Don't think I've ever seen such a huge divide between critics and audiences.
Other urls found in this thread:
But you have
You spammed this for the last pleb movie you liked the critics didn't like
>less than 1 point
now what percentage of those people have actually seen the movie
Because people who play video games are inherently plebs/autists/faggots.
>we made it for the fans
Im a huge wow fan and i thought it was bad as a movie.
Anytime durotan and guldan were on screen the movie was amazing to me. Every second of orc was straight up fun to watch.
Then we get all the alliance human bullshit, holy shit did they drag the movie down and i mean down.
Seriously. If for some strange reason we only got to see humans for maybe 49 minutes of the film, it wouldhave been a great 8/10 in my book.
Its sad but il give it a 6/10 and thats because im being generous.
Why are females under 18 so patrician
>4702 ratings
Kek. You might want to recheck that now that it has 40k ratings instead of 4k. Sure you have your typical 10s and 1s from fanatics, but most normal votes are actually still 8s.
>, but most normal votes are actually still 8s.
Shill, please.
Baby men love it!
Show me another blockbuster with this big a divide.
a Warcraft where the humans aren't just as over the top as the orcs just doesn't work
When people say "The fans will like it!" the. i see the things has like 20% in rotten to atoes it just makes me think the fans have shit taste
Same with Ratchet and Clank
you can tell by how they defend this movie on here too
I don't think I've seen a fanbase artificially boost scores so much.
They're trying to appeal to normalfags
>Stating facts about the ratings is shill
Warcraft is probably the definition of a "fuck you i liked it" movie.
Like I understand why its bad but fuck me I enjoyed the shit out of it.
More Durotan would have been great. Dad orc was best orc.
I honestly was suprised by the cgi. It looked great most of the time. Also, those actors are just god awful, it felt like they didnt care about anything, the death scene with loather was soo fucking stupid. I have to say the mpvoe had me like pic related everytime a human was on screen, fuccccck at least they proved they could do the orcs correctly
It's pretty common with movies made from things like video games and young adult novels.
People that like those sorts of franchises usually don't have very good taste. Then again they're usually children, so it's no big issue.
Critics probably, you know went to go see a movie and rated it as such.
Fans went to go drool over the backstory of the extras helmet and get a boner when the orcs fight and rated it as such.
Some people see a turd and some people see an exquisitely shaped sausage sculpture made out of natural renewable materials.
Stop. I've only a few honest disagreements with the film. It's quite obviously capeshit fans that are mad that Warcraft has taken the limelight from them and will continue to do so with a sequel. Only autists love LMAO superhero movies. Vidyakino here to stay.
You have to be over 18 be post
>fans of a shit game enjoy a shit movie
This is because Blizzardfags are literally the most delusional group of people on Earth, they will stand in line to eat whatever Blizzard shits out
Yeah the acting choices killed it for me. The CGI looked a lot better than in the trailer. However it did not really save it from just the terrible actors. The orcs really did look well done when they were the only ones on the screen. Also I hated the guy who voiced Gul'Dan. But I don't think anyone outside of people who have played warcraft would really have an idea of what the fuck is going on. The movie was all over the place.
>Your rating
Preach it buttfrustrated WoW dropout
See heres one of them now
>"I have a concern here," continued Blow. "My concern is that games designers of today lack discernment when we think about whether games are good or bad. If players play it and report they’re having fun, we say, 'hey that’s a good game.' If not, we say, 'they don’t understand it.'"
>Concluded Blow, "We don’t look at why they want to play. We have tools to keep players playing our game, but most fall into one category – scheduled rewards."
>Some examples of these "scheduled rewards" are collectibles, unlockables, achievements or advancing the story -- the player wants to beat the boss monster so they can see what happens to Joe when he walks through the next door.
>"Sometimes we take this really far," Blow noted. "MMOs are notorious for having relatively empty gameplay, but keeping players hooked with constant fake rewards – this creates 'the treadmill.' Rewards are a way of lying to the player so they feel good and continue to play the game." He noted some extreme examples of this, such as reported incidents of Chinese or Korean MMO players dying at the computer.
>He continued, "As long as players are hooked, it doesn’t matter how good the core gameplay is. As long as they want to get the nicer sword, they’ll still play the game, and as long as they play it’s all the same to us as designers – I’m sure at this point, people think I’m needlessly babbling on about this point. But I want to put forth this question – would they still play a game if it took out all the scheduled rewards?"
>"I’m not saying that that wouldn’t damage a game," added Blow. "It would damage almost any game. But if you strip it and just have the gameplay, does it fall below a certain threshold, is it still something people would want to play? We need to build that kind of discernment about the quality of play."
This keeps getting better.
Ratchet & Clank got a 6.1 on IMDb, a 60 on Metacritic and 51% on RT from audiences with less votes than Warcraft. So nope.
>He clarified, "I’m not saying [rewards are] bad, I’m saying you can divide them into two categories – some are like foods that are naturally beneficial and can increase your life, but some are like drugs."
>Continued Blow, "As game designers, we don’t know how to make food, so we resort to drugs all the time. It shows in the discontent at the state of games – Radosh wanted food, but Halo 3 was just giving him cheap drugs."
>"The game industry is chasing bigger player base, and we’re exploiting them in an unethical way," Blow asserted. "We don’t see it as unethical because we refuse to stop and think about the magnitude of what we are doing. You can smoke, have fast food, and play World of Warcraft sometimes – when you talk about these things at a societal level, it becomes a societal problem."
>"The thing I want to get at is – I’m not trying to blame players here – what I am saying is, if you’re the CEO of McDonald's, you should not feel good about your job, you should feel ashamed. We don’t have that in the games business -- we don’t have that sense, because we feel like they’re 'just entertainment.' We don’t feel like we can do things we can be ashamed of yet," he added.
>Blow believes that according to WoW, the game's rules are its meaning of life. "The meaning of life in WoW is you’re some schmo that doesn’t have anything better to do than sit around pressing a button and killing imaginary monsters," he explained. "It doesn’t matter if you’re smart or how adept you are, it’s just how much time you sink in. You don’t need to do anything exceptional, you just need to run the treadmill like everyone else."
When will these low IQs leave our art board?
In case you're not trolling:
All of those numbers are user ratings/ratings by the general public.
For actual critic numbers, see
>26% (Avarage 4/10(, 20% for Top Critics (avarage 3.6/10) vs. 82% User rating (4.2/5 = 8.4/10)
>32 critic score vs. 8.2 user score.
its seen every time there's a marketing budget, as people are paid to pump every score they can.
>"You don’t come away from WoW with that in your head, but that comes through subtly and subconsciously," Blow added. "It’s like advertising and brand identity. People identify with their activities – same thing with games, people are products of their origins and their environments. We’re giving them these environments and helping to determine what they’re going to be."
>"I say this kind of thing, and everybody’s like, 'whatever dude – you’re smoking something,'" said Blow. "I want to frame this; it’s a matter of scale. What I see as a primary challenge for mankind in this century is to understand and deal with the fact that despite these good enterprises -- human rights, safety, leisure time -- we do these at such a scale that we cannot help but have them affect the world, as with global warming, ozone holes, pollutants – we haven’t dealt with it yet."
>Carrying over the analogy, Blow said, "We don’t intend to harm players but we might be harming them. When tens of millions of people buy our game, we are pumping a mental substance into the mental environment – it’s a public mental health issue – it’s kind of scary, but it’s kind of cool because we have the power to shape humanity."
>He continued, "What I see right now is that we’re cultivating this style of gamer that just says 'I want more of that because it tastes delicious, and that’s all I know.'"
The point of that image is it was from before the movie had premiered... ANYWHERE
Why does Sup Forums get so fucking assblasted when a movie they predict to be good turns out to be garbage?
Warcraft was garbage, get over it.
If you haven't seen the movie I don't think you should speak. Your hate is bordering on delusion at this point.
it was only ever shills saying the movie would be good.
there's also more than one person on Sup Forums
>but its prefectly okay for people to post postitively if they're being paid to do so, though
The movie basically requires you to have played the games to know what the fuck is happening.
They never explain Medivhs backstory about being corrupted from birth by Sargeras so one moment hes a good guy then the next hes a demon. The movie is definitely more enjoyable if you've played the warcraft games and already know the story.
No, it wasn't. Newfag babby leave.
you need to use more maymays if you want to fit in.
>Garrona killing Llane was a conscious choice they both made to help her gain Gul'dans trust instead of her being mindraped by Gul'dan into doing it
But it really isn't though. Source: Check all of those other titles and their ratings. You're being a little biased here user.
I've never seen anybody saying it would be good here, let alone the majority you think exist.
My sister knew nothing bout Warcraft and really liked it
"We" don't
its outsiders
>he thinks the ironic shitposting was legit shilling
When I saw they were making a warcraft movie i laughed
When I saw the trailer I laughed again
When I see warcraft fans getting boners over colorful cartoons I laughed again
When someone references some retarded sounding lore I laugh
It's comedic gold
That's because you little kids with your autistic superhero movies won't fuck off. You've destroyed multiple boards within the last few years. Keep collecting those toy figurines, losers.
>there's totally no shiposting on teh 4chins guise :-)
>corporations are sooooooooo behind the times they don't even know what internet is lol!
Sup Forums hated this ever since people started making threads about warcraft and everyone thought it would flop/suck
Literally go take your Adderall and go back to Sup Forums
what are you even talking about.
its so strange how ever since someone made the mistake of calling a clearly autistic person, autistic, every autistic person spams that word like it means anything to anyone else.
But I guess that's the autism. Can't comprehend minds other than their own.
>Im a huge wow fan and i thought it was bad as a movie.
You wanna know how i know you're full of shit?
everyone i know that has played warcraft fucking loved it
This is proof right here that capecucks are underage retards. They can't into ironic shitposting.
How long since you quit WoW, bitter ex-addict?
Because critics are pretentious fucks who pull out their little monocle, pout their lips condescendingly and go "Video games are not considered an art form. Psha."
>i'm not stupid, I'm just pretending!
... stupid is, stupid does, etc.
rotten tomatoes is broken, however Sup Forums has found a guide to sieve through their verdicts
>100% - Everybody thought it was good, came out at right time but years later appears average
>70-99% - Very pleb friendly flick with the odd patrician speaking up stating its the same old shit they've seen before
>40-69% - Genuine mixed opinions. Either a Marmite film or just a pleb friendly flick with too many gimmicks
>20%-39% - Niche Masterpiece hated by the plebs because of low intellect. Years later becomes recognised for its accolades
>0-19% - dogshit
Roots was a pretty big audience vs critics gap. 100% Critics, 57% audience.
I don't know a single person that obsesses over superhero movies like you all do and collects figurines that isn't on the spectrum. Grow up.
why are you reposting your own crap as if someone else wrote it?
You know what would have been fun as fuck?
>Opening Scene
>Silhouette of a man, hearing the voice of Sargeras telling him to invite the horde through the dark portal
>Audience is led to believe Khadgar is the one who invited them in, having Lothar and everyone distrust him
>Twist: it was actually Medivh though
Now you have something casual audiences can get invested into and make the khadgar / medivh plotline actually interesting
No one who's excited for warcraft even knows there were other games.
to annoy you. Im pleased its working.
It's blizzdrone/mmo-champion damage control shills that literally do it for free.
>diehard fans who feel like they have to like the movie just because
surely that's an accurate audience score no bias at all
Stop pretending anyone cares about your bullet points
Because fans are whiney fucks who pull out their little costume, pout their lips condescendingly and go "you have to read the lore" when someone doesn't like their personal wank fantasy.
It's a WoW movie, it's not a WC1 movie.
Warcraft makes $124 million in China the first 3 days, meaning that it's already at ~$230 million right now
uh oh
the movie is becoming sorta popular now
better hate it like the rest of you
Adorable, pleb
Stay in your game of thrones threads or go back to Sup Forums
Wrong. There were several pre-screenings and it premiered in other countries on May 25th.
You're either new to IMDb or ignorant. They only allow ratings on either the international premiere date or a few days prior. There are always scores before premieres for most movies, and it's usually from pre-screenings or events.
Back to Kotaku with you.
I really don't understand the hate for this film.
No, it wasn't perfect, but it sure as shit wasn't nearly as bad as what the critics made it out to be.
It's a great summer blockbuster movie. I don't even play the game and thought it was tons of fun.
Some of the actors were cringeworthy, and the garona/lothar love story was stupid as fuck. But overall I was entertained. 6.5/10
>three times the people who saw it in pre-screenings thought it was 10/10
... yea okay
You first, child of video games.
i'm being sincere
this is Sup Forums's modus operandi, no?
sequel was pretty much confirmed when they ended the movie with thrall tho
>Pretending everyone who disagrees with you about a movie you haven't even seen must be paid to do so.
Your hate has not passed into delusion.
lol Who the fuck speaks like this here. Confirmed neckbeard loser looking to "belong".
>lost the argument? put words in their mouth!
that didn't confirm the sequel. That set up the sequel.
Did the movie make money? That will confirm the sequel.