Is your country free, Sup Forums?





Partially free
Is that some gun ownership bullshit?

>tfw going to work in an unfree country

how the fuck are we not free?

turkey, kuwait and pakistan partially free



nope. unlike the US, not free to have guns and shoot niggers

Why has the Us not brought freedom to Mexico yet?

Looking is free, touching you have to pay

>not free
they shitpost, therefore they're at least partially free

some tests for freedom:
1. try and leave your room
2. try and leave your house
3. try and leave your city/village
4. try and leave your country
5. try and leave your country and go to the US
6. do all this without fearing for your life and/or breaking a law

If you can't do all 6 you're not free

>most green countries can't even torrent without getting slapped with DMCA bullshit

Keep your """""""freedom""""""""

that's a stupid test and i can do all that shit

>Not letting people steal
>not free

>making copies is stealing

Colombia was one of the very few countries that improved in the ranking tho'.

no you can't
otherwise you'd already be in the US :^)

i'm already moving to the US in june and i don't fucking want to, my mom is forcing me



Hahaha this. Our government do not get its hands in our internet (expect for baning CP)

you are one lucky escobar

Everyone can do this. Just get the visa.

What do if country is run by insane woman

Foreigners know nothing. FARC was not a reason to be 'unfree' for 90% of Colombians, at least in the last 15 years. Most people wasn't affected by it,

this is true, i'm pretty sure Australia must be at the top 10 even considering it's a fucking nanny state

>Thailand less free than Burma
>Russia less free than Zimbabwe
>Somalia is two countries
who the fuck made this?



Just read the part about referendums, kek
>referendum are bad and antidemocratic, goy. Stop the rule of the majority!

They're USA-tier democracy. Literally the second most democratic country in Asia after Japan.

>america free
great, now we know it's bullshit map

How is Mexico not free? What were the criteria behind this?

come on...

No, but we like to pretend we are.

what is DMCA


Our government can't even get their own digital archives organized, I'm sure they don't give a fuck about people torrenting shit

Japan eliminated the middleman by not having any niggers. Otherwise you would be free

Yes, and
>Not knowing Somaliland

we can

we only can't have gunz and say bad things about the you-know-whos

otherwise free

>South Korea

user, your map is factually wrong

Also this:

>Venezuela not free
>Venezuela = $$$OIL$$$

why isn't america sending freedom?

I can't go to the USA.

not that I would ever want to since it's a fucking shithole, they're even more intolerant towards foreigners than we are and I don't want to get shot.

but that would mean that according to your logic this map is wrong.

apparently somewhat

>Mexico not free

this map is bullshit lol.

Well I'm pretty sure everyone here can do the same things as the green countries in latam. same can be said for Mexico


Map discarded

based trannyland

my mother country is one of the most free country in the world,but here is not(from china)

What stupidity is this based off?
How can US, a country with 25% of the worlds prison population and only 5% of its population be more free than nations with little enforcement of law?

The maps are always just good goy think tank crap. You should never think much of them.

Heck no

Freedom aint free.