Love and Monsters 10 years later edition
What does /who/ think about one of the worst stories of Nuwho and how has it changed over 10 years
Love and Monsters 10 years later edition
What does /who/ think about one of the worst stories of Nuwho and how has it changed over 10 years
It's overblown, it's just a slice of life episode with a really goofy portrayal of a creepy monster idea, in other words an average Rusty episode.
>one of the worst stories
speak for yourself pleb
I honestly enjoy it until takes a sudden head first leap into the toilet at the point of the abzorbaloff reveal. The final coda is nice though.
What the fuck were they thinking? Even the kid who designed the monster hated it.
There's something about that ending that really really really pisses me off, it's been 10 years so I can't remember that reason. Maybe other people felt that way as well and that's why it's one of the worst episodes. What is it?
It doesn't work for me, because they want me to laugh at something that isn't funny at all. I don't understand how is this passing for comedy.
I mean, it's probably black comedy, but somehow it isn't funny. They made a lot of effort to have me empathize with characters and then turned them into a piece of alien ass. Does Rusty think this is a fate fitting a Doctor Who fan?
The chicks get transformed into this and the guy says "We still have a love life" wink wink