What was his fucking problem?
What was his fucking problem?
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this movie is amazing. I don't care what Sup Forums says
he was afraid
He did nothing wrong
lurking treeniggers
I literally did not understand a single word he said in this movie because of that retarded accent so I didn't really get much of the story
this. partly because i watched it on a plane but mainly the retarded accent. he didnt do much wrong though he was just a bit of a cunt who wanted to go home.
"harumph goddamn peltz gonn git dorangtan on ya. int pelts is onna rang peltz? yo any frha rakin peltz"
Big ol meaty squirrels
Honestly let's just think about it for a moment.
>is racist in a time where the people he's racist agains't would fucking kill anyone who was white, save rare exceptions.
>Believes Glass is doomed and takes action on it because staying there would possibly kill the whole group, Glass is actually ok with it, Glass son goes apeshit and is live or die. It was wrong, but the kid didn't give him an option.
>Ran away with money, but he was forced to run and needed the money to stay alive.
Is he literally did nothing wrong the character? Point something wrong that he did.
>not watching with subtitles
smfh tbqh senpai
He killed Glass's son, how could you say he did nothing wrong.
I hope you never get pulled for Jury duty.
i thought glass couldn't hold his eyes open any longer and had no option to defend himself he was even struggling when MUH PELTS was trying to suffocate him
he also murdered an innocent boy
They snatched his motherfucking scalp.
He just hated race mixing was all
I did but the were in urdu
Glass's son went apeshit for fucks sake, what was he supossed to do?
Possible, but since Glass never touches on that subject i would say he was ready to die, i mean, suffocation isn't a cool thing kiddo, of course he's going to strugge.
he killed MUH BOY
he volunteered for the job, if he knew it was suicide he shouldn't have taken the job
>Glass is actually ok with it
Are you retarded?
>turn up the volume to hear what he's saying
>cut to Leo yelling
Every fucking time
In real life he made a pragmatic judgement call that goes against the American folk meme of making the honorable decision even if it is the stupid decision. That's enough to make him the heel of Glass' real story. In real life Glass found him and forgave him. I mean, Glass got himself mauled by a bear. Not many people survive that, and if he made it past the initial stress he still had to worry about infection. It was a pretty reasonable call.
In movies, "bad guys" usually behave in a way so that the audience knows they are bad. If their actual goals are not "bad", then they are usually rude, racist, or excessive. The fact that Glass kills him at the end of the story kind of ruins the whole narrative's theme of honor, but this is a pulp fiction version of Glass' story.
he didn't kill him he let him go down the river
Fur trapping/ pelts were a huge business.
The amount of money they lose during that injun attack in the beginning is a small fortune
>watching a tom hardy movie ona plane
Thats bad luck you know
And this is supossed to say...
Dying is painful unless you get extremely rekt, and it's your instinct to fight back, if it was a "i can't hold it anymore blink" glass would've been shocked and would react more strongly.
He needed the money and hoped that Glass would die quickly.
nah mate
he was holding his eyes open for ages, and MUH PELTS kept telling him to blink because he knew he wouldn't be able to hold it much longer
and glass did blink but it was more of a dramatic "I've lost" blink
You never should. Sup Forums generally has objectively terrible taste.
Was it rape?
I should have known.
>In the early 1820s General William Ashley, of the Missouri militia, was looking to enter state politics but needed to raise funds to do so. Having barely survived a slew of past entrepreneurial and military pursuits, Ashley was looking at an insolvent future. To counteract his previous financial failures, he looked west to the fur trade.
>Joining him as a partner was Major Andrew Henry, a long-time friend of Ashley's. Canvasing the local St. Louis area in 1822, they published an ad in the Missouri Republican (266 Chittenden).
>It targeted "One Hundred enterprising young men . . . to ascend the river Missouri to its source, there to be employed for one, two, or three years." The caliber of men sought by Ashley and Henry would serve as the prototypical "mountain man". The criteria for the position was simple enough – masculine, well-armed, and able to work (trap) for up to three years.[1]
Would you qualify ?
>Hey, i need to make a decision, do i really want to kill myself?
>Let me just blink like, in 2 seconds, like this isn't in any way a important decision to me and my son.
Fucking christ mate
And seriously? I've lost blink?
muh pelts
Who else giggled at this part?
lol you should read the real story. glass never even had a son
is left for dead after being dragged up and down bullshit
had his rifle taken.
fucking crawls and swims and evades savages for months to get his rifles back
gets rifles back
gets slaughtered by the same good guy Indians from the movie a couple months later
I don't think its a matter of being wrong because everyone in the Revenant acts within their own rationality. The natives not being portrayed as the Dances With Wolves peaceful warriors shows a struggle that's bigger than the structure of the film but still influences a lot of the plot.
Walking away from the Revenant I was underwhelmed as far as the story goes but then I figured it was just as bare bones as it can get. There wasn't any hollywood moments, it was all as grounded and slow as it would actually go down.
Nothing. "Fucking Tree-Niggers always stealing our shit".
You could say Glass really gave him a big hand
tree niggers