What are these types of movies called? I'm talking about movies that make you question your reality.
>Truman show
>Groundhog Day
What are these types of movies called? I'm talking about movies that make you question your reality.
>Truman show
>Groundhog Day
High school curriculum core
Not trying to be smug OP, they're good movie. Hit up some school kids and ask em' what they're studying at high school. My english teacher introduced me to lots of cool movies. Wouldn't have watched Ladyhawke, Princess Bride or Excalibur without her.
>Truman Show is not one of the best films of all time
come on pal
I'm in highschool tho lol graduated two days ago
Plato's cave?
We got introduced to it in high school. It's great, wouldn't go that far though.
Did you get pussy in highschool?
trust me. Its a 9.9/10
Total Recall first half is pretty good for this sort of shit. Has Sharon Stone in her prime too and Arnie of course. Too bad the second half of the movie is kinda shit
nah, all the girls dumped me after two weeks because I cared more about warhammer and surfing
this, not the remake though, Rob Schneider was a horrible Plato
does boipusssy count?
>tfw homeschooled and never got to interact with people until my late teens
And mom wonders why I'm a kiss less virgin
>We got introduced to it in high school
why are you such a contrarian piece of shit?
wtf I'm not using it as an insult, why do people equate high school with bad movies?
Go to college, things will be better.
I'm at Uni, things are worse t b h
They aren't a type of movie. They're just random faggot plot points that reel in plebs like you.
because you followed it with "it's great, wouldn't go that far though." Therefore, either you made an incredibly superflous statement or you were using the first statement as evidence for the first. It's most likely the first. So again, why are you such a contrarian piece of shit?
Nigger I've been watching films since I was 8, I know what patrician and what not
Why are you so upset?
Wait, Mr Weir is that you?
>falling for kino-posters
babbies first existential crisis core
American Beauty
Synecdoche, New York
Taxi Driver
Wild Strawberries
Donnie Darko
The Seventh Seal
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Tokyo Story
>Tokyo Story
just no
>Synecdoche, New York
I'd consider this challenging Kino
Fucking kek
Being John Malkovich
Waking Life
Inland Empire
Stranger Than Fiction
The Dark Crystal (perfecto)
Mr. Nobody
Shutter Island
The Devil's Advocate
Vanilla Sky
In the Mouth of madness
Dark City
Barton Fink
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Last Temptation of Christ
El Topo
Holy Mountain
Jacob's Ladder
Fantastic Planet (psychedelic)
Source Code
Forgot to add mindwalk and my dinner with andre to this list
I just watched Tatami Galaxy by based yuasa and it's like the beta version of groundhog day.
Mindgame, by the same director, tackles the same themes in a similar fashion
>We got introduced to it in high school
Not true, I was only in middle school when it came out, and I only finally saw it last year.
It is an amazingly good film though, and it actually did live up to how highly it's held when i watched.