Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
Black actors ?
Violence ?
Women actors ?
Black woman actors ?
Violence on black women actors ?
Even if she was white and blonde her character would still be shit
Turning white characters into niggers
>black woman fighting white guy
literally no suspense because you know a white man can't kill a black woman on tv
Way better tbqh all whites should be replaced
because her character in the comic was shit
>literally no suspense because you know a white man can't kill a black woman on tv
Is turning black characters into white people okay ?
She really wasn't, or at least she wasn't a super duper badass when we meet her.
That made me cum.
Are you one of those cunts screaming about Hermione being played by a black actor in the upcoming play?
Because if so, fuck off and die.
I couldn't believe it when I saw that episode. they still have a burrito and a curry though so I guess that meets the quota
Name one instance where this has happened
That's one.
So is an irish actor playing an italian character okay ?
t. cuckolds
Just like you ask SJW to change channels when they complain about anything...
If you are not happy, just stick to the original material...
You oversensitive, opinionated, pussies.
You are wrong. Serious Joke Wizards do not complain.
Bad TV shows?
Bad Adaptations?
Mary Sue Characters?
That's another debate then.
But his filename clearly says "nigger" hence, the glorious debate: "stop giving jobs to people of color"
It's spelled Negga.
Also, how much pull does Dominic Cooper have to put her into anything he does?
This, Warcraft, I guess the MCU as well with a multi-season part in Agents of Shield
maybe they are cheaper if you bought both
Only 2 of those are true. Bad adaptation and shit mary sue character, but the show itself is above average for the genre
Do they look alike?
As in
>white skin
>green/blue eyes
>red hair
You just KNOW
she's cute
It's alright tho, Cassidy and Arseface are fine and we don't need anything else
Am I the only one that was bothered by Hugo feeding his son raw meat?
is joseph gilgun any good in this? him being so based managed to make a piece of shit show (misfits) watchable
I had to download subtitles to understand what the fuck is Cassidy saying.
He's basically vampire less retarded rudy, and i fucking love it.
He's great
>but the show itself is above average for the genre
How? two episodes and still no plot
Or maybe television writing isn't as hampered by political correctness as you like to pretend it is.
>It's alright tho, Cassidy and Arseface are fine and we don't need anything else
>no glasses
>followed by hunters
>no real shoot face
>no relationship with his dad
>relationship with jesse
Not sure if is It's alright
He also put a bunch of veggies in with it. It was probaby pretty healthy desu
>Now that's what I call cleavage.
Alright, that was good.
I'm actually enjoying the series a little bit. It's nothing like the comic, but I really don't think it would of worked if it went full comic book mode.
Season 2 when? Jacksonville here we come (or are they going to get attacked right off the bat and go back to the cabin?)
Keep telling yourself that bud
tulip in the series > tulip in the comics, so far at least
also she is extremely qt
you need to watch moar irish crap on TV and film
For those complaining about the show's Tulip being black, be aware that she's a combination of the comic Tulip + a black woman Deputy Sheriff who has a crush on Jesse from the later Salvation/Quincannon Meats arc. TBF it should be noted neither of them in the comics was a annoying quipping MacGuyer-it-all.
Still not seen Ms Oatlash yet :(
Oatlash was replaced by the secretary that like being beat by her husband.
>tulip in the series > tulip in the comics
So, you preffer a Mary Sue McGyver with tits instead of a well written character. Good
Bearer of the ... seek.. seek... lest.
>Tulip in the comics is well written and not a Mary Sue
Try reading the comics
>Try reading the comics
Try reading the comics again. Comic Tulip is far more realistic as a character. TV Tulip make bazookas and fight like a fucking ninja.
>Father teaches her how to shoot when she's a kid
>Father gets shot and killed in hunting accident
>Scared to death of guns until she's an adult where a situation comes up where she has to use a gun
>Misses target at point blank range with a sawed off shotgun
>Tells Amy she hates guns
>Years later is made to shoot another guy at point blank range, fucks up shooting him and shoots the guys lower jaw
>Weeks later for no reason is operator as fuck. Goes toe to toe with multiple armed thugs, even fucks up trained soldiers
Yeah she's a real well written character
i love you bruce
>people complaining about this qt3.14 ptuti
Jesse used word of god offscreen and said "Git gud"
>qt curly hair
besides that, she's below average desu
25% Slovak
25% German
25% French-Canadian (approximately)
12.5% Dutch
12.5% Polish
1/1024 Huron Native Canadian
Best thing about this show
Not him and not a comicfag, but that sound like a better developed character than the insta-win Tulip from the show.
I get excited when I see black people and female characters in shows because I know you faggots will get upset and further alienate yourselves from society because someone on a tv show you don't like did something you didn't like
>Muh jew conspiracy
He's the same character in every show he's in.
And its wonderful
She reminds me of Clementine.
he can carry the entire show by himself at this point.
>Best thing about this show
Wich is indeed a bit sad
>and who
>are you
Gad it's not just me
rly ?
Really nailed the casting
Probably bit different from the comic but good choice
Too bad the source material is so fucking awful
ash vs the evil dead is a unicorn, it literally shouldn't exist it fell from the heavens by accident from gods private TV network
>Like the show and the concept that everyone is talking about here
>Decide to try the comics out
>Its euphoria tier edgy shit
>The artstyle is shit
Fuck you guys Thor comics are better than this shit
I feel like it's better that they completely moved away from the comic. M&M doesn't have enough range and making a CGI Poop monster is expensive.
user just admin you like mixed girls?
>her skinny ass being able to hold off a huge male
jeez, it even looks like her wrist is about to snap
dumb iPhone Sup Forumsedditor crossposter
Best thing on the show probably
Don't be so neggative.
why are her and her husband in everything together?
can't he not stand another guy fucking her?
How can a vampire have tatoos? Wouldn't his body react to getting inked like any other jnjury and restore the skin to its natural state?
He also has a bunch of scars so its just how he do
I love Ethiopian Kristen Schaal! Thanks Dude Weed!
Are they together? I didn't realize they were basically in everything together.
she's a cutie
Duke Nukem?
Guess that answers my question then. Nice.
I read the comics again just a weeks ago.
It´s me or the comics didnt age well? it reeks 90´s angst and edgyness. Not like was always a great comic, but now feels really silly.
The changes over the TV version make me feel the concept even more silly.
She's actually of Italian descent
It's fedora shit for fedora tippers and fedora fedora.
>the show itself is above average for the genre
It's above average for the medium you little autist.
Remember deacon frost? In the movie, his body kept a scar from before he was turned. But then blade had tattoos. And that young vampire girl in 30 days of night had them. Vampires in tv and movies are pretty inconsistent.
>all female characters aren't mary sue's
what the hell? now I hate the patriarchy
So far the only good female character was the soccer mom who handles the finances.
Laughed pretty hard at masochist mom though, or at least Jesse's reaction to it.
>le iphone is bad
>le vidya games are bad
>Why is this allowed?
Stealing my heart?
fuck, she cleans up nice
she's probably tolerable when she isn't chomping cigars, blowing choppers, tasering ex bfs into unconsciousness and raping them with ever superior sass
Ugly as fuck, over the top accent .