How is he going to fuck these things up?
How is he going to fuck these things up?
Other urls found in this thread:
He'll make a third movie for each
Implying he wont fuck things up at the first movie.
"Jordan, they're waiting for you in the test chamber!"
the joke
your head
>We wrote these characters but when we went to cast it, one of the things I had felt, having been to the Emmys a couple times — you look around that room and you see the whitest fucking room in the history of time. Its just unbelievably white. And I just thought, we’re casting this show and we have an opportunity to do anything we want, why not cast the show with actors of color? Like not for sure, and if we can’t find the actors who are great, we shouldn’t, but why don’t we make that effort because it wasn’t written that way and isnt that the cooler version of doing this as opposed to saying ‘this is an urban show’. It fucking kills me when they call something ‘an urban movie’ like its a separate thing, like ‘its that thing over there.’
>So we started casting the show and we have some wonderful actors and I direct the pilot and its just not very good. its sort of this thing that was just sorta obligation-based. I felt especially guilty based on the fact that we ended up casting the show as we did because it could then be used, even if its never said, as an excuse for the networks to say ‘see, look what happens when you cast a show with people of color, it fails miserably.’
JJ Abrams on why he chose Idris Elba to play Gordon Freeman
I can understand a half life movie but literally what would portal be about other than glados
you think JJ advances the plot of films?
It will just be the game you can't play dumbed-down down and over faster
>jj looks like gordon freeman
>he casts himself as the lead
Isn't he Jewish?
Blatant propaganda shit is my bet.
They design the combine to look like nazis
Screencap this
Why is every person in TFA ugly?
Gordon Freeman, is that you?
Already done...
they'll be pretty good.
Half life and portal were never that good to begin with
Im so sick of this revolting kyke
With his jew penis-nose.
No god please not make him stay from these at least please please please fuck I hate so much everything he does is mediocre and yet everyone loves him please god don't
hating abrams is a top tier meme like hating Bay
His movies are stable flicks. He'll do fine.
that's Dan Trachtenberg
because they're not white
All is forgiven if and only if Christopher Walken play G-man.
God Mode: Rick Moranis play as Dr. Isaac Kleiner
Pic related will be next
b-but J.J. san...
Wouldn't be surprised tbqh famoloid
Gordon will be black.
Shell will be the ''true'' hero somehow, arguably the person who resolve everything.
Lense flares.
Only when JJ is working on something else like Star Wars. All the Clovers are from JJ masterplan.
Those games have fun gameplay, but not so good story. It doesn't matter who'll make them.
By making brand name movies and putting slight ripped off designs of aliens at the end of movies he produces because he's too lazy to direct.
How many times do you reply to your own post?
>ywn see her with 4 boobs
Why live
Go back to Sup Forums
>They manage to get Rick out of retirement
I would watch this movie twice at the theater.
No seriously this.
Gordon will be black.
Chell and alix will me a thousand time more relevant.
and there will be loads of lense flares.
fuck off
2 or 3 times, to lure them in
Black useless Gordon.
MC is Alix and Chell.
Lense Flares.
Hardcover Henry filming
You mean this because of God Particle? Or this just something else? I need source!
There is no way he can't fuck it up.
Or any other director for that matter.
Because there is no story.
These are videogames.
About a fat guy in a bunker with a daughter complex.
Black Gordon.
Plot focus on alix and chell.
lense flares.
To be fair it is organic.
You try flying while yo ass is being roasted but fucking rebel peasants.
Still a better movie than anything this year.
i don't even like jj but how is he supposed to fuck up vidyashit that only has gameplay going for them? just because a story seems complex to Sup Forumseddit doesn't make it complex.
inb4 some Sup Forumsedditor explains how deep and clever the story of those meme games are
dumb Sup Forumsedditors
shut up with your crossposting
you're more and more cancer every day, cant even separate your videogame reaction images for Sup Forums instead of posting Sup Forums related ones here
dumb newfaggots
That's my name!
You should try a choose your own ending novel.
You mean the Resistance...
you couldn't be more wrong top kek
keep your dumb until opinion to yourself
explain to me how the stories of those games are in any way good, outside of vidyashit and the Sup Forumseddit echo chamber?
No more fuck than any other video game franchise.
If only Portal & Half Life were popular on China...
Have you play any games other than Galaga and Pac Man?
No, that's my name. Get your own.
Fuck you
Fuck you
yes I have, and vidya stories still suck and are mostly schlock compared to books or movies.
but please, explain to me how Half Life and Portal have great stories (outside of vidyashit)
fucking final fantasy 7 had better story than valve games and it was still a "game tier" story
whats his catchphrase?
pls no
kill yourself my man
He literally just needs to play Ironman but without talking
It fascinates me how people override all logic and lack of superstition to respond to this post
Love you mum
Freeman is 25 years old.
Jr is 50 years old.
>Love you mum
Love underdog stories
Any news about the God Particle movie?