WTF I hate orc shamans now?

WTF I hate orc shamans now?

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Wait for the patch

You mean the director's cut right?

guldan is a warlock, dipshit.

being a warlock is literally just shamaning demons. characters switch between being both

So why is the orc's home land dying? I haven't seen movie yet.

Is the human side like on the same planet but different dimension or are they both entirely different worlds?

I take it that this is the first time the orcs ever travel to Azeroth?

Again: I am a noob with the story

Did you prefer taking windfury crits to the face?

>So why is the orc's home land dying? I haven't seen movie yet.
Gul'dan fucking around with demon magic
>Is the human side like on the same planet but different dimension or are they both entirely different worlds?
entirely different planets an unknown distance apart
>I take it that this is the first time the orcs ever travel to Azeroth?

yeah it's the first time the orcs go to azeroth and they fuck up because orcs are dumb, the second time they do it is way more fun

why didnt they just move to nagrand?

because nagrand isnt eternal and it would eventually get corrupted too?


There were two things I didn't understand or miss; Who was the lady in the black box, and how did Garona know the human language? It felt like this movie had lots of stuff cut. An extended version would be neat to see.

in the original lore, alori is the first guardian of azeroth, created by the council of tirisfal to fight/protect the realm from the burning legion

in the movies, kiril tor thinks she is a guardian from the past, but they don't know anything for sure. also we don't know anything like why she's in a box etc.

garona says that she learned the common language from the prisoners of the horde

>how did Garona know the human language?

Medivh probably taught her. It makes sense Medivh would know Orcish since he was conversing with Gul'dan through dreams.

can someone explain why medivh led the horde to azeroth?. i allways thought medivh was the ultimate good guy.

wasnt medivhs mother?

Because Sargeras corrupted him. Nearly all villains in Warcraft were good guys who later turned evil because Blizzard can't write anything else. Even fucking Sargeras was a good guy at the start.

I thought he's a warlock

idk wht they're doing, Alodi was a man; I thought it was supposed to be Aegwynn, Medivh's mother but shit's just weird.

He is. He was initially a Shaman until he tapped into demonic energy via connection with Sargeras and his generals. Ner'Zhul was his master, but they removed that from the movie, I guess.

warlocks are just shamans that think demons are cooler than elementals

Medivhs mother, who was also a guardian, defeated an avatar of Sargeras which is the ultimate baddie in Warcraft lore.

Sargeras "soul" possesses Medivhs mother (unbeknownst to her) after his avatar is defeated and later is passed on at Medivhs birth

Basically hes "le Blizzard plot trope" corrupted at birth and opens the Dark Portal because Sargeras wants to use the orcs to conquer Azeroth.

Its the plot twist, Sargeras is evil titan creator of buring legion, one does not simply kill a titan but they managed to deafeat his avatar and seal him into the tomb, now the plot, Sargeras possed Medivh and Medivh sends vision of Azeroth to Guldan, Medivh and Guldan are simple pawns of Sargeras, who will use them and the orcs to weaken defenses of Azeroth so Sargeras can march in with Burning Legion into the defensless world and fuck evrything up! This is how movie should be not this Garona + Lothar chickflick.

>Ner'Zhul was his master, but they removed that from the movie, I guess.
If they get to make a second movie they were probably planning to have Gul'dan killed and Ner'Zhul show up as the next big baddie.

>I take it that this is the first time the orcs ever travel to Azeroth?

According to the game, they travel from their world Draenor to the human world, because Medivh called them there to kill humans (he called Gul'dan), they come to kingdom of Azeroth destroy it, take over Stormwind the main city, Garona kills Llane. Khadgar and Lothar flee over the sea to the kingdom of Lordaeron, where they meet king Terenas. Orcs go after them and come to Lordaeron as well. Elves freak out, join in with the humans, dwarves freak out and do the same. The alliance is formed, they push the Orcs back to the dark portal, Lothar gets killed, Khadgar destroys the dark portal. On the other side in Draenor the main mofo orc called Ner'zhul, says Gul'dan his pupil was a bitch, he can do it better, to orcs enter the human world again by forming a new portal, fuck everything up in order to get some magical artifacts so Ner'zhul can open new dark portals to other worlds they can conquer. He does it and destroys his own world that is ripped to pieces, while he travels through the warp between portals some demon guy kidnapps him and rapes him to the point of him becoming a spirit somewhere in the north pole. Eventually the kid of king Terenas from Lordaeron finds this spirit and they get married.

In all honesty it was pretty good. The movie takes a lot of Liberty with PG-13 violence (Durotan vs Gul'dan especially) and there weren't many overwhelming errors. Although I thought it was funny when Garona and the king were talking at normal speed and everyone fighting around them was in slow mo

I learned more about the syrian conflict in that one pic than in 5 years of watching fucking CNN

>yeah it's the first time the orcs go to azeroth and they fuck up because orcs are dumb

they don't fuck up, they win.

>ywn ride your phoenix to the battle ;__;

that's a gryphon

Magic in warcraft makes it easier for demons to appear in Azeroth.

High Elves needed help against Trolls.
And they got help from humans and taught them magic to assist them.
After this more humans learned magic and it started becoming a problem.

The high elves have wards around their kingdom so they can more safely practice their magic there, and the city of Dalaran was founded for the humans to concentrate human magic behind similar wards.

Still this wasn't quite enough, and a group of elves and humans founded the council of tirisfal(I think it was called that), where they'd imbue one mage with extra magic powers, and this mage would go and hunt especially dangerous demons that got into azeroth.

This mage was called the Guardian of Tirisfal.
New guardians were changed over the centuries by the council until Aegwynn. Aegwynn fought and aspect of Sargeras, who is basically the most powerful evil in the setting. She defeated him, but his essence survived in her.
Aegwynn didn't trust the elves in the council and decided to magically charm a human court conjurer in the kingdom of Azeroth.
She passed on the guardian powers to Medivh and left him in the court conjurers care.
Sargeras essence transferred over to Medivh and they struggled for control over the body.

Sargeras Influenced Medivh later on as an adult decided to call over Gul'Dan and the orcs to Azeroth.
Medivh was slain during the first war in his tower by a human raiding party, I think lore says it's Khadgar and Lothar with friends now.

Later on Medivh free of Sargeras influence comes back and tries to guide a few key characters in the 3rd game. His actions make Jaina, Thrall, Tyrande and Malfurion save the world.
Arthas doesn't listen because he had to purge.

wasn't a gryphon first introduced by the dwarves in Warcraft II, as far as I know there are also no elves in Azeroth only in Quel'thalas.

>Aegwynn didn't trust the elves in the council and decided to magically charm a human court conjurer in the kingdom of Azeroth.
>She passed on the guardian powers to Medivh and left him in the court conjurers care.
To clarify she fucked the human court conjurer and had a child with him. The child is Medivh.

I think that user may be referring to basically the prologue text of the manual for warcraft 1.
Where they scout and raid, and make a failed asasult on Stormwind and get rekt by knights who the orcs describe as beasts trampling them down with equally dangerous warriors on top of them.
They flee back, and 15 years later Blackhand invades and the game begins.

In Warcraft I you are essentially playing Ogrim Doomhammer, Isn't it so?

before WoW, only Wildhammer dwarves were considered trustworthy enough by gryphons to serve them, but apparently they changed that to give him a reason to fly

Wasnt being defeated sargeras' master plan all along? Been ages since i read and s lot of the good shit have been retconned to the point of being shit. Mainly war of the ancients

they took a lot of liberties with the lore

yeah, then he kills Blackhand and the Shadow Council between 1 and 2 and you play an unnamed orc in 2

Kind of.

You're playing as a unnamed orc, basically a self insert if you want.

Blackhand is your leader as the horde warchief.

Later on in the campaign, you have a mission where you fight Blackhand to become the leader of the horde and the game finishes with this unnamed orc destroying Stormwind.

In Warcraft 2, the manual talks about Orgrim Doomhammer and how he kills Blackhand and takes control over the horde.

I think the wc2 manual means to say that the Orc you played as in Wc1 was Orgrim, so essentially yes.
You were playing as Doomhammer.


>Wasnt being defeated sargeras' master plan all along?
I'm actually not sure about that.
I think either way kind of works.

That movie was so retarded, jesus. Dumbest shit I watched for at least a year.

I thought the wc3 gryphon riders were bronzebeard, but I looked it up and it says they're still wildhammer just like in wc2.

Also interesting to note the wc2 manual talks about how the wildhammer dwarves only ally with the high elves.

the two female main orc were hot, absolute beautifull, i want to marry one


>Also interesting to note the wc2 manual talks about how the wildhammer dwarves only ally with the high elves.
the politics between Quel'thalas and the rest of the world were neat. The trolls and elves both initially refused to join the Horde and Alliance, but the Horde went out of their way to rescue the troll leader, drawing them in and forcing the elves to run back to Lordaeron to ask for help

As soon as the orcs started practising fel magic and genocided the Draeneis the elements stopped responding to them, which is why even more orcs started using fel magic and also why Durotan didnt use his shamanic powers in the movie

Durotan wasn't a shaman

You're right, I meant the Frostwolves in general

How bad do you think they'll fuck up thrall in the next movie?

Gul'dan was pretty epic in this though
>anduin doesn't have blond hair

As long as Metzen plays Thrall I'm okay with it

Anduin have grey hair in the canon lore

It was kinda disappointing we didn't see another warlock apart from GD, or any other warlock spell apart from drain life. Oh well, hoping the sequel will show us some shadow bolts or curses or something.

In what is he ever depicted as not having blonde hair?

I could be wrong but I think during this time in warcraft lore guldan was the only horde warlock, it's the reason he was kept alive later because without him the alliance mages would shred the horde as he was the only one that could counter them

From the first Warcraft comic (canon to WoW and the RTS series due to extensive Blizzard oversight & involvement).


Naeh there were more warlocks.

The horde had two caster units in the first war.

Necrolytes and Warlocks.
Sometimes referred to coming from the Necrolyte clans and warlock clans I think.

I think the manual mentions how the orcs were fighting amongst themselves, the necrolytes were okay with this since it meant they had more dead orcs to use for their magic.
Warlocks though didn't want the orcs to destroy themselves and manipulated the rift that appeared and told the orc clans to stop fighting for a year and prepare for conquering a new world.

In Warcraft 2 Orgrim kills all of the Warlocks except for Gul'Dan, and Orgrim lets Gul'Dan live as he presents the Death Knights(dead orc warlock spirits in knight bodies) who Gul'Dan says are utterly loyal to Orgrim.

>him as an old man means he was always gray
Guess what, he wasn't an old man in the movie

And the movie isn't canon to the games, so it really doesn't matter. It's its own thing and will develop into its own universe.

anduin lothar and anduin wrynn are the same person, Sup Forums approved lore

I know it just bothers me that they didn't even take the time to make him a blonde
Lazy fucks

>Garrosh set an example of a golden-haired, beloved human prince that was a paladin, and yet he turned his back on the Light.

>>anduin doesn't have blond hair
Who are you talking about?
Anduin Lothar?
He had brown hair in wc1 and white hair in wc2.

Anduin Wrynn?
He wasn't in the movie.
Anduin Wrynns father was a little kid.

Oh fuck I was thinking of the wrong no anduin
Yeah u can ignore everything I said

God this was such shit. Literally the only movie I wanted to walk out of the theater for I've seen in the last 2 years.

>In Warcraft 2 Orgrim kills all of the Warlocks except for Gul'Dan, and Orgrim lets Gul'Dan live as he presents the Death Knights(dead orc warlock spirits in knight bodies) who Gul'Dan says are utterly loyal to Orgrim.

"Unfortunately for the Necrolytes, the rise of Orgrim Doomhammer was a precursor to their downfall. After Doomhammer spared Gul'dan's life, Gul'dan promised to create a host of undead riders capable of using magic. The necrolytes weren't up to the task, which frustrated Gul'dan. He did nevertheless see potential in them, but not while they were among the living. Gul'dan ritually executed them all."

"Gul'dan went on to create the death knights. Each newly-risen death knight was given a jeweled truncheon through which it could better focus its powers. Into these jewels were infused the raw, necromantic powers of the freshly slain necrolytes."

I thought it was a solid movie.
It had some issues, a few bad choices but can be understandable given how much they are trying to compress into this film.

of course, it helps that I've played the Warcraft games.
The film can seem a bit confusing and non-sensicle to newcomers.

It was better than I expected anyway.

>Jeweled truncheon
Sounds pretty gay

>To demonstrate my 'loyalty' to Orgrim and the Horde, I promised to create a host of undead riders that would be completely loyal to him alone. Although the Doomhammer did not fully trust me, the idea was sufficiently appealing, and so I was allowed to enter seclusion to create this new legion.
>Even with the aid of my Necrolytes, I was unsuccessful in bringing forth this undead force. Failure and weakness were all that these minions could offer me, until I sensed that while their spirits were willing - it was the flesh that was weak. I summoned them to a great alter[sic] constructed of Ironwood and Blackroot where, at the height of a black incantation, I took the lives of every last one of them. In the bloody wake of their executions, the Necrolytes would then, at last, nourish my creation of the ultimate undead servant.
>Using what few resources I still controlled within the Horde, I acquired many of the long-dead corpses of the fallen Knights of Azeroth. Into these twisted and decayed forms I instilled the essences of the greater members of the Shadow Council who were quite willing to return to the mortal plane to wreak terror and havok once again. I furnished each of the dark riders a jeweled truncheon through which they could better focus the unearthly powers they would brandish. Into these jewels were infused the raw, necromantic magiks of the freshly slain Necrolytes. Thus were the Death Knights born.
based Gul'dan

I'm not sure what you're trying to say and what you are quoting, if you're trying to refute or clarify something.

Manual says that Orgrim attacks the warlocks, brands them as traitors and executes them.

Gul'Dan then puts the spirits of the shadow council(the warlocks) into dead knight bodies.

The necrolytes that you mention were killed by Gul'Dan to fuel the process.

Isnt anduin varians son? Thought we only saw varian as a baby

Varian named his son after Lothar

Yes he is but it's not the same Anduin

Varian names his son Anduin Llane Wrynn

Anduin after Anduin Lothar, the greatest champion of the Kingdom of Azeroth/Stormwind

Llane after his father King Llane Wrynn

Wrynn because surname

Oh yea. Ty

he's a warlock you literal retard

my sides

which faction bros, I'll be ypg, kill some türuks and sex some elven maidens.

Does anybody know why they are referring to the Eastern Kingdoms as Azeroth?

It makes sense if Kalimdor is as of yet undiscovered, so they just think the Eastern Kingdoms are all that there is BUT they still refer to Lordaeron as Azeroth.

Also now realizing that it is politically incorrect, eastern hegemony over politics and history, human-centric. Jezebel post when.

>Jezebel post when.
some "news" site alreay wrote a piece about how it's pro-Brexit propaganda because apparently Nigel Farrage and Donald Trump are the first people to ever not unconditionally love migrants

pretty sure its not known until

in wc3 medivh re-appears as a prophet to leaders telling them to go west, jaina and thrall both go and discover it, from memory

The kingdom where Stormwind is the capitol is called Azeroth.