"Jinx, you owe each other a friendship"
"Jinx, you owe each other a friendship"
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What does this guy do again?
He keeps them together.
>this is your mom
>you are not my son
Aside from TJ Miller I can not stand anything any of these actors do outside of this show. This season I can't stand TJ Miller on this show, aside from the moment each episode when he steals the show.
The female Peter Gregory clone could only be redeemed if it there's a reveal that she's been acting like him the whole time, to fit in and get his job.
Is that Prezbo from The Wire?
Is your refrigerator running?
This is Mike Hunt
He's CFO of PP
best character
He reports everything Michael does to his boss
Do you use that chain to choke your mother when putting your penis in her butthole
Don't mind me. I'm just busy being the best character and the CEO of Hooli, where we make the impossible possible.
Chief fucking officer
The scene with the bulldog is amazing
Agreed, every scene with him the season has been gold.
Rich mans Dekker
Spin off when?
Jin Yang you piece of shit!
>That scene where he gets locked on to the idea of it being possible to make it legal for him to publically punish his opponents.
its pretty sad when a sitcom is the best show currently airing.
but I guess that's just mike judge
>Bring it back here! Look at that HIDEOUS face! Alright, get it out of here
Jared is my favorite character because he's so weirdly optimistic all the time despite all the setbacks at PP and his own personal life - being in foster care, his dad in a militia in the Ozarks, having a skeleton home, etc.
What will go wrong for Pied Piper next?
i bet the launch doesn't go quite as well as they planned...
He's the only one of them that actually understands how a business operates. He's actually really crucial.
It's spelled out in the last episode with Monica
Engineers love it, but the average person will find it too confusing. It needs to be simplified and they don't get that.
Gilfoyle best programmer
Also was that Milana in the last episode?
inb4 the release of middle out starts skynet
>jared will never hold you as the big spoon in a garage as you wait for your code to compile
Is AD the GOAT comedy or has there ever been anything better in your opinion?
And big head will be hired to make it simple, reuniting the original pied piper crew
Didnt he also have a disease as a child or am i confusing him with another upbeat character
I could put a team on that, its what i do
but he fucks so it's cool
oh shit i didn't know season 3 had started
>He's the only one of them that actually understands how a business operates. He's actually really crucial.
This. the engineers have no idea how to run a business & bachman is basically useless.
yeah... i lost it hard during that scene. guy has some of the best lines in the show.
Am I the only one dissapointed when they spent almost a whole episode planning their Skunkworks project and then fucking have it killed in the same fucking episode?
A season of skunkworks secrecy & shenanigans could have been gold.
bachmans my least favorite character on the show right now
his taking advantage of big head was over the top unbelievable
I mean, you can only be a dick so much before it gets silly...
>What does this guy do again?
basically runs the entire company
He's gonna redeem himself somehow by selling his shares just watch. I bet pied piper goes belly up and Bachman is the only one with any Capitol left.
And watch that tech blog get a huge story and suddenly everything is coming up Bachman.
I still have faith in that crazy bastard
That did irritate me slightly, but only because it seemed like they were trying to drag shit out. They're progressing shit again, so I'm happy with that episode. I'd rate it 6.25/10
about the gleb sanjay and shit, i hate how they were politically correct about the outsourcing, in reality they'd have singlehandedly ruined the platform
It's such a shame the guy that played Peter Gregory died. The was such a great character, I really wish we could have had more of him.
Yes she has a long distance satanist open relationship with Gilfoyle
>pakistani denzel getting cucked yet again
I was rewatching S1 and I laughed so hard at the scene where they keep repeating their names to "force the assailant to acknowledge them as human". So funny how they all join in one by one, with Jared switching from Donald to Jared, Dinesh saying "Gilfoyle" and Jian Yang having no clue but joining anyway
Yeah this. Taking advantage of Big Head was a dick move but who cares, Big head sucks. I also think he will redeem himself
I agree, the whole Burger King subplot episode with him was genius
Everybody gets a normal biography, only the slav gets a mentally challenged one
>"me software study in sofia, not a girl, but city, ha! me live with mom"
the slavhatred in america is high, good, good
i think they probably dont even care about slavs in america... only us have to deal with them. by the way the girl that cucks dinesh is a slav too
>I was rewatching S1 and I laughed so hard at the scene where they keep repeating their names to "force the assailant to acknowledge them as human". So funny how they all join in one by one, with Jared switching from Donald to Jared, Dinesh saying "Gilfoyle" and Jian Yang having no clue but joining anyway
I forgot about this one, lmao
I was dying in that scene. Holy shit.
Plus my sister owns a bulldog and Gavins speech is utter truth
>I'm Donald. Donald. I'm Donald. Jared. I'm Jared
he still makes me laugh but his whole story line is completely irrelevant
That's a wonderful suit
They tried to diagnose him with a wasting disease, but he was just skinny
Holy shit thats him
This season's been great.
I always liked the show but they're definitely in a good place right now, easily the funniest thing on TV currently.
And that's saying a lot because Veep found its footing again and is really good right now too.
estonians aren't slavs. gilfoyle was wrong. poor writing desu.
I felt my heart break for Mike when he had to announce that China is halting all trade including child adoptions.
I'm so glad Veep is back to itself, first few episodes this season felt weird.
they are baltoslavs, a mixture between finns and slavs, nobody gives a fuck t.b.h
The only guy who got it right.
I honestly thought this would be the setup for the next conflict, but it seems like they just accepted it and moved on.
>bachman is basically useless.
Well yeah. He's a trope of the useless "ideas guy" who try to use engineers to make money. They're typically the guy who go to tech fairs with a "revolutionary" idea that they can't share because they're scared it may get stolen.
>He's a trope of the useless "ideas guy" who try to use engineers to make money.
He already made and sold an app, and is proficient in coding. He has more experience in the start-up business than any character in the show.
But his main focus is finding his "meal ticket"
This guy gives no fucks.
>When I was a kid and wanted a friend, I took a plastic bag and filled it with strips of newspaper then I drew a smile on it.
She's not a clone Peter Gregory though. There are similarities but the woman is far more fallible and visibly business oriented. Peter Gregory was a rainman autism fairy
yeah I think they downplayed her a lot since introducing her.
Now she comes across as stern and a bit detached instead of full on quirky like Peter was. The writers probably saw that she came across as a pale imitation and changed course. She works better that way.
I'm watching it for the second time and I almost forgot how much I fucking hate the British episodes and season 4.
You're combining two completely different quotes.
>The female Peter Gregory clone could only be redeemed if it there's a reveal that she's been acting like him the whole time, to fit in and get his job.
The problem with her is that the episodes were already written and ready to film with Peter Gregory when he just dropped dead.
You need to stop thinking of her as a unique character, she is the direct result of someone just mass editing Peters name in the scripts.
I've slept since Sunday
Well that's good, I hope you have.
You are a nice guy.
Still my favorite scene this season
bachman is absolutely terrible, it's funny how they keep his "character" on the show anymore, he has no purpose, no merit at all
Hot damn i love this series, you just know they could have taken the skunkworks shit and make it the plot of the whole season but instead they just burn it on the same episode.
Based as fuck.
he's hot and I want him to make love to my butt hole
I still wish that they did, do you know how much fun that would have been? I'm not even sure what the characters would be like, but I know I'd want to see it.
b-but user thats gay
on an unrelated note, this site I use frequently keeps showing me ads for women's shoes that cover very little of the feet which I find very unsettling. it's as if they know my porn search history.
Not if I take estrogen :3
that just makes it more gay you stupid baka