Ha ha yeah, I'm REALLY into film. My favorite movies? Vertigo, Citizen Kane, Tokyo Story, The Rules of the Game...

>Ha ha yeah, I'm REALLY into film. My favorite movies? Vertigo, Citizen Kane, Tokyo Story, The Rules of the Game, Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans, 2001, the list goes on...

Sup Forumschan?

dumb frogposter

Okay, you fucking stupid frogposter, name me ONE time that someone said this in any flick

Certainly beats the fuck out of

>dredd, edge of tomorrow, mad max fury road, the list goes on....

Oh look, this edgy kid from this thread
is so mad at someone having taste similar to critic's favorite that he decided it's necessary to make yet another thread on this topic, even though his argument was that these kinds of threads supposedly ruin this board.

Reddit: The Flick (2012, Dumont)

not really. at least the kid who likes dredd isn't trying to put on airs

Did the OP hit too close to home for you?

i miss that meme

Fuck off retarded frogposter


No Seven Samurai? What are you, a casul?

Seven Samurai is my seventeenth favorite film

>at least the kid who likes dredd isn't trying to put on airs
Yes he is.

No one likes Sucker Punch to be cool.

>mfw Boondock Saints 2 was better

That’s wonderful of you OP. However you need to properly classify each works into its genre to be a proper patrician of the arts. Hopefully these classifications will help you understand and hopefully digest what it means to be a patrician
1. Shining (Kubrick, 1980)
2. 一代宗師 / 一代宗师 (Kar-Wai, 2013)
3. L'inhumaine (L'herbier, 1924)
4. [달은 해가 꾼는 꿈] 예고편 (Park, 1992)
5. بادکنک سفيد (Panahi, 1995)

1. The Godfather, Part III (F. Coppola, 1990)
2. Á bout de souffle (Godard, 1960)
3. And a Little Kid Shall Lead Them (Griffith, 1909)
4. Kindsköpfe (Dugan, 2010)
5. Fear & Desire (Kubrick, 1953)

1. Höstsonaten (Bergman, 1978)
2. Hets (Sjöberg, 1944)
3. The Birth of a Nation (Griffith, 1915)
4. 十二生肖 (Chan, 2012)
5. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1891091718191611€€€€&-@ (Sandler, 2016)

1. Mogambo (Ford, 1953)
2. Lost River (Gosling, 2014)
3. ¿Quién me quiere a mí? (Sáenz de Heredia/ Buñuel, 1936)
4. Eyes Wide Shut (Kubrick, 1999)
5. Der Student von Prag (Rye/ Wegener, 1913)

1. Berlin — Die Sinfonie der Großstadt (Ruttman, 1927)
2. Pauvre Pierrot (Reynaud, 1892)
3. Mauvais Garçons (1995, Bay)
4. Avatar (Cameron, 2009)
5. 劇場版ポケットモンスター ミュウツーの逆襲 (Yuyama, 1998)
1. Interstellar (Nolan, 2014)
2. L'ascension du chevalier noir (Nolan, 2012)
3. 01010101 01101110 00100000 01000011 01101000 01101001 01100101 01101110 00100000 01000001 01101110 01100100 01100001 01101100 01101111 01110101 (1928, Luis Buñuel)
4. 米姆魔术 – Bush 2016
5. The Revenant – Iñárritu, 2015
1. Watchmen (Snyder, 2007)
2. Man of Steel (Snyder, 2013)
3. 蝙蝠侠v正义的超人黎明 (Snyder, 2016)
4. Cпaйдъpмeн 2 (Raimi, 2004)
5. вoзвpaщaeт дeнщик (Burton, 1992)

>5. 劇場版ポケットモンスター ミュウツーの逆襲
every time

>BvsS hiding behind Kanji
Opinion disreguarded.

that's not a troll post it deserved its Kino status

Anyone who puts Potemkin on a favorite film list (who isn't a Soviet historian) you can guarantee is a liar

he's honestly deluded himself that much

But really have you seen it? It's pretty good.

pretty good != one of the best films ever

>actually having favorite films
watch more you plens

ivan the terrible and aliaksndr nevskyi are both better.

It is one of the best ever because of how revolutionary and innovative it was, I appreciate its impact on cinema as a whole, I could put modern flicks with better action on my list but I don't want to, as I don't enjoy watching countless amounts of similar processed flicks modern cinema has to offer.

So you don't actually like it and just put it up there because of its 'impact' on other films?

Ivan is pretty good but not so revolutionary, Nevsky not so much, don't really like it.

>it's another frogposter flaunts his shit taste around like a retard thread
Worst threads tbqh famalam


I do like it, I have blu-ray copy of it and would rewatch it any day.

Why do you like the film itself? Just speak of the film and not how it may have influenced other films

I like how it uses emotional response, so that the viewer would feel sympathy for characters. I like it for a fact it's Joseph Goebbels' favorite film. I like how it uses super large scale action scenes with real people and ships. Nowadays if you see 500 people in a film it's CGI, in BP you see real 500 people running, etc. Many reasons.


oh you're a Sup Forums crossposter. that explains your stupidity

BTW I heard Gandhi has the most film extras ever you should check that out.

I hate politics and should have not mentioned this guy, it was just a fan fact. You can exclude it from my argument.

>that explains your stupidity
yea and fuck you nigger, is that the best argument you can deliver? suck you father's dick, piece of turd

Didn't read lol