So this movie needed ayy lmaos because...?
So this movie needed ayy lmaos because...?
Because it was a nice, simple fuck you to all the overused "HURR HE WAS A LYING RAPIST NOTHING IS WRONG WITH WORLD". Yes, the sick woman and viral/nuclear apocalypse could be enough, but at least somebody wasn't afraid to go with this.
This movie was borderline soft porn. Almost fapped in the theater.
>Dat Mary Elizabeth Winstead crawling through the vent scene
When Goodman shaved his beard?
Total power player.
He wasn't a rapist stop the slander
Because it somehow needed to live up to being a Cloverfield title even if that means not actual relating to the original whatsoever
They should have ended it with "come on" and not show the ayy lmaos. Would have been cheaper, and a better ending and sequel hook.
either he was telling the truth or he wasn't.
he was and it needs ayylmaos to show it, also it leads to a pretty great genre fusion
>not rapist
He was definitely a murderer
I was hoping that the lady who died was in on tricking people that it was poisonous outside, but also aliens
Come on user, the Rough Dan the Man photo was enough.
Because otherwise is not a Half-Life/Portal movie that's why.
he literally fucked his daughter to death
You are insane. His daughter Megan is the leader of the Resistance and will meet Michelle in the next Cloverfield.
So this movie needed talking because...
because no one would've saw Cellar
yeah well explain his daughter's shirt, the shirt user! It wouldn't be there if his daughter wasn't there. And don't give me that crap about him keeping it. Why would he keep it if his daughter was still alive. No he fucked fucked her and killed her and felt bad after and kept the shirt.
Don't you mean Valencia...
The Cellar was the name of the script.
Did he kill the other girl?
would have been so much better if they showed the cloverfield monster at the end
Yup. That's why Howard says to Michelle that he knows how a traitor looks like. Also that girl was the main cause of why the hatch to the air purification system was block.
Why? Is not even the same universe...
then don't put fucking cloverfield in the title
fuck that stupid 'cloververse twilight zone' bullshit
The girl he kidnapped and held in the bunker wasn't his daughter you idiot, try paying attention to the movie
I bet you don't even know why the first movie is called Cloverfield in the first place.
>barrel full of acid to melt bodies
>girls earring with blood on it
>scratched help in to a window
I'm guessing so or they would've seen her down there
It will be explain in Cloverfield 3
If memory serves me correct, its the name of the street that the bad robot offices are located in santa monica
You people would be bitching if it was left ambiguous; fuck off loser, you just like to whine.
Nobody would have seen this if it hadn't had Cloverfield in it's name.
Would you have? No. You would not have. Don't pretend like you would have.
I'm in love with MEW so I would have.
Why wouldn't you? No one expected it to be like Cloverfield at all
Well is the name for the exit that Abrams takes to his Santa Monica office but in the movie is the name of the event no the monster itself.
>So this movie needed ayy lmaos because...?
It is a movie about a false dichotomy.
You ask yourself is the world ending or is he a raping psycho...
you can't have a monster movie and not show a monster.
The problem is that this movie drags on like a rock from 30 minutes until 15 minutes till the end when you see the dude weed lmaos.
Also, nice job with the monster. Reminds me of a tremors.
>“The fun of the story for me was this wishful fulfillment of all the times you would go see a movie,” Trachtenberg said. “You get in the cars afterwards and you’re like ‘That was great, but wouldn’t it have been crazy if at the end THIS happened?’ And we finally did THAT. We finally made a movie doing that crazy thing you would have pitched in the car.”
He actually did it the absolute madman!
Super 8, CLOVERFIELD and 10 Cloverfield Lane are all connected but not in the same universe. How? Only Abrams knows but I know a video game that has the same idea in mind also a book called The Mist.
if the aliens had not noticed her and there was no shitty fight scene at the end it would have been a good ending. The murderer was legitimately sheltering them from something, he's not ALL bad
Why did the alien ship have a giant mouth?
Do you people even speak English anymore? Or is it just meme talk. Faggots everywhere I swear....
showing it in the prequel wouldn't make sense though
It needed them to be marketable. They shot and filmed the movie initially with none of that stuff at the end. Then the studio realized it could use this small budget little movie to make money off the Cloverfield name. This thing probably cost $10-15 million to make, paid zero for marketing, and had a 400% return on their investment. Without the Cloverfield name, it makes maybe $4 million at the box office (probably worse).
Literally the only reason that shit got tacked on.
Without aliens it just becomes a movie about domestic abuse