Has a stupider group of people ever been assembled...

Has a stupider group of people ever been assembled? I literally cannot comprehend the sheer stupidity of every single person involved in the study this movie is based on.
I get it, the guards were given some power, but for fucks sake it's like everybody forgot it wasn't real almost immediately.
The prisoners were especially stupid. Trying to "unite" against the guards and be difficult, actively resisting literally everything the guards did, it was just shockingly ridiculous how stupid they were.
Every single scene in the entire movie involving the prisoners could have easily avoided all conflict if the prisoners just didn't act like pricks every chance they got.
The worst thing about this though is that the film tries to paint the guards as the bad guys, when the only reason they acted the way they did was because the prisoners were aggressively obstructive all the fucking time. I was fucking furious when they seriously expected me to feel bad for the prisoners being forcefully restrained after they attempted to escape AND attack a guard "for revolution". YOU FUCKING SIGNED UP FOR THIS YOU DUMBFUCK

That's why people tend to enjoy movies like this: they make you feel so much more superior than the characters being portrayed.

Its a bunch of faggy college kids right?

one of the people involved in this experiment came out and said he didnt agree with the finding of the study because he said the guy in charge was clearly biased and would try to incite conflict at all the time when there wasnt any.

Holy shit autism-kun. Calm down.

Yeah I have a feeling this experiment has been exaggerated and mythologized a bit, over the years. I think the guy running the experiment kind of had his conclusion in mind before they even started, and he deliberately guided things to amp up the conflict. The subjects were play-acting, moreso than actually "believing" their roles

well there's a documentary and film recording of the experiment if you want to study it, and a book published, and even further studies and ted talks the guy running has done, kinda proving why humans are evil

but besides that, yeah, just bullshit pathophysiology.

when will people learn that real knowledge comes from real studies, of people that underwent psyche evaluations first.

oh they did?

>I get it
No. You really don't.

Explain then m8.
Explain how I'm supposed to be surprised and shocked that prison guards attempted to control prisoners who were absurdly and unrealistically resistant to even the slightest display of authority by the literal authority figures.
Explain how the prisoners didn't bring every single thing that happened on themselves, and explain how the people who quit or were removed early weren't selfish and melodramatic about their roles in a fake prison

Watch the superior German version:

Das Experiment

This desu senpai. The more I've looked into the study, the less empirical the data seems.

Because "authority" was pretty much assigned arbitrarily. Lots of people have pride and self-worth, and it's not exactly easy to just submit and lick boots for whatever asshole says he's "in charge."

From there on, it's just human nature taking course. The prisoners can't accept the disrespect of having to follow orders and directives from the guards, and the guards can't accept the disrespect of having their directives ignored or challenged.

I'm not quite clear on what you're saying. Are you trying to be sarcastic here?

Are there shower scenes?

ITT: people who don't know what Abu Ghraib is

Abu Ghraib was real, this was not.
Abu Ghraib was soldiers are terror suspects, this was melodramatic college kids.

So yeah the prisoners bring it on themselves.
Authority isn't arbitrary in a prison setting though. The guards don't have authority because they were chosen, they are supposed to act as though the authority exists because they did something that puts them under this authority.
It is absolutely not the guards fault that the prisoners were retards and all this experiment proved was that Zimbardo had a shitty screening process.

This is how Normies experience life.

That... is the point?
You say that the situation portrayed is unrealistic, but as you said it happened in a REAL scenario

My point being that rather than events unfolding naturally they were egged on by a borderline incompetent Dr Zimbardo and resisted far more than anyone could have predicted against even the most benign behavior of the guards.
The fact that these people are college kids and acted this way is not a result of human nature taking over but rather a flawed attempt by Zimbardo and the prisoners to be as dramatic as possible

Whereas in Abu Ghraib the guards were the instigators and the prisoners resistance was a response to that rather than the cause

>Neither Ezra Miller or Tye Sheridan get violently attacked and gang raped in graphic detail

Nothing but missed opportunities. What a shit flick.