"Hello Warcraft, my old friend..."
"Hello Warcraft, my old friend..."
fucking empty I'm guessing lel
>can't even fill half the seats on opening day
I may have talked a lot of shit abut this movie, but I can't help but feel bad for everybody involved.
Any big names related to this shit?
And if so could this movie actually kill their careers?
>leave warcraft box office to us
Ragnar from Vikings is in it, but you can't kill that which never lived.
other than Duncan Jones no, none at all. biggest name is a cable tv actor
>handing your shekels over to the cinemajew
he's sort of bad in this. he acts like he's high on something
Fuck I still feel bad for everyone. Like reading the script and acting this shit out they still thought maybe it was good? Or possibly just a mquick meal ticket. Either way just damn.
>any big names
That's enough. WoW is probably the most known online game tbH
Watched it. Jesus what a train-wreck.
>be in the movie.
>sitting through this shit just because I'm a fat fucking loser.
>goes to the end.
>"this war is a craft my friend"
>had to get up and leave I can't even.
You can't blame the script for his acting. He was abysmal. Almost every single one of his deliveries was embarrassingly bad. I simply can't believe they used that shot with the dwarf in the beginning. That was essentially the first scene we see of him and he stands there like a complete retard, and then he even acts like one and start fidgeting with the barrel pointed at his head. Are we supposed to find the hero of the story, a great warrior, a clumsy retard? The script was bad for his part, but his acting did NOTHING to remedy it.
Would you say this is the rise of Vidya kino?
And the end to capeshit?
It wasn't bad. The thirty minute long scene of Durotan grinding out herbalism was kind of unnecessary though.
Man you people need to get a fucking grip.
This movie was fine lighten the fuck up.
Redeem it then, try to.
7/10 From me.
No fucking way! Are you meeming?
Yes he is memeing