Reminder that Lord of the Rings is an inherently Catholic work imbued with Catholic views and morality, and only a Catholic can truly understand its message. Lord of the Rings is literally the reason why I went from being pro-death penalty to anti-death penalty.
Reminder that Lord of the Rings is an inherently Catholic work imbued with Catholic views and morality...
Other urls found in this thread:
meanwhile in reality
If you see anything wrong with this picture, you are not a true Christian.
>The last shall come first and the first shall come last
>There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female.
Garbage reasoning, an inherently flawed justice system is reason enough to not support the death penalty.
>being this much of a cuck
The Crusaders would have cut your head off
Only complete pussies think murderers should be allowed to walk the earth
>inherently flawed
everything is inherently flawed by that logic we might as well do nothing ever and just kill ourselves now.
>The Crusaders would have cut your head off
Good. The Crusaders were not Christians at all, they were pirates and savages.
>no true scotsman
The crusaders were based. You're a whiny faggot.
>killing and slaughtering thousands of innocent civilians, including Orthodox Christians, Muslims and Jews is "based"
>criticizing a group for killing thousands of civilians is being a whiny faggot
Holy fuck, how much of an edgelord do you have to try to be?
Yeah they were awesome
I only wish they had killed more muslims and jews
As for the Orthodox Christians they had massacred Catholics in Constantinople so no fucks given. They knew what they did.
The allegory in LotR is staggering.
>everything is inherently flawed by that logic we might as well do nothing ever and just kill ourselves now.
nice strawman
so you'd defend your land from muslim invaders by not killing them, Pope Trudeau?
that line is terrible, five minutes later he's decapitating every subhuman and later sending thousands to war to kill thousands
Some guy on the bus tried to convert me yesterday.
Maybe that's why it works so well as a fantasy
> I don't know the cause of the Crusades
Read a book faggot
If you kill the muslim invaders
they win
>ignores the entirety of European colonialism
t. Edgy McEdgelord
ah yes the european colonialism of the 1200s
Oh wait no
that was the Mongols
>catholic with left wing views
Kill yourself m8, you don't deserve to call yourself a Christian.
>anti-death penalty
So why is it okay to kill the orcs where ever they are found? Explain that to me, Mr. Catholic.
I bet you have cuckface
This was so fucking based. 40 million people dead with literally medieval weapons.
Orcs don't have souls.
are you some pol fag doing some false flag pretending you're some idiot liberal caricature?
"crusades were bad, man. Fucking christianity. They oppressed the jews and CONGO AND SHIT"
>So why is it okay to kill the orcs where ever they are found?
People actually never did go out of their way to kill Orcs or Goblins they just waited for them to attack. Honestly more should have been done and a crusade of the misty Mountains, Moria and Mordor should have been launched numerous times.
It was mostly dead Chinks
RIP Chang
I bet
>Only complete pussies think murderers should be allowed to walk the earth
Of course not, that's why prison exists.
Yeah that's not "based". That's horrific.
prisons are on earth dumbass
>leopold did nothing wrong any anyone who disagrees must be a falseflagging Sup Forums tard
you sure you aren't a jidf false flag, user?
>the guy who brought freedom of religion and forbade torture in the lands he conquered is horrific
If you say so.
Meanwhile in reality the pope literally lives by the example of Christ?
A work of childish fantasy written by a man obsessed with childish fantasies. Unsurprising.
Catholic Church expressly opposes the death penalty in almost all cases. don't call yourself a Catholic.
Thank you, brave alt-right knight for shouting cuck cuck cuck cuck until you deafen the ears of foe and friend alike. Truly, you are the new crusading force in the world, as you tweet pictures of Donald Trump and show those SJW who is boss. The world will be changed owing to your efforts here today, and if ever you could get a girlfriend, she would probably not cuckold you with the detested big black cocks.
"Walk the earth" implies a sense of freedom.
They get to walk the jail yard at most.
That's only because they've been cucked by the Jew and Negro.
yeah you fucking moron I'm satirizing you for putting the crusades in the same category as the mish mash word "colonialism"
That's nice, every poster in this thread, it's just that killing is wrong.
yeah Jesus told you to let anyone invade your country go on believing what no Christian believed until maybe 30 years ago.
triggered, cuck boy?
>moving goalposts
How about you take a look at the 1500-1950s? Are you afraid of finding something? What are conquistadors, missionaries, imperial missions?
There's nuance to these things.
>in a world of war and death it's wrong to fight
how do cucks honestly believe this?
Who cares
>muh crusade was better than your muslim conquests
None if you idiots participated in them, don't take it personally.
>That's only because they've been cucked by the Jew and Negro.
Okay, that's a reasonable argument, you've convinced me. Millions of Catholics have been wrong, you're right.
Crusaders were blasphemers and calling them "based" is truly disgusting.
While I'm against the death penalty, I feel the need to point out that just because a lot of people agree with you, it doesn't mean you're right. Appealing to "millions of Catholics" is retarded.
>killing mudshits is blasphemy
kek nice try, Achmed
Committing murder and rape in the name of Jesus Christ is certainly blasphemy. Thinking you'll earn salvation through murder and rape is certainly blasphemy.
Love and forgivness
I bet non of you are Christians
But it's not murder unless we define it as murder.
Who would want to be a Christian when you can be a Norse pagan and rob Christian pacifists?
Mudshits aren't people so killing them isn't murder.
>While I'm against the death penalty, I feel the need to point out that just because a lot of people agree with you, it doesn't mean you're right. Appealing to "millions of Catholics" is retarded.
No, I'm saying he thinks he knows about the Catholic Doctrine better than millions of Catholics and the Pope and Clergy, all who oppose the death penalty.
Who wants to live a fulfilling life under God when you can worship false idols and be full of hatred and violence? What a difficult decision.
>fulfilling life
That's not something anyone in history has ever had.
This is what unbelievers actually think.
>Mudshits aren't people so killing them isn't murder.
Jesus was middle eastern, he would look like a modern day Palestinian.
ITT: Delusional amerifats just found out they aren't actually christian.
Why didn't Jesus just send eagles to take mans' sins to Mount Doom?
Christianity is an ultimate cuck religion.
>Saxony and Baltics conveniently cut off
Its anglo fear of married fathers
>be not to eager
Because the sins are too heavy for eagles to carry.
The Teutonic wars are not traditionally what is being referred to by "the crusades". They mean the First Crusade through the Fourth Crusade.
Also that's obviously showing clashes between Catholics and Muslims, that's a bit like saying
>Conveniently not showing the conquests of the khans who converted to Islam
Which would also be contemporary to that period
>that black guy
a man rapes and kills your daughter. you still don't want death penalty for him?
The pope is a dumb cunt
yeah i dont think he gets the reference
Reminder that Tolkien himself said LoTR is fundamentally about death and how to cope with it.
He loved Camus and was a depressive existentialist himself.
Did you actually read any of those articles or just the clickbait titles?
Just checked, he never said any of that
He did, in an interview and there's a video about it.
You havent checked shit.
Let me fix that: Tolkien's world is Gnostic.
Morgoth is literally the Demiurge who merges with the cosmos itself.
Arda (the Earth, or the entire universe) must be remade, because matter is corrupt.
Elvesd have to abandon Middle-Earth to find peace after death.
Souls have to leave the corrupt world of the Demiurge to be free.
Yes, it's Christian(ish), but not a mainstream Catholic philosophy.
t. a guy who loves Tolkien's world and have studied Gnosticism
Yeah, did you?
>yeah Jesus told you to let anyone invade your country go on believing what no Christian believed until maybe 30 years ago.
What does that have to do with a picture of the Pope washing someones feet?
Wew lad
>that image
Wew lad
Should have a debunk somewhere hold on
ITT: Freedom ain't free, des benalty :DDD
Crusaders literally went to war for the promises of riches on Earth and forgiveness in Heaven. They were opportunists.
>King of Hungary is a Catholic
>Joined the Crusade
>Let's besiege him 'cause Venice said so :DD
>an inherently Catholic work
you mean christian. fun fact: catholicism is just a cash scam loosely based on christianity
Catholics are satan worshippers
That pic is so wrong, 4th crusade anyone?
In other news, the religion adopted by the roman empire bastardises pagan symbols and traditions- who fucking knew lads?
It's just a meme my friend.
>sources: Wikipedia
Sup Forums indeed
A dangerous meme, an american might believe it
really makes you think
It must be terrible to have your brain permanently crippled by too much shitposting on Sup Forums.
Shame really, stupid people like you who can't understand what a joke is and actually takes everything posted on that board as an absolute truth are the reason why it went to shit.
hypocritical pedos aren't people
Pretty sure the bible says something about turning the other cheek not 'thou shalt not be cucked'
Tolkein would not have approved. He was a traditionalist in terms of the church.
>According to his grandson Simon Tolkien, Tolkien in the last years of his life was disappointed by some of the liturgical reforms and changes implemented after the Second Vatican Council:
> I vividly remember going to church with him in Bournemouth. He was a devout Roman Catholic and it was soon after the Church had changed the liturgy from Latin to English. My grandfather obviously didn't agree with this and made all the responses very loudly in Latin while the rest of the congregation answered in English. I found the whole experience quite excruciating, but my grandfather was oblivious. He simply had to do what he believed to be right.
He also hated communism.
Jesus preached
>to give up worldly possessions
>take care of the poor, sick and needy
>turn the other cheek
>love your neighbour
>let he who is without sin cast the first stone
>to embrace humility
Notice how Christians don't do any of these things but instead use religion as a shield to justify their greed, prejudice, fear, and hatred.