Biggest military in the world

>Biggest military in the world
>Spend millions on i
>Tons of military outposts around the globe
>Bunch of special ops all over the world ready to deploy at any time(supposedly)
>Still managed to get an ambassador killed
Bravo murica, the worst is, is not the first time you had a similar situation.

Did you even watch the movie? It was explained why shit happened.

yes, shillary happened

Israel runs america you dumb fuck yuro

t. country that would die if someone sneezed at it

they were private contractors in charge of security for a secret CIA outpost

Like the ambassador lol

amerifats are incompetent fucks, is it know.

Not even

They lost 2 civilians and 2 fighters and killed over 100 attackers.

>get triggered as fuck by the us military
>spend your free time watching movies and crying about the us military on Sup Forums

uhhhhhhh ok, its your time to waste

>foreign fucking shits still obsess about America
lovin' every laff

why didn't the mudslimes attack them with mortars first and then send in the foot soldiers?

They're inbred.

>so scared of our military power you have to shitpost about movies on Sup Forums
wew, fag

internet ist kaputt! es hat begonnen!

They're pretty garbo when it comes to stand up fights. Just look at the battle of fallujah or any time they tried to hold ground.

B-but the german finance minister told me at a press conference the other day that europeans will become inbred if they don't let in tens of millions of illegal middle eastern criminals

>roving bands of armed lunatics supported by the populace
>America covertly tries to gather intelligence to stop major attacks
>idiot leftist strolls in there to "make peace lol"
>his compound gets attacked
>which by the way you need to have a WALLed compound to be even remotely safe in this shithole
>contractors want to help
>are delayed further by bullshit
>ends up getting the guy killed
>more delays and incompetency gets some contractors killed
>after all that they still successfully defended their compound
>one of the cunts who got people killed got a medal
>other cunt who got people killed is currently the Democratic frontrunner

Because they're stupid fucking Muslims who can't do anything but skirmish tactics? They probably thought they had a very limited amount of time before missiles started falling on them and that beginning with a mortar attack would ruin the element of surprise.

they were expendable

>Thanks Obama!

Yeah, but the CIA people and the diplomat were not, genius

> killed over 100 attackers.
>our HEROEZ killed 100000000 brown terurist b4 dying for FREEDUM!!!11

are seppos the most easily brainwashed faggots in history?

Everyone is expendable except your Jewish overlords

My dick is expandable.


>eurocucks getting triggered that americans are killing muzzies

pathetic 2bh

Well to be fair, most Europeans probably have a brother/cousin who have died waging jihad against the us military.

The military wasn't even there, that's the controversy.

It's was all CIA, ambassador staff, and security contractors. Washington refused to send military support.

Did you even watch the movie?

That's the point. Nice to see those millions saving ambassador lifes oh wait.

>Democrat female fucks up and gets people fucking killed
>Can't state this event though it's the truth, because it's politically incorrect
>Instead just blame "Americans", or better yet, imply it's the fault of Repubblicans

Status fucking quo for Leftists, both in and outside the United States. Spinning a narrative so it's someone else's fault and then playing the race/sex/whatever card when challenged on it.

Kind of like how the Katrina situation was blamed on Bush, when in reality it was a massive fuck up by niggers and their nigger Democrat mayor.

>inbred goatfuckers

The only reason they achieve anything is that they have figured out how to hide among civilians and basically use them as human-shields.

That is disconcerting.

Sup Forums go home

and yet america can't finish them lol


forever and always until everyone dies

The U.S. military is now 100% welfare in uniform, and lead by incompetent leftists that have enough "fuck you" money to not worry about what happens when you destroy a military...

Did you ignore the "human shields" part? America could have easily turned the entire region into a sheet of radioactive glass back on September 12th, 2001. But we didn't.

Not sure why people dis the military so much. I got to spend 18 months shooting at brown people, then when my enlistment was done they paid me to get a degree. It's pretty great actually.

Huh? It was Hillary, no question.

>Not sure why people dis the military so much.

It's a board full of NEET welfare queens that can't tie their own shoes, much less learn to shoot a gun.

It's no mystery why they shittalk the military so much.

You got it right.

>Not sure why people dis the military so much.

Because some of us actually served...

No, no. It happened because "muh video"
At least I'm sure that's what means to imply.

>are seppos the most easily brainwashed faggots in history?
These electronics store owners and cab drivers do not know how to fight. They're given a weapon and told to zerg rush the American position.
It's like the battle of Guadalcanal, or the Eastern Front in WWII. Zerg tactics get lots of people killed.

>Not sure why people dis the military so much.

Because it's 2016.

Men who voluntarily jump into the shit and carry a wounded Iraqi 12-year-old to safety on their back before they get shredded by ISIS crossfire are no longer considered "heroes".

Instead our "heroes" are people like Bruce Jenner and illegal immigrants that reveal their "undocumented" status at graduation speeches.

no user. you are a race traitor.

>Spend millions on i
What did he mean by this?