>Its heroine may suffer from short-term memory loss, but it's the viewers who ultimately leave this aquatic adventure braindead. Feeling driven more by commercial exigencies than by vital creative impulses, this 13-years-after follow-up to Pixar's fifth feature serves up enough shards of humor and visual distractions to keep small-fry happy, but for anyone no longer eating crayons and glitter at snack-time, you might be better off finding Dory in the Walmart DVD bargain bucket at Christmas.


Where were you when Dreamworks became the GOAT© animation studio?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Where were you when Dreamworks became the GOAT© animation studio?
Not under Comcast it won't be.

Leave Pixarkino to me.

Making sequel to finding nemo is weird choice, considering how much time passed and that all those who have seen the first movie is now grown ups who unlikely would watch it.

Don't worry, Disney will make this review disappear or be drowned out in due time.

Am I the only one who thought Dory was the single most annoying thing about Finding Nemo?

Are reviews starting to appear on RT yet?
If not... that's not a good sign. Inside Out's circlejerk started on RT about 2 weeks before its release.


Save us, Brad-sama

Toy Story 3 and MU were tailor made for those who watched the first ones as kids and now are going to college, this one will most likely go for a similar nostalgic angle

No, but she's voice by trendy lesbian Ellen, I mean DEGENERES.

Im sure Disney execs will get that tomato-meter back up to above 90%

>used to work at an oil change place
>tv in the waiting room played finding nemo constantly

Just like they did with Cars 2 huh

Finding nemo was funny because of the sharks, dentist, crabs, seagulls an the fish in the tank. Not dory

yes, exactly.

B-but muh memes! Muh Ellen!!
She was supposed to be the chosen one!!


Cars 2 was better than the first in every way.

really makes you think huh

I know, I actually watched it at the theater

but the shillometer is rotten

I'm with you

>Sup Forums is about to be wrong, again

But Up sucked ass. Like the first 3 minutes was great but anything else? Complete shit.

>that excerpt

thanks for the pic. I now need to update my disney paid off critic list

Has Sup Forums EVER been right? Exceptions on obvious shit like Ghostbusters and F4ntastic

nice meme

is this the face of a nu-male?

Everybody agreed that Warcraft would be a major hit despite biased criticism against video game films

Thats a weird pull quote. I wonder who could be behind this.

Nah, it's the face of a man forced to give a Pixar film a good review because his wife's son liked it.

>why we make sequels in the first place


um no it won't flop, everyone grown with the finding nemo guarantee watching this, it's a classic. Why suddenly so many anti Disney/marvel here on Sup Forums? trying so hard to be a Sup Forumseddti?

>daily reminder Cars 2 had 4 positive and 1 negative to start off before the flood of negative reviews came in

>implying critics care about rehashes if Pixar is the one doing it

Let's not forget Toy Story 3 has a 99% on RT.

the Sup Forumseditors are the ones unironically talking about marvel and Disney movies you fucking faggot. you have to go back

Disneybot, pls tend to your spellcheck functions.

Agree with this. The story was shit. Utterly forgettable.And I don't think an obvious trick of pointing out 'old people die is sad' is clever either. It's emo writing 101

Idk. Why are you shilling so hard for Disney/Marvel? They line your pockets?

Thank you for your contribution. 15 cents has been deposited into your MickeyBucks(TM) account.

>Hollywood Reporter
>same people to publish 'Anonymous Oscar Ballot' series
>same people who have shed light on voters lack of knowledge or general apathy towards animation
>same people who have minimized the legitimacy of the 'Best Animated Feature Award'
>unafraid to tell truth about Pixar film despite coming backlash

Is there are more based publication?

The first three minutes weren't even that good; just a hamfisted emotional sucker punch.

>ham-fisted emotional sucker punch

So no different from the majority of Pixar's recent batch of Oscar-baiting films?

>tfw no MickeyBucks account

no not at all, all the hater happened after bvs flop. So must be something happened here.

i'm sure they're from Sup Forums they have the same thread but they talk here on Sup Forums

>Changing the setting from Australia to California
What were they thinking?

I'm sure the 5 star hotel and the free iPad didn't hurt, either.
Thanks Disney

Does she and other people mispronounce her last name on purpose so it sounds like "the generous"?

I would love to see what happens behind the scenes, and how critics are treated by Disney when they have to review a pre screening.

>The scene where Dory swims through the LA river and gets pricked with a dirty syringe

a little dark for a kids movie, don't you guys think?

What are you on about? Toy story 3 was excellent. The only weak installmentr was 2, and that was at least an 80 in my book.

That's what they get for pushing their gay agenda.

>LA River

would be a legitimately interesting and new setting and a good contrast to the first, even for one sequence. of course Disney won't do it because it's not streamlined and polished enough

Remember when all these shills were saying Inside Out was Pixars best film ever?


But everyone else thought she was quirky. The problem here is that nobody realized that quirky side characters only work with a buffer.

Without that buffer you realize how bland that character is, more so if you make her the main character.

This film is complete garbage. I legitimately do not know how someone over the age of 10 likes it. And I like most Pixar movies.

Toy story 3 was nostalgia pandering and "muh deep epic emotional death scenes"

It was forgettable as hell. But does Bruce or the other sharks come back?


Toy Story 2 was about an immortal character dealing with his own form of mortality and at the end of it he accepted his fate and learned that it doesn't matter how things end as long as you make the most of life while you can.

Toy Story 3 had to regress Woody's character to being a selfish idiot obsessed with Andy wanting to play with him forever just so they could tell a basic as fuck story and sell more toys and merchandise.

nah it was perfect conclusion of the trilogy, until Disney wants to milk it more



Andy went from being a normal kid who would eventually outgrow his toys to being some sort of autistic planning on taking his wooden cowboy doll to college with him.

>only the main toys from Toy Story 2 return + those stupid fucking "the claw" things he's held onto for some reason

Toy Story 3 relates to the kids who watched the toy story the first time, how you need to let go your beautiful childhood memories as a past and grow up.

Toy Story 2 ended things perfectly.

Anyone who saw Toy Story 3 and overlooked what a shameless cash grab it was to legitimately think it was going to remain a trilogy is a fucking retard.

Which is what Toy Story 2 already did.

The movies were about the toys not about Andy.

Who is this Sup Forums person?

>tfw you share a board with people like this

I think he hangs out that piece of shit hacker who calls himself Sup Forums.

Brad is our only hope.

Monsters Inc was that old and the was a Toy Story 2 as well.

Those are not comparable.

So what's the general consensus on this board's favorite Pixar movie? I know most are kind of shit, but I always was partial to Ratatouille

>Andy went from an assumption he'd grow up to actually being portrayed as growing up.
Wow, that sounds awful.

Finding Nemo is 13 years old


>chiseled jawline
>nu male

quit trying to throw your memes everywhere

My favorite is The Incredibles by far.

Pixar is dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy.

it begins...

When did Pixar start losing its magic, anyway? I get the feeling it was around the time Lasseter began to focus more on Disney's in-house animation department.


I think its cause you got older.

Leave 3D animated kino to me

Incredibles for me too. It's like a capes movie done right. The setting, visuals, dialogue, voice acting and story was top notch. Favourite thing about it was it had that kind of 50-60s retro art deco theme, which was cool.

Obviously not enough lesbians and trannies and muslims. Up the quotas!

So much cynicism in this thread. Maybe it's a good movie, guys.

Wow, everything Disney buys turns to shit eventually. RIP Marvel and Star Wars.

>claiming kids movies are dead
sure thing OP, go back to studio ghibli then.

I doubt everyone will flock out to see it. Toy Story 3 and Monsters University weren't just well timed to make nostalgia dollars, their themes of leaving your childhood behind, and dealing with entering university reflected what most kids who saw the originals in cinemas were going through at that point in their lives.

But what's the hook here to bring people who loved the original back and make it relevant to them? I loved Finding Nemo as a kid, but what about Dory's story will be relevant to the people my age who saw the original in cinemas? Because from the trailers I don't see it.

Up was fucking trash aside from the first 5 minutes.

>tfw Disney is about to ruin a near perfect trilogy with Toy Story 4 next year.

>mommy i just done a meme

>implying it's not going to be a 399% RT quadralogy

>implying it won't be 398% when based Armond shows up

Ratatouille is my favourite too. It feels the least formulaic of Pixar's movies.

Also, nice quints.

>the man who made Tomorrowland

this is the best you can come up with?


Fuck you, it was great ;_;

Disney is back on top as the animated king!

Finding Nemo was shit and is so overrated, I was 10 or 11 when it came out and thought it was shit even then.

This will not flop, normies have been looking forward to this for years. But if it does, I will rejoice.


Everyone says the married life sequence is the saddest, but this scene just tears my heart in half.