorry for the spoonfeeding, but is there a filename or magnet link I can google for this shit?

Sheev have a lovely portray of "comfy couches beside the door"


YOU call that bad CGI? You really need to see more movies.

I read somewhere that this wasn't CGI or it was done differently or something.


No idea. It's out there though, and there's a lot of people that have it.

It's a workprint or leaked version I guess that's the terms you should include



When I saw those I thought I'd accidentally pirated the workprint.

Not bad as much as it is outta place.

those look like simple shapes, couldn't they just build the set?

Thats not in the movie try harder.

But thats a good example of cgi.

Since when did Deadpool have lasers?

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen when Dorian melts


Every fucking time...

Since Issue number #1

I feel if they toned down the smoothing a little it would've worked overall. It was just a little too much.

lmao i remember my dad showing us that.watched the whole movie before it was even finished. lol it's actually pretty incredible to watch to be honest

Wait, really?

That's actually Patrick Stewart though. They just used CGI to tighten up his face.


Do people actually think that wasn't Patrick Stewart? I for one just thought they did a shit job tightening his face.

Obligatory Scorpion King from The Mummy Returns and swinging monkeys from Crystal Skull

This scene is one of the stupidest things ever commited to film.

He should have been receding in DOFP, then Apocalypse it's mostly gone and he decides to just shave it all at the end after getting teased about it.

Remember me?

The higher the budget, the more inexcusable bad CGI is. I'm looking at you, Hobbit.


I wish blockbuster workprints leaking was a common thing, I'd watch big stupid CGIfest blockbusters that way exclusively

Never thought Stewart could be such a dick, this is kinda painful to watch.

About receding? That's the only logical thing to do. It's what I'd do if my hairline starts going high enough.

it was a combination of this entire fucking sequence and the part with the spiders that I immediately D R O P P E D this movie

Kind makes me think of Picard mirror version >:^)

better than avatar

even my wife noticed how bad this was and she's a fucking retard

He's a real prima donna piece of shit in real life. You'll like him less with nearly every interview.

I understood that refference my good sir ;)

Even with a young mind I recognized that for the garbage it was.

Remember how it was supposed to be a trilogy?

I fucking died in cringe induced laughter when Bulma said "D.B.E.... cool name".

The hobbit was pretty rushed, if you look at the soilders its the same guy.

him talking about star trek was "i always wanted a successful life in the theater, and i did. then i did star trek."

Hunger Games, obviously the last one.

The writer sure drop the "dragon ball" in that one.

Except that's how gold looks when it melts you fucking retard.

Is exactly what a lot of people claimed when this movie was still out in theaters here.

Holy shit does this look dated now. I had no idea the prequels had aged so badly.

that entire set for like 2 scenes.

seems like a good idea.

it was always shit, but remember.


He's the very definition of a hardcore theaterfag, so I'm not surprised.

I dont' remember this sequence or anything in the hobbit being bad.

you never grew up in the 90's m8.

you'd take for granted.


This is fucking hilarious, they should have released it like this.

That was like the intro to an interview....

Still funny

Easily the best X-Men film, the unfinished version I mean

what the hell was this, a bad roast?

I think it's the third X-Men movie.

Seems based to me.


>mfw he showed his belly

What Sega Genesis game is this?

Post the webm.

lmao i forgot how great this show is


I showed this movie unironically to friends when this leaked a full month before the movie came out


there were some top keks in that leak


God bless Patrick Stewart.

Serious question.

Does it actually bother you, or are you just unable to meaningfully connect with people over anything except stuff you really "hate"?

If you actually care, then no, it doesn't bother me. Great CGI can be stunning, but bad CGI makes no difference to me so long as it conveys the scene.


>paying money to watch movies

>that n64-esque submarine from LOST

The entire fight between Superman and Zod in MoS reminded me of the Burly Brawl, but it looked even worse

Star wars prequels have aged like milk in this regard


Many top keks m'friendo


The Team Four Star rifftrax is pretty good.