Mfw a genetic research conducted by University of São Paulo discovered that the mitocondrial DNA of Brazilians is...

>mfw a genetic research conducted by University of São Paulo discovered that the mitocondrial DNA of Brazilians is composed 38% of amerindian DNA and 22% of african DNA on average

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>22% of african
The white dream dies here.


Stop being faggot.


Nothing wrong with that.
I wish Finns had Asian mitochondrial DNA instead of European it would be cool.

>dating Brazilian girl
>love her
>she's white looking
>has native genes inside her, rest Portuguese
>memes have me worrying about my child's genes


mithcondrial DNA is different from average dna

NEVER. conquering with seed is in our european blood, we can't help it

YOU again.

Sup :3

>tfw no brazilian gf

Impregnate her, white man


I liked it, although it's bit biased. Unfortunately it'll have probably no effect on medicine and pharmacy.

É no mínimo interessante como os brancos Cariocas não são diferentes dos brancos do Sul. Visitei o Rio de Janeiro 4x e tu encontra apenas dois tipos de indivíduos: os legitimamente brancos ou simplesmente pretos. Em São Paulo (cidade) parece-me que todos são marrons, mas isto é provavelmente pelo grande número de Árabes na cidade.

Também não houve grande miscigenação entre brancos Cariocas e pretos/mulatos devido o próprio estigma social e a realidade onde vivem (praticamente todo Carioca branco odeia pretos/mulatos, todos os bandidos e favelados no Rio de Janeiro são pretos/mulatos, etc.). O problema é que pretos e mulatos tornaram-se maioria no estado pois não fazem nada além de meter e parasitar das esmolas federais.

English pls

it is Sup Forums garbage not worth it :)

How I learn Portugese fast?

>it's true therefore it's wrong
t. Severino Jagunço da Silva Ziriguidum


A maior parte dos brancos no Rio de Janeiro são do norte de Portugal, Galícia ou Alemães/Suíços da serra. Todas essas etnias tem pele mais clara quando do que os italianos e árabes de São Paulo, talvez seja por isso que você teve essa impressão.

Duolingo I guess.

It's interesting how the white Cariocas (people from Rio de Janegro) are not different from the South white. I have visited Rio de Janegro four times and you only find two kinds of people: The legitimately white and the niggers. In São Paulo, it looks like everyone there are brownies, but that probably happens for the big number of Arabs in the city.

Also, there wasn't that much of racemixing between white Cariocas and niggers/mulattoes due to the "social stigma" (the meaning of this sentence probably changes in english, but I don't know what else to translate it to) and the reality of where they live. Basically every white Carioca hates niggers/mulattoes, because every favelado and thief in Rio de Janegro are from the race above. The issue is that niggers and mulattoes have become the majority in the state as they do nothing but breed like rabbits and leech off from welfare. Took some minutes translating this shit, so thank me, Belgiumfag.

>alemães e suiços da serra

pra ti, macaco

Learn the basics, read a book and shitpost, then talk; this for every language desu

Do Brazilians share DNA with bananas?

Yes, the same way Americans share DNA with burgers.

Do Brazilians share DNA with bananas in their anuses?

moar or sauce?

Got it off here; couldn't find anymore


Do not reply the schizo.He's a br with a proxy.

errou feio.
muito dos que conheço ou são meus amigos, da região sudeste e centro-oeste, são um bando de mestiços.
quando eu visitei goiânia, rio [neste foi onde vi mais negros], são paulo, mato grosso, etc. vi em maior parte morenos, mestiços.

If I recall correctly, we all share around 40% of our DNA with lettuce, so kinda, yeah.

Keirel serieus jonge, moei u ies me u eige zake fucking argentijn

How are natives treated if they move from the jungle to the city?

They generally don't, as they isolate themselves in the northern parts of the country in the Amazon, but when they do they integrate perfectly well. Unlike Negroids, they're actually very polite, civilized folks, even the tribal ones. They often capture illegal loggers with the help of the military, and also help finding tourists lost in the rainforest. Amazing people, it's a shame the Marxist-Socialist parties are trying to use them as assets to occupy private property and work with the FARCs.

They never do. Even communities closer to São Paulo, stay in their areas.

I accidently invaded their lands once with my car, they looked at me pretty angry so i got the fuck out pretty quick.

We have Asian Y-DNA, that's way cooler.

Sorry for bad english.
They become very poor, because have no skills, know no one, suffer a lot of prejudice and don't fully understand potuguese.
Most go to the favelas, and either end selling things like the ones from the picture (native art and objects), which they make by themselves, or end jobs for desperate people with no (or almost no) skills. Also, never heard of a case, but do not doubt it might happen, some may end like criminals.

>very polite, civilized folks
kek no
They tend to be very territorial and force travelers to pay tolls sometimes, wrecking your car or even killing you if you don't pay.

They block country roads with burning tires and kill farmers

>wrecking your car or even killing you if you don't pay

>Paranaguasho encarregado de providenciar os fatos
They are territorial but never hostile towards outsiders. They worst they can do is tie you up and take you to the nearest police station. They will however wreck your car and even burn it if you're caught with logging equipment.

Tourists and scientists visit even the most isolated tribes all the time and they're all welcoming to visitors. They hate illegal loggers and trespassers just as much as I hate Negroids and Nordestinos, so I can definitely relate.

I don't mind the natives that just mind their own business or want to live in cities, but the assholes that abuse indigenous area laws are pure cancer.

>but the assholes that abuse indigenous area laws are pure cancer.
Now go figure who's behind that bullshit. They deliberately incite violence and brainwash the indígenas to follow that behavior and even join the FARCs.

bota na cabeça que indio é LIXO
eles fazem PORRA NENHUMA

Antes irrelevantes que uma trupe de símios homicidas como tu e a tua familia.

Shit now I want a 38% amerindian 22% african waifu
Where do I obtain one?

Don't fall for the Kuruminha meme, most of the Amerindian women are ugly