Does it get any good? I thought season one was just edgy teenager drama and bad writing

Does it get any good? I thought season one was just edgy teenager drama and bad writing.

do kids in the UK really lose their virginity at such a young age? I lost mine when i was 19.

I remember spending a whole day watching the american version and then watching the original. It was weird that I could get hooked so fast on a show I knew was mediocre.

Watch inbetweeners instead, if youve already seen it, watch it again

It's almost like you were watching something you enjoyed instead of chewing your way through some pretentious shit to sound important on the web.

Yes people that live in the uk are basically degenerate all the children are fucking and having sex it's part of why it's such a shit place to live

I was 19 too, it's not that uncommon, but the sociable cool kids with family problems which skins focus on usually start having sex much earlier

>haha look at us the kike didn't OUR foreskin


How did you get edgy from skins s1, it's light hearted and silly comical, all that
>capturing the innocence of youth
and stuff. S2 is when it starts down that road, for the worse imo.

Season 1 and 2 are the only good ones.

Season 2 is darker, still ansty teen drama though, that's kind of the point.

i like skins, but it makes me feel bad about myself

Group one had the best story
Group 2 had the hottest girls+baseball bat murderer
Group 3 was kind of mediocre overall aside from Rich, Franky and Alo

if you didn't like season 1, you won't enjoy the rest

>mfw realizing franky was the girl from the golden compass

>only one muslim
immersion ruined.

>do kids in the UK really lose their virginity at such a young age?

>in the UK

Dude, it's not a UK thing.

Most girls around the world lose their virginity between the age 11-13. Excluding the third world actually would shift it to 10-12 even.

Boys who lose it at that age are rare though, they lose it 15-17 typically. 18+ is only for loser males.


i don't think it ever gets 'better' but it definitely gets worse. if you don't like the tony plotline in season one, you probably won't like season 2 any better. then the next cast are considerably worse (characters, cook is a great actor) and then the third are worse again

season 7 is kind of okay, but that is relative

it gets edgier as it goes on

>not liking the tony storyline
>blackmailed to have sex with his sister to save her from ODing
>literally fucking his gf infront of his best friend to torture him
>gets ruined by a car
>turns into a total beta
>literally fucks a girl who represents his inner strength and libido, cures himself of being a bitch

tony is the best, even though it was better when he was a total sociopath

I actually watched all seasons of this. Not out of like of it I just had fucking nothing to do for a month.
Overall its just kids being edgy

Tony, Chris and Jal make S1 and 2 good due to their plotlines.
3 and 4 is literally carried by Cook and Effy while everyone else is a twat
The group after that was boring as shit aside from maybe Alo Grace and Rich