It's time for a Jaws remake with a female shark, don't you think?
Also, which movies do you want to see a remake of, Sup Forums?
It's time for a Jaws remake with a female shark, don't you think?
Reminder Jaws was a sith lord
Sounds decent since the female is larger than the male
Why can't the movie be about a great black shark?
Jaws was a female you fucking retard.
I want to see an all-female The Thing. Just imagine how batshit it would be from the word "go." Take a movie about paranoia, secrecy, and trust and replace all the dudes with chicks? Everyone's dead in twenty minutes. You could make it a short film.
Also, give me an all-female Das Boot. I just want to see what that looks like.
Back to the Future, "Marty" is a black lesbian who goes back in time to the 50s to combat prejudice
They would all burn each other after the second woman got infected, so the thing would also lose.
How about something new instead of a remake.
None. Write something new.
>remake Back to the Future
Fuck you pleb.
All-female shot for shot remake of Saving Private Ryan when?
Are they hot?
Of course they're hot.
>Female Captain Quinn gets raped by BSC before getting eaten
Bruce was the name of the mechanical shark rig in real life.
The shark for 1-4 lore reasons was a girl shark and had babies.
Give me an all-female Deliverance.
They would all claim that letting The Thing assimilate them was their idea in the first place and then act like nothing is wrong once they realized what they had done.
I thought Jaws was a male ans 2 was meant to be female but they brought the original back instead for some reason.
Dude I don't wanna see a hot chicks head get blown off while storming the shores.
I kind of want to just see a really gritty violent film that happens to have all women. Not because I'm some edgelord who gets off on that, but because I've really just never seen it before and I think it would be kind of neat as a novelty thing.
Like if someone could make a narrative that at some point involved an all female cavalry charging the ranks of some opposing female infantry and set it to a dramatic score, that'd be kind of neat to see.
It WAS a female shark, the female great whites are bigger.
Would be genuinely funny.
Lemme help you with this.
Jaws/Bruce and the Jaws IV sharks were definitely males with visible claspers on screen.
No certain answer for Jaws 2, as far as the movie goes, the shark models were males (Brucette is a retroactive fan nickname, the film crew called them Bruce Two and Harold), but it's a female shark (mate of Bruce, mother of Jaws IV) in most versions of the script and the novelization.
Jaws 3D shark was explicitly a female and a mother. No known relation to Bruce's family.
t. Jaws nerd
you 're so funny OP
A remake of Alien with a female lead, also Halloween.
you think you're funny until you hear about Ridley literally phantommenace-ing Alien to shit with Ripley's mother in the next movie
but size-wise, is there any way a male great white could get that big? Females are always bigger in sharks.
>inb4 it's a movie.
Sharkino already belongs to women.
anyone here played Jaws Unleashed?
The descent is what you're looking for
All female group of cave explorers run into subterranean humanoids
Watch the descent dude man bro
Jinx. You owe each other a friendship.
>white women who loves native colors takes on great WHITE shark
Who did that injury makeup? Did Johnny Depp throw a paintbrush at her?
As far as 1970s science data goes, 25ft was thought to be normal even for a male (although the scales on the model are off, both the head and the mouth are too large for its body).
Nowadays we know it's an unrealistic size for either gender.
This is important: Will it fuck the protagonist?
well female great white sharks are larger than males. but what we really need is a great black shark movie where the humans are the villains
Black to the future.
Give me a Puertor Rican King Kong
You're fired, user. Pack your digits and leave.
Would it be sent into a feeding frenzy by it's own menstruation?
There's no "great" black anythings.
Clearly you aren't cut out for hollywood
Those bitches would suss it out in 5mins.
>The Thing was supposed to infiltrate and mimic it's prey
>That implies a certain level of understanding in a short period of time
>Half a planet of men can live 80 years and not understand women to any decent level
>Female soldier forces smile and passively-aggressively says to disguised Xenomorph "I just love how confident you are, wearing those furs with those boots..."
>Xenomorph looks quizzically
>"I do not understand. You seem insincere..."
>All women's eyes slit as one
>10 secs later Xenomorph is running around, screaming, whilst on fire
Run time: 37mins
Plays the school prom, has her original song stolen by Elvis, who's cousin holds the phone to the stage during the performance...
A tragic waste of trips on a fucktard
What about great apes?
Dude, no...
More like the women turn on one another over th course of a few days and burn everything down.
there was never an alien among them.
>Did Johnny Depp throw a paintbrush at her?
Why is this funny?
Merely OK in my book...
All female Rocky