ITT; Make this movie worse than it alread is.
HARD MODE: No old movie references.
ITT; Make this movie worse than it alread is.
HARD MODE: No old movie references.
>Movie ends
>"In Loving Memory of Harold Ramis"
I can imagine the rage in the theaters
I can't wait to finally see this. The original was such trash so I'm glad they got someone who can finally get this story right.
>a segment where the black chick and McCarthy need to switch tampons to confuse the ghost and black puts it in the wrong hole
Replace Hemsworth with Chris Evans the ginger top gear one, not the based one
love triangle sub-plot
Read OPs post, he said no old movie references.
that's only if you want to play hard mode, redditor
They're fighting a caricature of Donald Trump to rid America from the ghost of patriarchy and fat shaming
>movie is about how women are better than men at everything but were just oppressed for thousands of years
expand the team to include three trannies and a furfag
5ยข has been deposited into your Sony debit card
>they destroy a barrier in the ghost world to let the mexican ghosts in illegally
>get this story right.
The director is Paul Feig so don't expect something more than a wacky parody of the original.
> Complain about men the entire time and subtly brag about how women are better
> Ape the iconic imagery and dialogue from the original film while all the new stuff is inferior
> Take itself seriously
fart jokes
The fifth Ghostbuster is Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. He is revealed in the penultimate scene and saves the day.
contract the team to exclude one trannie and an ape
No user he asked you to make it worse.
>need to switch tampons to confuse the ghost
>No ghost is illegal
They actually use their ghostbuster abilities to fuck over people trying to get rid of the annoying ghost smearing shit around their apartment because "the ghost has a right to be here, check your living privilage"
>Make the villan a fucking white male. >End the movie with the ghostbusters kidnapping Thor and chopping off his dick.
>Amy schumer
They're already doing that. Second trailer has a "mass hysteria" line
That would be amazing though
Make it that SEAL who became a tranny and then it works
There are no female ghosts
Every ghost is evil
>Lena Dunham
3 Hour runtime with an ending that guarantees a sequel, like LOTR.
>Movie begins with flashback to the childhood of Kristen Wig's character
>Narration saying something like "I was only 10 years-old when I first saw a ghost"
>Sees scary-ass ghost in her house
>It vanishes
>Parents both murdered
>Turns out the final boss of the movie is the same ghost that killed her parents
Either that or some dumb prophecy shit.
ayy lmao
Honestly, I was just trying to bait out of boredom. It was a pretty lame attempt.
His father raped her, she became quirky to blend better in school
Ding ding ding
>Melissa McCarthy trying to seduce Chris Hemsworth
Aw wait no, I've got it:
>Kristen Wig was abused by her father growing up
>Grows to resent all men
>Final ghost boss-fight is her father
>Overcomes her fears and through girl power, defeats him
and I didn't think it could get any worse
>Hold up hold up, you're probably wondering how I got here. That man wearing the janitor uniform, standing with the lesbians and Harambe? That's me. But I wasn't always a privilagebuster. Let's start from the beginning...
>Beyonce - Run The World (Girls) plays at 300% volume deafening the audience
I got you senpai
>Hillary Clinton makes a cameo and helps the ghost busters
>James Rolf gets cucked by Lesie Jones who is reveled to be a tranny
You know the movie WILL definitely be dedicated to him, right? It's pretty much a given. Like they have to do it.
Oh wow
>Hillary Clinton makes a cameo and helps the ghost busters
she saves the day with her superdelegates
Please kill yourself
There will be a 'no heteros' clause added to the No Singles Policy at your local Kinoplex.
wew lad
Bazinga cameo?
Reminder that queef joke is confirmed
Nah, James Rolfe cameos as a misogynist who gets beaten up by Patton Oswalt, Dane Cook, and Josh Gad.
>[the ghostbusters are walking through a spooky mansion, they are startled by a police officer who has his gun drawn]
>black ghostbuster: stop don't shoot!
>police officer: PUT YOUR WEAPON DOWN YOU N-
>black ghostbuster: they be stuck to our backs you dumbass
>nice ghostbuster: hey just calm down ok
>[seeing the white lady, the cop holsters his pistol, shot of black ghostbuster looking disgruntled]
>lesbian ghostbuster: out of our way bucko we've got a job to do
>police officer: woah woah woah hold on ladies, this is a restricted area
>fat ghostbuster: we know, we're going in
>police officer: b-but we have top men arriving soon
>[ghost appears round a corner and laughs]
>[policeman screams girlishly and faints]
>lesbian ghostbuster: never send a man to do woman's job [licks ghost-gun]
>the ghostbusters triumphantly walk past the unconscious cop as the 2009 era dubstep remake of the classic ghostbusters theme plays, black ghostbuster steps on the cop's hand causing him to whimper
>Donald Trump teams up with the logotype ghost
>Black chick's son is later shot by police holding ice tea
i hope your mom goes first
Fuck off user
Change the sound mix so the crazy black woman, who already screams every line, is five times louder than the rest of the movie.
Hillary Clinton Cameo
>heyyy how are my girls doing?
careful not to cross over the so-bad-its-good line
After being saved by the power of four women, Hemsworth becomes trans and devotes himself to fighting for gender equality and becomes the newest Ghostbuster.
Next sequel, Ghostbusters 4 1/2
Chris Hemsworth is a villain
Chris Hemsworth makes the only funny jokes but the film doesn't want us to like them because they're "sexist" or "misogynist"
>in the end, they announce a sequel
Can't take that chance desu
Retcon and edit girlbuster cameos into the original; Hayden Christensen in ep 6 style.
>End credit scene hinting at the new Ghostbusters Cinematic Universe (First two films will not be included)
Directed by Tommy Wiseau
wait that would make it better
>End of the movie
>Ghostbusters have saved the day
>Little boy walks up to them
>"When I grow up, I want to be just like you"
>"Aw that's cute. What's your name?"
>"Peter. Peter Venkman"
Haha epic xD
Have my upboat good sir!
The city mayor looks like Hillary Clinton and makes some "i'm with you / girl power" reference; then they bust a hair ghost that looks like Trumps hair
Ghost acceptance.
I would watch the shit out of that
Don't worry mommy, I'll give this man his (you).
lol the best part is it would make zero sense.
This is 99% guaranteed to happen already.
30 minute sex scene between the gorilla and hemsworth
Take the Seth Rogan route to writing comedy: Cram as many present day pop culture references in as possible. Mention Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, apps, and maybe even sing a song that was popular when you started filming. Maybe do a full on dance routine that doesn't fit in with the tone of the rest of the movie. The sky's the limit.
Slimer is wacky talking sidekick ala Scooby Doo.
Another character at the end (who previously doubted them) says "You know what, I was wrong. I finally accept you as Ghostbusters".
There's a throw away gag where the lady ghostbusters run into a team of even more janky ghostbusters who are played by Wil Wheaton, Felicia Day, and Chris Hardwick. Nothing of substance happens. They merely acknowledge each other and carry on their way.
Guys, this whole female ghostbuster thing really makes me want to be gay. Like... I don't understand what the problem is. What does it matter who is sucking your dick? and a hole is a hole, right?
Why put up with these fucking idiots any longer? Babies? Who the fuck wants children?
I want to spend my life with a harem of sweet 10/10 traps and say fuck off to the entire female gender.
The modern day woman is a fucking complete piece of shit.
t. /r9k/
immunity cat lol
>"Ghostbusters 2016 is a great movie. FACT"
>"People liked it. FACT"
>"All six of them. FACT"
fucking every time gdi
Fuck you
After the credits they play a teaser for female ghostbusters 2, coming 2017.
Replace Chris Hemsworth with Amy Schumer.
The two average looking women are also fat
TV series sequel with McCarthy and the Gorilla
Andy Dick plays a prominent role.
It gets positive reviews and is loved by general audiences
>I want to be Petra but the government won't let me yet!
>Everyone looks at the camera and pulls an AreYouKiddingMe.jpeg
>Slimer is the same disgusting ghost
>SlimHer is a super competent woman who ignores Slimer's lust and saves the day
With a Slimer and SlimHer romance subplot.