If Superman grew his hair out, could it be used to make extremely durable bulletproof vests?
Just weave the hair into a vest, and deflect any and all projectiles.
If Superman grew his hair out, could it be used to make extremely durable bulletproof vests?
just throw teh whole fishing line in?
In Action Comics 687, Lex Luthor does in fact shave Superman to make a glove out of his hair and pubes
The more you know
How would you cut it?
Has he ever had a haircut? I doubt steel scissors could cut his hair.
In the Superman cartoon he used his heat vision and a mirror to shave his face
>posts Henry Cavilk
Soupman hasnt got that particular power.
I want bitter virgins to leave.
dont call capeshit fans that
delete your Sup Forums account
what about his pubic hair?
>has no comeback
>uses a strawman arguement
>sore loser
>newfag detected
why is he so perfect brahs
Kryptonite Klippers™
Bit too late for that, he's balding
>greentexts when he shouldn't
>insecurity level over 9000
$0.01 has been deposited to your DC merchandise account
>greentexts when he shouldn't
It's yellow for me
>butthurt stalker detected
inb4 sore loser posts 4pleb search results to show I'm mad
>still mad
Is there a point when its too much? Henry Cavill is such a great guy, great actor and a caring husband.
Is there a point when the masses just start hating?
you got nothing from MCUnts
Go be irrelevant and hated by everyone somewhere else, Snyder.