Will this be hailed as a classic in a few decades? I've never heard a bad opinion on it

Will this be hailed as a classic in a few decades? I've never heard a bad opinion on it.

Surprise me Sup Forums. Find a flaw.

First few seasons are good

Think it started going to shit after the first movie though

Its already a classic, it was the most popular children's cartoon of its time, it helped bring Nickelodeon to prominence. Adults enjoyed watching it too. Many consider it to be groundbreaking in some respects.

Off the top of my head the only Nickelodeon cartoon that I can think of as being better is Hey Arnold

The movie was pretty good though, right?

my parents really disliked that show and for a time wouldn't let me and my sibling watch it. They thought it was inappropriate for kids. I forget why exactly, I think they disapproved of the language they use or the way the kids were not respectful to adults.

Its kinda hard to find a flaw with it on the basis it was a children's cartoon, which don't really have high standards to begin with.

I'm sure there are some from an animation standpoint, and there were quite a few episodes which Sup Forums people would criticize it for even though they were great episodes and considered ground-breaking.

Your parents are fruitloops or Brethren.

Which is it?

Came here to say exactly this.

Before they started introducing new characters like the little brother the show was a masterpiece.

Fuck, I'm in my 30's and still will occasionally put on early episodes when I'm going to sleep.

It had good reviews and good audience reception. They started putting new episodes out after the movie. When the movie came out I outgrew the show. The new episodes weren't as good as the one before the movie, and I found Dill annoying.

Dill was a natural consequence of the show running past its prime.

They ran out of things to write about. Dill was the solution because after he came into the picture, they suddenly had a whole other realm of writing to go with.

Yea, the quality had a noticeable decline similar to the early decline of The Simpsons, but luckily they stopped making the show before the drop in quality tarnished it's legacy

>occasionally put on early episodes when I'm going to sleep.

Thought I was the only one who did this.

It's like my rainymood or something. A comfy way to click off, curl up into a ball and pretend I'm back in the womb.

>they stopped making the show before the drop in quality tarnished it's legacy
then they had this

What the fuck were they thinking?

Did the original writers come up with the idea, or the suits at Nickelodeon?

Kimmy wasn't bad, but they fucked up Sussie's character with the new episodes. She used to be a top-tier guest character before the movies then became a regular, and was annoying at worst and boring at best.

Now I feel even worse for the millennials.

You're probably a millennial m8.

Or are you over 35?

Already it is praised by manchildren nostalgia babies

I thought the TV movie was good and some of the episodes of the first season were ok. The novelty of the Rugrats being older wore off and the writing was shitty. I liked older Dill though

Fuck off with your bullshit internet definition of "millennial".

It refers to people whose childhood began around the millennium, and who were the first generation to grow up without being able to function without a cell phone and to have the internet be a given, and ubiquitous.

People in their 30's aren't millennials.

So SpongeBob?

You sound exactly like those teens who call themselves '90s kids' despite being born in 97 or 98.

Sorry to say, you are a millenial. If you are 35, that means you were born in 1981.

That means your memorable years of youth started in 1991 (10 years old), and then your teens in about 1996 (15 years old).

This means you were most certainly around the demographic of internet and cell phones. You can argue that they weren't popular at this time, so let's climb a few years. 18 years old, 1999. Internet age is in full swing by this point and anyone who cares about being contacted now has a Nokia.

Case closed.

>internet definition
Dumb nigger

The word millennial was been around since the 80s, anyone born from 1980 to 2000 is one. Your definition is the stupid Internet definition

>18 years old, 1999. Internet age is in full swing

So basically when you're an adult the internet becomes a thing, which was entirely the point. The first smart phones wouldn't even come out for a few more years, whereas millennials grew up with them being normal.

Is this really what you think the definition of 'millennial' is? Someone who has access to internet and mobile phones in their youth?

You get stupider with each post.

Anyone else who always thought Tommy's diapers looked comfy as fuck?

Yep, whenever he sat down somewhere his diaper would act like a cushion and deflate.

Yes. That's the generational gap, along with 9/11.

If you actually think teenagers and 30 year old's are in the same generation you're retarded.

>If you actually think teenagers and 30 year old's are in the same generation you're retarded.

So an 11 year gap is too large to be considered a single generation?


If you ever make it to college you should consider taking intro logic...

ren and stimpy while john K still worked there was superior. but early rugrats were pretty good. especially some of the tommy only stories that didn't rely on the same formula so much.

No matter what you say, you'll be a millennial.

How does that make you feel?

Just like spongebob, yes.

Check this out buddy, no matter how far you move those goal posts back, no matter how much you deflect, or how many circles you run in, you'll still be a millennial. No matter what. If you were born from the early 80s, up to 2000, you are a fucking millennial.

I get the praised the earlier Ren & Stimpy got but it was never my cup of tea. It was really an adult/stoner teen cartoon, I was a little kid when it first aired and I never really enjoyed it at that age. I tried rewatching some of it when I got older but I still didn't really enjoy what little I watched. The old episodes were hard to find and I believe what was out there was edited/censored


What term should I use instead for the asshats born during and after the late 90's, seeing as how "millennial" is apparently meaningless? Because that's who everyone refers to when they use the term "millennial". "Meme kids"? "iphone-aholics"? "Stupid children"?

You certainly don't act like a 30 year old.

How's mums basement going?

Who fucking cares faggot? Why don't you be a big boy about it and stop worrying about how you should label people. Call them millennials for fuck sake, but don't forget that you're part of that group, elitist douchebag.

definitely understand that. i might even cal RaS fairly niche humor, but man, was I in that niche. the animation was so different from anything else i'd ever seen. and the big, serious orchestral music that made everything so dramatic and hilarious.

"space madness" and "marooned" are probably still in my top 10 greatest things seen on tv

same word for the undesirables of every generation

loud house has already surprassed it and """""""""""""""""classic""""""""""""" spongeshit

>setting arbitrary dates instead of cultural changes to determine a cultural generation.


Its definitely an important show to cartoon history and paved the way for more absurb/adult humor in cartoons. Many take it for granted now but they type of stuff they did on Ren & Stimpy was unheard of back then, and there was a lot of stuff that wouldn't be considered appropriate for kids.The network execs weren't really paying attention at first to its content

What's the term for the generation after millennials?

I think I found one.

>That means your memorable years of youth started in 1991 (10 years old)
>10 years old
What? not him/her but I was born in '90 and remember things from when I was 2 or something, who's memory of childhood only goes back to 10?

You probably have glimpses to that part of your life, but it's not solid memory like you would with every tragic or promotional memory you may have accumulated from the start of puberty.

>someone who has access to internet and mobile phones in their youth

That completely misses the point. It's not about "having access". It's about those things not existing at all. Kids who grew up with smart phones being the norm learned to interact with the world in a completely different way from people born just a decade earlier. It's one of the most significant cultural gaps between generations probably ever.

>It's one of the most significant cultural gaps between generations probably ever.

I bet every generation before us said this, don't you think how the passing time goes and we all act the same no matter what happens around us?

Adapt or die.

Damn is that real??

>it's another "i'm not a millenial", "yes you are" episode
Why do you fags care so much, are you that insecure with yourself?

I don't know why it even started in this thread.

Do people project this much?

>every generation before us said this

There's definitely some truth to that, but it's also undeniable that the rapid rise and ubiquity of computer technology in the late 90's and early aughts, on a global scale, has no precedent in all of history.

I really just want to know why people use it as a pejorative to refer to a demographic that is pretty much agreed upon, and then turn around and say it's a meaningless blanket term that just covers a random grouping of people all born during the same two decades.

Why do people use the term at all, and what do they mean by it?

But it does. It's simply a change in writing.

Go back 400 years and you won't understand the literature at all.

>400 years ago language somehow went through a rapid change over the course of a decade such that parents had to relearn how to read in order to understand what their children were writing in grade school

No, that's not how language works.

>when someone born in 1990+ pulls the age card on you

What's really weird is they can accept a 20 year range for boomers but suddenly they're too special to fall in the same range.

>op starts a thread about the gold standard 90's kid cartoon
>people who weren't even alive when the cartoon came out jump in and pretend they're part of the same generation

I mean just admit you're retarded and kill yourself already. There's a huge fucking difference in those 11 years you mentioned culturally.

Boomers make sense because it's bookended by major cultural shifts, and isn't just an arbitrary 20 year period.

This every single time. I fucking hate the youth. They're so fucking shitty and awful now, and I'm saying this not even being 30 yet. I'm 26. People are by and large such shit now.

So a kid who was 9 when the vietnam war ended had the same cultural influence as the guys who were drafted in it?


They experienced it differently, sure, but they still experienced it, and their childhood was shaped by all the same changes that took place in the 60's, which is all a product of the boomer generation.

I was born in 1988, grew up watching all the great 90s cartoon show, and I'm a millennial.

According to wikipedia, which isn't a scholarly source but still better than the people itt
>There are no precise dates for when the generation starts and ends; most researchers and commentators use birth years ranging from the early 1980s to around 2000.


I think the point was more that nobody actually uses the term that way. It's almost exclusively used as a derogatory term for the kids who can't live without their smart phones, and as a way to distinguish between "90's kids" and the generation that came after.

I hear it use derogatorily in the work force and its applied to anyone younger than a Generation X person. There is clearly a difference between kids born in the mid-late 90s and those born closer to the mid-late 90s but in the grand scheme of things they are considered the same generation and are categorized as having the same personality/work traits

*born mid-late 80s and those closer to mid-late 90s