Everyone has american accents

>everyone has american accents
>humans literally use guns and muskets
>muh quips in a "high fantasy" movie
>95% of the movie was made on a macbook

How did we go from LOTR to this shit? Goddamn I feel bad for millennials.

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Aragorn had an american accent. Checkmate.

>everyone has american accents
I never understood the "its fantasy so everyone must be british" shit. Its not UK, you know that right?
>humans literally use guns and muskets
Just like the games
>muh quips in a "high fantasy" movie
Just like the games
>95% of the movie was made on a macbook
Just like the games, probably

It's not written by some britbong autist in the 20th century that's why.

Agreed. I don't know why they had to make everybody on game of thrones a Britbong. The books were written by an American and don't take place in England.

>already surpassed force awakens in box office
disney kiddies in damage control lmao


>Goddamn I feel bad for millennials.
Why do so many people think Millennial just means people younger than them? LOTR came about at the perfect time for Millennials

Only in China

>Just like the games, probably
>implying anyone who makes games would use a fucking mac