Are you going to see Ghostbusters?

Are you going to see Ghostbusters?

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Not in theaters. I'll watch it out of morbid curiosity when I'm bored months later.


No, but tons of other people will. This movie has gotten so damn much publicity it's guaranteed to make it's money back and more.

I plan on pirating it and watching it with friends to laugh at it

Should be a fun time


Of course I am im not a fucking racist you racist racist

>I'll see it like I see all overly shilled movies
About 7 years later on SYFY or some other shit channel while i'm doing my graphic design sketches.

I imagine farting in her face and that's her reaction.

Over and over and over.

>watching it with friends
good one


Fuck no

Literally me on the right

First time I've wanted to punch a gif

I imagine her roastie is like this

This. I refuse to see it in theatres because I feel like it's telling the studios that I approve what it did with the Ghostbusters name.

No, I don't give a shit that they're all women. You could totally make that work with the right writers. I care that it looks like a shitty generic comedy with Ghostbusters slapped onto it.

Does Larry Wilmore really say the word nigger?

I was actually interested in it but this "you're sexist if you don't like it" advertising bullshit has turned me off considerably.

No, he's too white

Can someone shoop pepe pooping on her face when she does this?

He's literally black, why would people care if he said it?

That one went over your head, huh Skippy?

Hmmmmm, nope!

I don't know.
Are you going to wipe your ass with poison oak?

What's a boring cunt she is

what do you want to do to this webm?

the damage control has been hilarious.

it's probably not that bad desu senpai.

i have no desire to see it though.

hook me up with some sauce on this i'm loving this schadenfreude


Jesus Christ did they actually give her her own show

i found it nvm

The only thing more annoying than a loud uneducated black woman is a loud educated black woman

No, haven't seen the original Ghostbusters, not gonna see this one

President Trump will end these insufferable cunts.

Nope but in my case it's because I hate women.

That video is real. All of it. Real.

The smug bitch, the title, the mainstream platform.

I was going to ignore this movie. Now I want anyone involved with it to be violently murdered.

Isn't that the dumb bitch who said Cleopatra was black? Despite being a god damn Ptolemy

>professional racism explainer

it horrifies me and makes me want to cut human contact to think that there could be young people thinking Leslie Jones doing cross eyes is wacky and semi-funny. There could be 11yos today that see her as we thought of Eddie Murphy. They'll be nostalgic about this movie, simply because they're kids and everything is good - and people who disliked it were hitlers

also that there'll be people with nostalgia about that mtv's black "problematic" lady

>This movie has gotten so damn much publicity it's guaranteed to make it's money back and more.
I agree.

No, I saw that fucking clip.
Fuck that movie and everyone who put forth into making it.

I'm perfectly serious. If 'we' still exist in 50 years people will consider this like Remi Riefenstahl tier propaganda and kids will ask how the fuck we could had been so stupid.
Yeah, not sexist at all. Now I want to see how feminazi will defend this shit.

Of course not. I don't have shitty taste in movies, nor I am a feminazi (which have shitty taste in movies).

No it looks like shit. I never liked originals much either, but atleast there was some good well written humor.

>also that there'll be people with nostalgia about that mtv's black "problematic" lady

Yeah, but in that "holy shit we used to actually believe that shit" kinda way.
Which is what makes that argument of "you're on the wrong side of history!" so hilarious.
Take the "hippy" for example from the 60's. Anyone who isn't dressing like it as a banal fashion statement or practicing yoga religiously knows it's all a very silly thing that no realistic person takes seriously.
And if you meet a modern equivalent of a "hippy", everyone's bullshit detector goes off.

"SJW" and all variations will fade away in time. No one will remember what the big deal was all about in the first place.



>cornrows and breads are black inventions


>the military banded these hairstyles cause racism


Jesus christ Im a big fan of the original, Im really mad that this is the third film we're getting, but you have to be fucking stupid to think this is sexist, or to ignore the fact that there has been millions of stupid eye candy female characters.

Wearing the solid color yellow shirt really puts emphasis on her klingon officer qualities.

jesus that's not even sexist, it went to a lower place. Guys doing that would need to come from such a petty dickless place

Calling out people for stupid shit does make you a jackass. It's almost the exact definition of being a jackass.

She's a nigger and a feminist, that's two ignorants in one body.

>like Remi Riefenstahl tier propaganda
yeah but imagine if Hitler won. Every new propaganda film nowadays (be it about black history or feminism) is always repeating itself like its the first time it ever happened and it's necessary etc. The media is pretending ghostbusters is a broken ceiling as if there never was women in film

i dont know, i want this moment to be understood and remembered really well. As an ex-leftist seeing trannies, black worship, gays and feminism used as a weapon against the majority and a distraction it makes me furious

Do leftists really not see they're a PR arm of corporate consumerism?

"see it or you're sexist", next thing will be "make your parents buy this product or they're homophobes who hate you children". How are the perpetually offended class not offended by this?

>I can't wait to read Adorno's "DISNEY'S STAR WARS IS A MUST SEE" and Guy Debord's "IT'S 2016, BE UP TO DATE WITH THE LATEST THING, BUY THIS NON RACISM"

>You kidnapped us from Africa and made us slaves
Literally no one from that time is alive, dumbass. Fucking Internet, it ruined everything, now ever retard has a vote and can influence people globally, now these fucking retards can join together on Internet and form groups spreading their retardiness. Fucking modern times, man.

That's one big Twinkie

>Do leftists really not see they're a PR arm of corporate consumerism?
it's really weird seeing the "counter culture" coalition of anti-racism anti-sexism blabla going "evil men dont like this movie. Like it and rewatch it or you're Hitler beating his wife". It's the most fucked up advertising ever.

They're doing another King Kong reboot?

I mention that I didn't want to see The Danish Girl because the trailer made it look like a hamfisted way of explaining traps. No one bats an eye.

I tell people I sincerely don't want to spend money, waste 2 hours, drive home angry for seeing Femmebusters and everyone acts like its their civic fucking duty to give me "perspective".

No. Fuck off. If it's good, and word of mouth spreads enough I'll rent it. If I fucking want to.

I'm really sick of movies just being talkpoints for political bs on youtube, this site, fucking reddit, and every goddamn media blog site.

I STILL haven't seen Boyhood, even though I really wanted to, because fucking everyone wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. Maybe in a few years down the road when no one's mentioned it or parodied it-- I'll watch it. Free from other faggot's perspectives and expectations.

If anyone in the real world asks why you haven't seen the new Ghostbusts, just say "It didn't look good. So I didn't see it." then change the fucking subject. If anyone tries to tell you otherwise, whether its actually good or just so bad its good, just give half a nod and say "yeah, maybe later" and again, change the fucking point.

I thought about seeing it but then they started with the everyone who doesn't like it is a bad person and that turned me off it.

>black people can't be racist
>racism is complicated
shit like this makes me hate black people, good job nigger bitch

>listening to podcast
>they bring up James Rolfe telling people he won't see it
>everyone on the podcast saying he's an idiot for coming to a conclusion before he has seen it himself
>they all agree it's probably going to be bad but they "have to" see it.
it's like no one was paying attention to what he was saying at all.

>that's racial discrimination, not racism
>racism is literally just believing that races have traits that makes one objectively superior to another according to the dictionary
>it's also described as racial prejudice
how can someone lack so much self-awareness?

yeah had the same experience about boyhood, so much bullshit going on I knew I couldn't watch it fresh from all that shit.

Same with Danish Girl, it was such oscar bait bullshit (with the actor who only does oscar-y crap) right in the time the media is doing its blitz about the latest correct opinion the disciplined pleb majority must have and the latest thought crimes etc. The product was so much made with that in mind they dont even notice the trailer was just funny.

>cartoon of person squatting on someone's plate about to take a shit saying "it hasnt come out yet, how do you know it's shit?"

>>cartoon of person squatting on someone's plate about to take a shit saying "it hasnt come out yet, how do you know it's shit?"
and you know what, if people were just saying that you can't criticize the film unless you've watched it I would agree.
You don't have a real opinion unless you have seen it.
But not everyone needs an opinion.
People are so used to seeing every new shitty movie so they can't talk about it on their social media, that they actually feel obligated to see every big new movie by default.
The idea of simply not seeing some new trash has become unusual.

Nah I'm good

i think it fits with the idea you got to be up to date with the latest ITS 2016+120DAYS+3HOURS. Afterall what kinda retrograde weirdo are you if you didn't buy SONY'S LATEST CONVERSATION PIECE ON FEMINISM for you to have an opinion during chit chat and social media

Like, I feel weird in saying to my friends I barely remember shit from the new star wars since I'll appear the party pooper/ racist/ rey hater whatever. It's like I'm 12 and I have to like the latest x single, be open and like the new x, the new y etc

>Nightly show
I liked Wilmore in his daily show bits, but the nightly show only talks about one thing. It's basically this song: the show.

That black guy was actually good though.
It's funny, whenever I criticize how bad Rey's character is people automatically assume I hate the black guy, but he was one of the few characters with personality, an arch and limitations.
He's funny, a little awkward, posturing, he has a past he wants to leave behind and not nearly as fucking perfect as Rey.

But yeah I just hate that people admit something is going to be bad but will go anyway to feel apart of something.
BvS would have made so much money just based on the people who found out how bad it was and still decided to go just so they could put in their 2 cents.

Yeah i thought Boyega was likely hired for shit sjw-hollywood reasons but he transcended that crap. He and Harrison Ford made it tolerable.

>right in the time the media is doing its blitz about the latest correct opinion
That was so fucking weird and in your face. In a short time you get the Orange is the new black tranny, Jenner, the kid tranny reality show, Transparent, Danish Girl etc

is this the warcraft thread?

Memes aside, I'm sure it'll be a perfectly respectable 6/10 or so. The trailers seem fine. I just don't think there's any reason for it to exist and the all-female crew feels like a very calculated decision. It's just not a strong or interesting setting on its own to warrant checking out without the excellent cast and writing of the originals.


have you seen hemsworth's scenes?
this is worse than Adam Sandler shit

It's stupid, but not sexist. If anything, it makes it feel a little less like they're exclusively trying to ride the feminazi train to the bank and more just going for a female audience in general.

it's "sexist" in the way it's obiously going for the "lol reversed gender jokes from the 1940s!"

it's "sexist" in the way some dumb r9k teen makes a "make me a sandwich" non-joke, it's obviously coming from a weird and intentional petty gender-resentment place

Isn't it interesting that the marketing for a 'progressive all-female comedy' is almost entirely dedicated to convincing people that women are hated, unwelcome, and are considered inferior to men by the general populace?

Do you ever notice that the first step in activism or social politics is to convince people to be as afraid as possible of the world and the people around them?