Why do westerners hate globalization? It's great, it removes cultural differences between the people...

Why do westerners hate globalization? It's great, it removes cultural differences between the people, it destroys hatred and unites the humanity. All the cultures and races are transforming into one big human race and human culture. You now have opportunities to live and work pretty everywhere. You can taste any cuisine everywhere, find any entertainment anywhere. Also western culture is the basis of globalization, and we all are becoming westernized so I see nothing to complain about for them. Moreover, globalization benefits western countries mostly, their corporations and businesses are pretty much everywhere now. Google, McDonalds, British Petroleum, Volkswagen, Apple, etc etc etc. I can understand Russians or Brazilians or anyone non western worrying because globalization is destroying our cultures (in my opinion Russian culture is shit compared to western so I don't give a fuck). But it's retarded for westerners to be worried with their cultural and economical domination.


99.9% of the reason is rapefugees, a problem which is neither inextricable from globalism nor exclusive to globalism.


US and Canada are multicultural and developed

multiculturalism dont destroy the country, It's bullshit

>hating globalization
>after inventing and driving it

we don't, just that globalization is hated by the blue collar sector. globalization pretty much means we spread liberal capitalism everywhere and anywhere, so its going to spread western culture.

multiculturalism doesn't really factor in that different cultures are less capable of integrating.

ie we imported cultures which have a history of integrating themselves, while europeans import muslims who refuse to integrate and are genetically dumber than other people.

Only backward baby-boomers and NEET-losers against globalization.

You think it's good because you don't experiance it to the extent we do. If you had a bunch of muslims and somalis taking over your city you wouldn't speak so highly of it.

Certain aspects of globalism are pretty good, but the "Anyone can live anywhere" thing was a very bad idea from the start. Humanity will NEVER be able to unite as one. Earth is too big and there are too many different kinds of people.

actually,thanks to the globalization i will get a job in China.if it wasnt the Chinese close the whole country even now.

stop b8ing with this pls

what are you working on? i hope that is not factory related

>I want to live in a McDonalds culture dominated by people that all look the same,speak the same and act the same.\Take a look at walmart and McDonalds that's your future under globalism.

It's shit
It's brown
It's getting expensive
It's awful.

Because while Globalization to east means cash inflow in our economy, Globalization to west means cash outflaw and less jobs for the indigenous poor and lower middle class.

>99.9% of the reason is rapefugees
You are confusing globalization to being retarded. You could choose poor but educated Russians, Chinks and us Poos to improve their lives but you chose to take in the most violent and retarded species of humans in the world.

That's my friend is being retarded

>You could choose poor
You could also choose your own people, just like everybody else does outside of western countries.

We have 3 million khachs, it is not better than the somalis. They have russian citizenship, and act like niggers.

>destroying hatred and uniting humanity

Sounds boring and shitty desu.

a Chinese airline

Globalization would be fine if the world was equally developed. It isn't.

>If you had a bunch of muslims and somalis taking over your city you wouldn't speak so highly of it.
Again that's being retarded as You could choose poor but educated Russians, Chinks and us Poos to improve their lives but you chose to take in the most violent and retarded species of humans in the world.

I am not saying globalization is good for west, globalization is very good to east thanks to outsourcing as it helps decreasing the unemployment rates here and brings cash into our country.

I am also not disputing the fact that Globalization is like a cancer to poor and middle class people in the west as it leads to higher unemployment rates of them.

>Wanting the destruction of all the world's interesting cultures and languages

Only people happy about globalization in west are either super rich, are too retarded to ever have a real job and have loaded parents or those who haven't lost their jobs yet, that's my understanding.

Globalization can't destroy culture example China, Japan and India. Its like blaming guns for school shootings and not the retarded parents who let their kids have guns.

we've mostly stopped taking somalis. some are alright but fucktons just stay in ghettos and form gangs same with arabs/kurds.

canada has really good integration, but arabs/muslims just seem to despise western civilization for some reason.

>You are confusing globalization to being retarded
Did you even read my post? I was trying to say nicely that people are dumbasses who conflate globalization with wantonly importing third worlders en masse.

Globalization is already destroying culture.

In my hypothetical world where everywhere is equally developed, shit like outsourcing and mass migration wouldn't happen, there wouldn't be any economical reason

Globalization has been a thing since 70s, refugee problem affected only Europe and only in 2015, and overwhelmingly it's Germany problem.
These people would mix with you eventually. This is what I am talking about. People hate each other because of cultural differences. When all the humankind would be the same people would care about real issues, not the idiocy like race or ethnicity.
>Globalization to west means cash outflaw and less jobs for the indigenous poor and lower middle class
But they, on the other hand, drain all the outer world. Their corporations drain oil, sell goods and so and these money are benefiting them. In 90s here they literally robbed our country.

if anything its replacing shithole backwards cultures with modern, secular capitalism. its pretty much what communism wanted to do (modernize countries) but failed to do.

just some regions of the world will remain stone-age primitives because of their religious/cultural retardation.

Those countries are already at least partially westernized. How often do you see japanese people wear kimonos, or live in traditional homes, have traditional japanese families, etc.

not that leaf, but i don't see how cultures which are built around a completely different set of values and beliefs can integrate.

integration pretty much requires you abandon your religion/values in favor of modern secularism if its to function in canada. hence why nobody is religious here, and the least religious people integrate the best.

it explains why 3rd generation brown people don't integrate in europe but 3rd generation people integrate in US/Canada well.

>refugee problem affected only Europe and only in 2015
And the backlash against globalization has grown exponentially since. Political malcontents are hijacking anti-refugee sentiments and linking the crisis to globalization. For whatever reason, a lot of people are buying it and opposition to globalization has reached unprecedented levels.

>Implies that now the natural resources are not sold to the west and the money from the sales do not appear to West

If I wanted to learn about African culture, I would go to Africa, not fucking Paris.

Because globalization means Americanization. I want a unity of culture, not a hegemony by one. I want individualized governments and political institutions to match each society, not one that presides over everyone ineffectually.

The premise of globalization shouldn't be to eradicate all our differences, it should be to reconcile and over come them. But there's still a lot of contention in the multicultural parts of the West, so we're clearly not ready for it.

Well you buy bad apples, you get bad apples

See anons now you are confusing culture with modernization. Have Chinese stopped celebrating chinese new year or eating chinese food? Have Indians stopped celebrating diwali?
By that logic you should should still die of plague and should be burning witches at stakes.

Lolno, immigration is a big deal everywhere now. Tons of people move to Latin America and inside the Latin America, people move all over the Africa, for example South Africa has a huge problem with illegals. People from Ukraine or Kyrgyzstan move to Russia (well, not that much as it was in 00s now because we are shit country again). Many Russians move to SEA because these countries are easy to move and have good opportunities (many Russians open cafes and other shit there).

>the Latin America, people move all over the Africa

Looks like we are saying the same thing then

In a world like that growth will be very stagnant and the world would be on a decaying stage. There would be cement forests and human life would become pretty boring. Suicide rate would go up, population will in a rapid decline.

People can deal with human immigration people can't deal with mudslime and nigger immigration.

I'm not saying it would be a good world, just that globalization would work in such a system

A culture which need """protection""" to save itself is not a culture worth saving.

>just that globalization would work in such a system
Globalization won't be needed then mate. When the quality of life will be same everywhere, there will be no point in leaving your comfort zone.

Globalization works fine in the current system. Outsourcing isn't a bad thing unless you a) have a problem with your laptop and have to call tech support or b) aren't qualified for any kind of skilled labor and refuse to change that. Mass migration and globalization are not mutually inclusive. Western states got on fine with globalization for decades and did so without opening their borders or importing refugees.

>See anons now you are confusing culture with modernization.
The guy mentioned kimonos specifically. The Japanese adoption of suits and western garb isn't a process of modernization, it's apart of westernization. There's no good reason to adhere to western fashion standards.

Well, you literally have a fucking wall on a border with Central America, people move from Bolivia to Argentina etc.
Religiosity is based mostly on poor life quality. People are religious when they live in shit because religion gives them the only hope. Also low level of education doesn't allow people to understand that religion is stupid. When people live in a rich secular society with okay education, people abandon religion. For example, in France and Netherlands number of practicing Muslims is 20% of all the number of people who are of traditionally Muslim ethnicities - or 4% of overall French population. And 3rd generation is integrating pretty everywhere, those are the 2nd generation who are the most vulnerable to identity crisis and have problems.

>Why do westerners hate globalization?
I don't

>Mass migration and globalization are not mutually inclusive. Western states got on fine with globalization for decades and did so without opening their borders or importing refugees.
Basically this.

Kimono are still worn in Japan but mostly in households and in festivities.
Wearing Kimonos in business meetings won't only be weird but the foreign delegates will mostly find it as unprofessional. You would understand it if you ever had attention a high level meeting.

>Wearing Kimonos in business meetings won't only be weird
Because they have adopted a Western perspective in terms of fashion.

>but the foreign delegates will mostly find it as unprofessional
Right, which is also a Western perspective. There's nothing objectively superior/inferior about a suit to a kimono, robe, or T-shirt and jeans. It's purely Western business culture that has dictated what is acceptable or not. To participate in global trade, Japan and many other countries, have abandoned their cultural fashion in favor of ours.

Which means globalization can lead to cultural decay.

>Western states got on fine with globalization for decades and did so without opening their borders or importing refugees
Idk why do people in the West care about that THAT much. First of all, Europe had the same troubles with refugees in 90s because of Yugoslavia. Second, Europe got 1 million of refugees per 500 million population, most of whom are not the lowest classes of Syrian society (the poorest ones went to Lebanon or Turkey). Overwhelming majority of them went to Germany, not, say, Britain or Italy. Why would Americans care about it - I don't know. It was the problem of 2015 year and it happened because a very special reason - war in Syria and appearance of ISIS there, extremely violent organization people flee from.
In my opinion, all that shit is heated by medias and linked to globalization. Someone wants to handle it back.
This. Westernization is a good thing. Russian culture is all about violence, blindly serving to your leader, collectivism and no individuality, and since the fall of USSR it's about retarded religion commanding to hate gays, women to be obedient to their husbands and other medieval shit. It's also about prison, all our country is hugely influenced by our prison culture.

geez did your sister get KHAN'd or something

It's interesting that you shun collectivism and favor individuality. I'm the opposite, I think there are so many vapid and childish people around today because they only live for themselves.

Genocide is easier than assimilation and melting-pot.

>It's purely Western business culture that has dictated what is acceptable or not. To participate in global trade, Japan and many other countries, have abandoned their cultural fashion in favor of ours.
Well that's the sad thing that west only think that only their standards are right like they think that only there god is the real one and hence since most of the religions are thought as gibber jabber only Christ is supposed to be the guy that actually existed in the world.

You don't need your sister to get KHAN'd to hate them, all you need to have is a functional brain.

just like Indonesia ''''''''''cultural heritage'''''''''' right? 8^)

>Well that's the sad thing
Yes it is - it's very sad. That's my issue with globalization in the first place, it's a dominance of culture rather than a union of all of them.

> only Christ is supposed to be the guy that actually existed in the world
Well religion is slowly dying out here, so that's one less discrimination for foreigners.

>like they think that only there god is the real one and hence since most of the religions are thought as gibber jabber

nigga stop acting like not every deeply religious person thinks the same thing about their religion. except buddhism, maybe. religion keeps us apart more than anything

Suits are a lot comfier than kimono that's for sure.
Pants and jeans are lot easier to wear and better to contain the smell of piss than saroong.
A fucking t-shirt is so simple most cultures who could sew have some variety of it.
It's not all about cultural domination, but also practicality.
Western culture shaped itself to values practicality and direct application as result of industrialization. Else you will still wear big wig and frilly collar (not sure what is that called).
At this point of time, industrialism contains western culture because it starts there.
Whether it is a bad or good thing I can't say, what I know is advancement on industrial technology spur growth and make people harder to die and breed easier.
Boiled down to our most basic instinct that's a good thing.

>it removes cultural differences between the people
yeah, only shitslam and kike privileges cult remaining.

>it destroys hatred and unites the humanity
it destroys white people's will to protect themselfes and unites them under one huge cuckery banner

the thing is, there are theories and speeches that foment the conservation of local culture. one of them says that every culture has a periferical part and a core.

The culture can integrate and accept changes in a periferical level, while forcing another culture to change its core is going to create resistence.

It was a thing with native american cultures, but now it extended to the other western cultures.