Would Sup Forums get punished ?
Would Sup Forums get punished ?
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Is being a virgin a crime?
No, I haven't killed anyone in years.
no ?
>"Stop right there, user, you're in violation of the Anti Virgin Act of 2016!"
>"Stop running, you're only making it worse for yourself!"
Only if you sneak into a cinema with a no virgin policy.
considering frank's reaction to pawn shop guy
and the cunnyposting tumor beneath Sup Forums's sweltering surface
i vote yes
I would pay 5k to watch him brutally murder the cunnyposters.
to be fair, I make that in about a week, but w/e
Sup Forums is already punished by being Sup Forums.
Please cite a single thing he did wrong
I'm waiting
He didnt kill Matt
Killed a bunch of people without proof of wrongdoing or a fair trial.
Didn't gun down the fucking ninjas.
Frank did his homework.
Those guys were disgusting pedos or killers
He literally killed a guy just for saying he had kiddie porn. Did he actually see any of those tapes before he punished the guy? He could have just been joking as a means of getting him to spend more money.
He didn't just say he had kiddie porn, he was trying to solicit it to Frank. Frank just thought he was a petty criminal, thats why he didn't kill him at first until he mentioned the video
I dindu nuffin so "No"
>when will Frank apprehend literally perfect poster
Don't be a fucking retard. You don't mention it if you don't have it.
>McMichael claimed this post was a joke
If it was a joke then why didn't he just say so before Frank bashed him in. Instead he said something like "C'mon man, I'm just trying to make a living"
What do you do for a living user
>You're going to love this Snyder-kino bro, guaranteed 12% or lower on rotten tomatos.
Did he kill him though ? It looked like he just beat him senseless.
Shot up a hospital
>Shot up
>Shooting at one guy
>Shooting up a building
He's a big guy
Be Frank
daredevil is a good show if you skip season 1
He didn't kill karen for robbery and breaking and entering.
>tfw gaining wizard powers from being a virgin
Now I can simply use magic to stream movies into my mind. I've finally defeated your no singles policy.
Could Nolanverse Bane beat the Punisher?
Punisher in the nolanverse would probably join the league of shadows, they both kill criminal scum with no moral qualms unlike Batman.