didn't any of the orcs get a bad vibe from gul'dan when he took his cloak off and you saw that those giant spikes are growing out of his spine like some sort of i dunno demon
none of them has the balls to say something because how strong guldan is
>that begining when he revived dead baby thrall
pure kino
orcs are dumb, they are basically niggers
i can only hope that the sequel is better. are there any movies that crashed and burned on the first and then became god tier in the sequel?
Fucking Azercucks not accepting superior Eredar domination. Gul'dan did nothing wrong.
I don't know about crashed and burned, but stuff like Hellboy 2 and Terminator 2 definitely rose above their predecessor's standard.
This, Guldan is a cuck tho, but Sargeras literally did nothing wrong and hes basically the savior of the universe after the latest retcon
I don't know why anyone would actually go and see this movie, even if they like the game. It looks terrible.
The 2010s are undoing all the good will the 2000s did with stuff like Gladiator, Lord of the Rings and Kingdom of Heaven. There hasn't been a good sword and/or sorcery epic in years. 300 is trashy but at least it's fun to watch.
I saw Ninja Turtles 2 last week. It wasn't a masterpiece but it was miles better than the first one.
>hyped to see draenei
>all we get are some weak space hussies that become light blue raisins
well it did make him act out and do things other orcs would never do and brought shame to the horde
yeah but terminator 1 was still really good!
So many things about this movie trigger me...the acting for khadgar was atrocious and sofa king meme.
and the green like when medivh fell into the mana was like something you'd see one some terrible cheap sci-fi TV show. i'm honestly wondering where the $160 million went.
gardona did a terrible job trying to portray a savage and tried to talk like she didn't know engrish
Hey fuck you, that was slipknot's best album.
Just another proof that if you want to adapt a video game, just make a goddamn TV series for fuck sake!
it was the only reason i opend the thread though
but tv series have cliffhangers n shit...that gets boring quick.
It actually looks amazing, not even shilling, I didnt like the trailers at all, but its great in the cinema
>What is TV series made by Netflix?
>tfw I enjoyed the Hobbit
i can't think of one cartoon/show/anime/series/sitcom that did not employ cliffhangers as a mean to cut to commercial/wait next week. it's just INHERENT.
>I enjoyed the Hobbit
But user, it's a good trilogy.
captain america
nice meme
and im a mad LOTR fan
literally only the first Hobbit movie is decent
The movie is actually good and the visuals are quite stellar
Get off Sup Forums for a minute, stop listening to the completely unnecessary shittalking, and go watch it
literally vidyakino
I admit I would prefer Warcraft to be a big budget TV show, just so you could properly flesh out all the storylines, but let's be real for a minute.
Game of Thrones has the whole fantasy thing LOCKED DOWN right now, and anyone who doesn't get enough from that can watch Vikings instead.
It wouldn't survive, and it makes me sad.
In a perfect world, Reddit of Thrones wouldn't exist.
>watching Durtan v Gul'dan fight scene
>realize Durotan is going to lose
>"w-well now it will make the orcs turn on him at least"
>mfw Gul'dan just drain kills 3 orcs and the rest fall into line
Shit I didn't expect that
>ywn go back to the Berenstein universe
But I need them
I need all of them
guldan was based, literally how i would imagine warlock in live action
That whole part was fucking excellent
When Gul'dan took his robes off, I was hype as fuck
Can't wait for what will happen in 2 and then inevitably 3 where shit REALLY hits the fan
>Gul'dan gets away with everything: the movie
I still have no fucking idea why they didn't just cg the humans, even if it would be more expensive you might as well go for some fucking consistency.
No they're my favourites you leave the goats alone
I'm super excited to see Arthas' storyline if it ends up being a trilogy. After seeing how well they created the universe in this movie I'm super hyped for what they could do with it.
They thought they could make the orcs convincing when standing next to humans.
If they do Arthas it will be the 4th movie with a different director.
Duncan just wants to do a trilogy following the orcs, upto the founding of Orgrimmar.
i want as much wc as possible but i'm afraid they'll have to do arthas asap because that's the best story and it sells and audiences will get bored i had a normie friend and he said he doesn't necessarily want to watch the possible sequels if they happen when my wc/wow playing friends all loved it
I went into this film with the lowest expectations possible, it wasn't a perfect film by any means, the first 25% dragged for a bit, the dialogue was very videogamey, but damn it picked up and became fucking kino by the end.
>that sargeras transformation
>khadgar actually becoming likable by the end of the film
>and neat twist on the Garona assassination with Lane
>Durotan and Guldan fight, Durotan's death was actually emotional
>the sheep scene
>the duel scene with Mork'Gar, fucking kino
I give this an 8/10, seriously surprised me with how much quality it was. I think if you haven't played the games you won't like it as much though.
They did. It looked incredible in the cinema.
considering how they treated arthas in wow, they probably have no intention to do arthas and you're just a deluded fanboy.
I hope they do well enough to get that. I also want a movie about the war of the Ancients. That would be awesome.
you obviously haven't read the books but that's ok. i know niggers hate reading.
what is gul'dans power level?
he's like the most beloved edgy villain in warcraft, he's like anakin in episode 3 who was the coolest character
>and neat twist on the Garona assassination with Lane
I dont think its a twist when you just rewrite the whole assassination to make garona a nice women. llane was a total cuck.
it sure as fuck wasnt an 8/10, id give it a 6/10 tops.
everything in the movie was just a jumbled mess of lore.
>Guldan wasnt in a coma by the end,
>cho'gall wasnt anywhere
>skipped over ner'fucking'zhul
it just isn't good when you rewrite events from lore.
like apart from the same races and MC's and locations its not warcraft.
I bet it they make a 2nd movie they'll change it so thrall jaina and arthas play some fucked cuck couple with bull thrall
That's literally what happens in Warcraft. Then he get's his shit royally fucked and everyone passes his skull around like a dirty whore.
I thought it ended rather nicely, the Garona twist was actually a bold move considering it could've been really cringey and an attempt to make it seem like she dindu nuffin. But it made sense in the context of the film, remember they had to make it with the context of the film, the lore was going to be changed from the beginning.
Like blackhand becoming a fel orc and Doomhammer not becoming chieftan with Guldan running away like a pussy. It took some bold moves with the lore but it made it it's own.
I was shitting on this film for almost 2 years, I thought it was going to be awful, and for the first 20 minutes I thought it was going to be, but after that initial hump I was really sucked in and loved the Khadgar and Medivh dynamic, and was surprised by how much I liked King Llane even though his logic with Garona gaining honor to subdue the orc and human feud was a little odd.
For the record though, majority of the war chiefs don't do shit till Warcraft 2.
Ner Zhul specially. He actually wasn't even created till WC2.
Yeah exactly, and Nerzhul was in the film, you see his skull helmet for a brief moment, was a neat little easter egg.
>I bet it they make a 2nd movie they'll change it so thrall jaina and arthas play some fucked cuck couple with bull thrall.
THat would be impossible unless they want to really piss everyone off. By the end of WC2 Thrall is about 18. In Warcraft 3 Thrall is about 22-23 Arthas 25 and Jaina 22.
This is one thing that really worries me. Warcraft is doing really well despite everything and will probably get a 2. IF that goes well I have no idea how they will handle WC3 unless they make 8 different movies.
>mfw murloc cameo
It's not as insultingly bad as I had feared. It's still not GOOD and certainly not for normalfag audiences.
It's made for people who are already fans of the game but not too much, or they'll be bothered by all the stupid changes they made to the lore.
>my face when Moroes got named
My fucking DICK
I was hoping they were going to do something interesting with the Golem but I don't know
I was also hoping for a chess set or some other little cameo in Kara
>Sargeras transformation
holy shit, fucking this, prolly my favorite moment in the mivie, i had a giant "nerd boner" when his happens
too bad that ben foster, whos otherwise a great actor, played mediv fucking terribly for the rest of the movie, prolly the weakest of all the humans in my opinion
I think my favourite background thing they did was making an exact recreation of the layout of the Goldshire Inn.
It was perfect.
>>and neat twist on the Garona assassination with Lane
That's not how you spell "bumfuck retarded"
That wasn't Ner'zhul. That was just a random orc in the trailer that people thought would be Ner'zhul. He dies literally a second after the trailer shot.
Then it shows other orcs wearing skull masks like that's a normal thing.
And there was Grom walking around in the background of several shots. Literally says nothing and does nothing except get in a pussy little fight with a random footman in the background of one of the battles.
Also, zero Kilrogg or Kargath.
Pretty sure Killrog is in the Orc in that neck snap clip.
And there is Kargath, you see him way in the back of the tent when Blackhand is being punished for retreating and in the foreground when the portal to Stormwind closes.
eh, hes relatively strong, but hes pretty much a bitch boy to Sargeras who starts to think that he can become more than that and dies like a retard, literally burried alive
Hes nit even the most powergul orc, Nerzhul and Thrall could easilly btfo him
In the movie universe so far, id say that Mediv is the most powerful character since hes literally Sargeras infused with the power of Tirisfal Gardian(big deal in warcraft basically) followed by Khadgar and just then, Guldan
Kargath was there.
Guess I missed him. Was looking.
I didnt mind the changes and im a lore nerd who hates changes and retcons ususllt.zi even loved the Queen character.I understand that the movie universe is different than the games/books lore.
But the only thinkn thst fucking annoyed me was the implication that Mediv was Garona'd dad.
Not only that he looks too young in the movie, not only that she is half draenei in the lore instead of hunan, but the fact that they were lovers in the "lore"
It was like a 4/10
The lore rape and retarded plot twist on Garona killing Llane was awful. Humans were not acted well at all. Why did Blackhand declare Mak'Gora against Lothar? Why was Lothar le witty quip man xD? There was no impact or emotion behind Durotan and Draka's death.
Best scenes were the first portal scene and the Mak'Gora between Guldan and Durotan
Kargath is on the other side of the portal after it closed down, he starts killing random people and then he appears again at the end when Lothar is walking off, he's one of the orcs Gul'dan told to kill Lothar.
I kekd in the theatre
Thrall with mangkyo sharingan
Why are people so butthurt about the lore? Did you seriously not expect changes? Look at the next wow expansion, alternate timeline. I swear apart from a couple cgi shots with clipping, all the complaints are just muh lore.
That is bullshit. i didnt see anyone naked, dancing and sucking each other off
I said the layout homie
No I expected changes, but it's hardly even the same storyline. Why do you think comic book fans generally shit on capeshit movies? You can't shit on an established universe to this extent without pissing off fans. I can forgive the pants on head retarded lore but the shitty acting, and really dumb storyline choices completely ruin the film for me
Except for believing there is no way to beat evil except by burning everything to the ground.
A few races of assholes on one planet have managed to not only beat all his schemes multiple times but have also defeated the evils hes trying to purge and have done so without burning everything to bits.
Homeboy just didnt think it through enough.
I went to this movie expecting garbage, it was actually pretty good. There were a couple cringe parts but they didn't go full blizzdrone.
When medivh was turning the pool fel, and his stupid old beta orbiter friend tried to act surprised, I cringed. That was the worst acting in the whole movie, besides garrona
>that line
Man I thought that was great. Just a biiiiiig ol unapologetic asshole
Was hoping for a hallway full of sluts.
So, was my enjoying this purely due to being piss drunk, or was it truly better than expected?
I liked it.
I thought it was actually kinda cool, I was waiting for Garona to kill Llane and then they added a twist to it. Loved it.
It's a lot better than critics would have you believe
Critics are always 100% of the time completely unfair to vidya movies
I didn't play the games very much but got to see this for free. It was a solid 6/10. Visuals were impressive, and the movie ended up pulling together fairly nicely by the end, but it was all very predictable and some of the acting was atrocious. Whoever played as Cadghar (sp), hope they got that guy on the cheap.
If I'd played the games very often I'd probably have found it to be a 7.5/8. As it stood it ended up being just okay.
I think the guy playing Khadgar got better towards the end but yeah he was pretty rough
I didn't really care for Medivh's actor either but that was probably intentional