If Batman attacked the tubes in Bane's mask that fed him the pain suppressing chemicals, would he have won?

If Batman attacked the tubes in Bane's mask that fed him the pain suppressing chemicals, would he have won?
I think yes, because Bane was reduced to a tormented, crying mess when he was cut off during their second fight.

It's stupid that Batman could've prevented the neutron bomb in Gotham and all of those deaths, just by doing a little research on Bane.

You seem to think that Nolan's Batman is remotely intelligent

1% chance

It's almost like we're not meant to like how obsessive and deranged Bruce gets in BvS

Batman would have won that fight if he had brought a fucking gun.
>"Let's not stand on ceremony here, Mr. Wayne"
Bane is out of the game.

Was this Bane better?

In the sewer fight scene Batman actually hits Banes mask and he backs away.

What the fuck is that? Mold?

If he'd beaten Bane all his men would've machine gunned Batman

Makeup covering hardy's tattoos

But they used CGI for that

Scars. Same cause as his mask

Looks like steroids. Sorry bro but big boy bane aint natty.

I liked TDKR but it was pretty jarring how Batman appeared so reckless and had a lack of planning. I generally prefer Lucius handling a lot of his gear designs and stuff, but the detective stuff was missing. At least it was somewhat there in Begins and TDK.

He pretty much got beat by Bane at ever turn. The only way he won was when Catwoman shot him.

I have friends that use steroids, and they don't have some weird growths on their skin.

you don't have any friends

Here's your (you).

pick one, pleb

If CIA attacked the tubes in Bane's mask that fed him the pain suppressing chemicals, would he have won?
I think yes, because Bane was reduced to a tormented, crying mess when he was cut off during their second fight.

It's stupid that CIA could've prevented the neutron bomb in Gotham and all of those deaths, just by doing a little research on Bane.

This is why i cant watch capeshit.
Just use a Gun you tards

Batman doesn't use guns you fucking retards. The whole point of batman is that he's fighting the evil and criminality that killed his parents, guess what killed his parent, a criminal with a fucking gun

Which makes every villain or enemy of any kind he ever fights look grossly incompetent. Something simple police could handle .

It's like captain American and his shield, you never think "wow this character is really skilled" you think "wow his enemies suck nigger dick".

>being able to fight Batman

>not horribly corrupt, under staffed and over worked


But he didn't know why Bane wore the mask, the man he charged to find out die before learning why

That's a grenade launcher he made for firing kryptonite gas grenades.

>the first thing CIA does when meeting bane is ask if his mask would kill him if it was removed, immediately identifying his weakness
>Batman takes the entirety of the movie and a decrepit old man in the prison pit to inform him that bane's mask is his weakness
CIA is LITERALLY smarter than Batman

He died while doing this research though.
He was a good guy.

>Being able to fight an unarmed man

>second thing he said to Bane is "you are a big guy."

Literally CIA was the real hero in the movie.

Sup Forums has always known this

You're not a terribly bright man-child, are you?


Nothing like stronk woman plot armor to save the day, amirite?

For you

He no longer feared death, even embraced its coming. That's why he made no concentrated effort to avoid it and charged thoughtlessly at Bane.

>You fight like a younger man, with nothing held back.

Then he rises from the pit, realizing he still fears death and wants to live. In the second fight, he is still less strong and agile as Bane, but he looks genuinely for a way to defeat him. He thus locates then targets his weak spot.

>not getting a nolan movie


That's the mold from all the darkness

Okay, serious question here

In the Dark Knight when Joker tells the location of the bombs, Batman says he's going after Rachael. But it turns out he finds Dent. Is this intentional? Did he have a change of heart?

Or did the Joker lie, knowing which one he'd choose thus ensuring Dents transformation into a criminal?

Can't tell if ironic or babby's first analysis.

He was tearing up because of Talia you fucking cuck.

need an answer here

I always thought that the joker just wanted to make sure that Batman just didn't get what he wanted

>"never start with the head the victim get all fuzzy"

Movie is too deep for you, holy shit.

makeup covering tattoos peeling off/ getting wet

>too deep
>literally explain it as it was supposed to be understood, just wanting to discuss it
>Sup Forums literally can't discuss movies without resorting to memeing TOO DEEP (for you)

I think(?) bane states early on in the that it would be extremely painful for anyone to remove his mask.
it's pretty unambiguous anyway

Bruce decided on the way over that Harvey was more important and that Rachel lived long enough to see herself become too ugly.