What does Sup Forums think of this movie?
What does Sup Forums think of this movie?
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It's a fun little movie.
I enjoyed it.
lol I love moral oral
It's great.
extremely likeable
People'll say they thought Deadpool was funny so I'll recommend this as "another movie with a funny guy wearing a mask"
I know it'll fuck their day up because my taste in movies is superior and there's no way they'll enjoy Frank
I really liked it. Fassbender did a pretty fantastic King Crimson impression.
Cool movie, catchy music, Maggie Gyllenhaal is surprisingly hot.
Jokes on you compadre, I liked both of those movies because I can view tonally different movies through differing perspectives like a normal human.
domhnall gleeson is still a1 guys
Sup Forums the movie
Eh. Music was terrible, like the majority of music made for movies, which makes the whole thing hard to believe. I also think the main guy was too inept at making music, they played him way too broad to juxtapose the band's "genius" with his bad music
His popularity seemed to skyrocket following this film, nailing roles in two wildly popular movies recently
Normalfag dogshit.
Maggie a cute
He was in FOUR Academy Award-nominated films in 2015. I kept freaking out when I'd see him again on screen.
Secure the Galactic Perimeter was a pretty good song imo
he's been lucky right
music was pretty good in comparison, it reminded me of captain beefheart
He must have the best agent in the fucking world. The roles he gets are unbelievable.
This is my opinion
he does a good job too
it's not like he gets good roles and sucks
he takes acting p seriously
he got kinda pissed off when everyone was talking about fassbender's dick instead of his performance in some movie
he seems really chill though
Ultra pleb