What happens in this scene? It's between rape and water boarding, and the final shot of the drain seems to imply rape, but it seems slightly out of Alejandro's character to rape some ugly cartel leader.
What happens in this scene? It's between rape and water boarding, and the final shot of the drain seems to imply rape...
>it seems slightly out of Alejandro's character to rape some ugly cartel leader
Lol no, did you even watch the movie?
He was a killing machine driven by revenge. He's the kind of guy that has done the most horrific things you could ever imagine.
I think all you really need to know if that they did something awful to the guy. Obviously it's a bit more powerful BECAUSE they left the specifics up to your imagination, which is why I've seen like 20 different threads discussing this scene
He was pissing all over him.
Why do you think he brought all that water, and the final shot being piss going down the drain?
>piss going down the drain?
There was nothing going down the drain retard, rewatch tho scene
This is what happened.
This. He tortured him. That's all we need to know.
Whether he raped him or peed on him or water-boarded him or stuck his arm down his throat and tickled his insides or showed him pictures of his waifu acting slutty isn't really important, you can fill that blank in yourself.
Nice illustration m8
benis in angus
>the final shot of the drain seems to imply rape
All it implies is that the room is designed for torture by water.
Obviously he water boarded him.
All the people claiming he raped him are projecting their personal fetish.
Is that Hitler? Legit kek, thank you user.
If I remember correctly, nothing is going down the drain, the water jug is next to the drain(suggesting he's not being water boarded) and there's grunting in the background.
Was is really ambiguous that he shoved the bottle up the guys ass?
what's so bad about waterboarding btw? I can't imagine it being that bad.
What movie is this?
IKR, wouldn't actual drowning be worse?
Fill a bath and stick your head under the water for 3 minutes. No cheating and pulling out early!
Post back and tell us how it went.
Protip: it's shit
>stick your head under the water for 3 minutes. No cheating and pulling out early
Thanks a lot, I'm dead now asshole!
WOOOOWWWW, I fuckin died. Thanks, reported!
That's not how waterboarding works
babby tier lungs
>its a shitty movie with 1 gimmicky torture/gore scene that samefag pleb keeps reposting over and over because he jerks off to it
I know but suggested that because I doubt the reddit rejects on here have a buddy that will be able to show them what real "simulated drowning" is. Good spot though Autismo.
Satan says he's coming for your sister, LOL bye fggt. See you in Hell.
Freediver here. Was something supposed to happen?
You were supposed to check em
there was no actual sex implied in this scene. it was just a dominance pose proceeded by waterboarding.
this is also supported by the fact that male on male rape is actually an ineffective form of interrogation (at least through the anal orifice) because 78% of males actually enjoy anal stimulation which would ultimately result in it not actually being rape
it's pretty bad