Why the hate?
Why the hate?
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I liked Watchmen and 300. I don't need Aruthrian kinomemes layered into my capeshit, at least not until he's learned to make the surface-story not shit.
He's a good director when properly applied. He is currently not being properly applied.
People hate what they don't understand.
Whahedhehe is doindointhere?
People hate what they don't want.
>I like him when he does a frame-by-frame recreation of the comic books he's adapting to the big screen
BvS and Man of Steel are actually the stories of his life. Much like Superman, he popped out of nowhere and people began to love him (300). However, the public was made to turn on him (Critics = Lex, Batman = audience). However, the world will soon discover that directors like him are necessary to stop Abominations (Ghostbusters, which feminist critics (again, Lex) provided the environment for it to be made).
Idk what WW represents.
He looks exactly how you'd suspect he would after seeing his films.
Source material is always better then the director's fan fiction.
Wonder Woman is Hollywood (actors, producers, etc.) that support his vision.
I love how the Snyder Defense Force likes to pretend is some alpha chad with jealous haters but he's really just a shifty spergy manlet that makes garbage movies
While most people bitch about how Watchmen wasn't loyal enough to the story I think he did a lot of pretty solid choices in what to keep, what to compress, and what to throw out. The movie was shallower than the graphic novel because it ultimately had to be due to time and budgetary constraints.
>he popped out of nowhere and people began to love him (300)
I, too, love revisionist history to fit a narrative.
Loved every one of his kino that ive seen apart from 300.
I don't like zach snyder but man of steel was 10/10.
Probably the top 10 of all superhero movies.
More than any MCU director can say.
I'm right there with you.
>le contrarian faise
Because people despise a man that shows passion, integrity, and love for his work.
God, he can barely form a sentence.
300 is shit faggot.
He cant even pick a cast.
Worst assholes ive ever seen together.....
Frankenstein shit all of them
"Is it really surprising that the most powerful man in the world should be a figure of controversy?"
I was about to say the same.
hi5 user
>I went, really? And I said, well, what about [‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’]? In ‘Star Wars’ they destroy five planets with billions of people on them. That’s gotta be one of the highest death toll movies in history, the new ‘Star Wars’ movie, if you just do the math.
How can you be this dense and miss the point this much, only to make a movie where Batman's entire motivation is about the death and destruction caused by Superman?
Hipster, please.
>Babbys first philosopher
>The bible
>King Arthur
>Implying you've even read any of these
Awful bait