Are you for or against a Nordic Union? Why? Why not?

Are you for or against a Nordic Union? Why? Why not?

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Scandinavian*, So the Khanate wouldnt Be involved in your circlejerk

Potentially for. But a union with three monarchs couldn't work. There would have to be just one or no monarch. And while I think that will probably happen anyway, I certainly wouldn't want to ditch the knug, just for the sake of getting along with the rest of them.

Fine we don't want you either mongol

is finland nordic or not? on the korean web, finland is not the nordic but scandinavia

It's considered nordic. Scandinavian would be a stretch since we don't own more than few eckers of the tip of the mountain range.

choke on your legos cunt

Finland is indisputably Nordic. Just like Greenland. They have culture from Sweden, even if it's not the dominant culture atm. It's absolutely not Scandinavian.

Awful idea, would be a Swedish-led nightmare since they have twice the population of any other Nordick country

All the tidbits of culture are indisputably nordic. Only our charactristics and pre-historic culture differ from swedish one. And eing that we were a peasant part of the kingdom and frontierland we have emphasized the rural cultural aesthetics.

tl:dr we have less of the grandeur of swedish culture and more of the one from the common folk.

Against, other nordics cant stand us for some reason and we cant stand them either

Holy shit what a cuck.
>we iz nordick cuz red houses n shit!

Ok, a federation then, with powerful local governments?

Frederik X will be the greatest king of a unifed Scandinia.
Norway's king is already Danish, he can be a Duke in the Dukedom of Norway. Your king is French, he too can also be Duke in the Dukedom of Sweden.

That's not the point you idiot. Now you go and tell me extensively what is our common culture based on, architecturally, religiously, foodwise, life philosophywise etc. And don't say finnish since such term originated just 200 years ago.

Would be incredibly unpopular.

Our """common culture""" is based on Lutheran crap.
Lutheranism was a mistake as was Catholicism and Christianity in general.
We should have been pagans all along.

why? EU works with several monarchs, although economy-wise i don't see the point of the union since their combined economy is still small and irrelevant compared to other unions.

Trying to force Africans together has proven disastrous in the past

Oh it's Mr.Kang again, Everyone move along this nutjob provides nothing intelligable to any discussion so it's just best to not give him any yous

>what is our common culture based on
getting cucked by christianity

>EU works
t. jean-claude juncker

Eli argumentit loppu.
Perinteisellä suomensukuisten kansojen uskonnolla ei muuten ole mitään tekemistä skandinaavien kanssa.
Intialaisten ehkä osittain.

Oh look, it's kangs arch nemesis, Caj-Göran Cuckström. What a surprise.

I agree.
We should, however, abandon our membership in the EU and make a Kalmarunion on the same terms as EU, but with less bureaucracy, while maintaining a trade deal with EU countries, like Norway do.
We should also make a shared army. Literally Kalmarunion, but with the royal families staying put.
1 vote per country, which would be each country's leader and every decision would have to be unanimous

He's pretty based though

nice try EUIDF

gas yourself

That could work, assuming the difference in populations don't become even greater.

>Nuh uh we don't share anything with our surroundings i come from da special snowflake

>Ukko ("old man") was a god of the sky, weather, and the crops. He was also the most significant god in Finnish mythology and the Finnish word for thunder, "ukkonen" (little Ukko) or "ukonilma" (Ukko's weather), is derived from his name. In the Kalevala he is also called "ylijumala" (overgod, Supreme God), as he is the god of things of the sky. He makes all his appearances in myths solely by natural effects when invoked.

>Ukko's origins are probably in Baltic Perkons and the older Finnish sky god Ilmarinen. Also Thor is related to Perkons.[citation needed] While Ukko took Ilmarinen's position as the Sky God, Ilmarinen's destiny was to turn into a smith-hero, or the god of the rock. In the epic poetry of the Kalevala, Ilmarinen is credited with forging the stars on the dome of the sky and the magic mill of plenty, the Sampo.

>Ukko's weapon was a hammer, axe or sword, by which he struck lightning. While Ukko mated with his wife Akka ("old woman"), there was a thunderstorm. He created thunderstorms also by driving with his chariot in clouds. The original weapon of Ukko was probably the boat-shaped stone-axe of battle axe culture. Ukko's hammer, the Vasara (means merely "hammer"), probably meant originally the same thing as the boat-shaped stone axe. While stone tools were abandoned in the metal ages, the origins of stone-weapons became a mystery. They were believed to be weapons of Ukko, stone-heads of striking lightnings. Shamans collected and held stone-axes because they were believed to hold many powers to heal and to damage.


Volgan lähistön baltit ja iranit eivät kyllä olleet skandicuckejja nähneetkään.

because it is fucking retarded and it would fall apart in a month

I'm against this flag. Seriously, it looks awful. And other Nordic flags are aesthetic af.

>The name continues PIE *Perkwunos, cognate to *perkwus, a word for "oak", "fir" or "wooded mountain". The Proto-Baltic name *Perkūnas can be reconstructed with certainty. Slavic Perun is a related god, but not an etymologically precise match. The names Fjörgynn as a name for Odin, and Fjörgyn, mother of Thor, have been proposed as cognates. Finnish Perkele, a name of Ukko, is considered a loan from Baltic.

your mindless babbling provides nothing.

What should the capital be? I vote for Göteborg.

Already capital of Europe this year =)

Mikä vitun "mindless babbling"?
Skandicuckit eivät liity suomensukuiseen uskoon vaikka ovatkin ukrainalaisten raiskaamia.

If that means Swedish poison leaking into Finland, then against.

Don't give a fuck otherwise.

What about this?

Whats the point? You are all in the EU already (or in EEA, at least)

eu really sucks ass
fuck you

We weren't big on joining. Leaving probably wouldn't be controversial unless fucking right-populists decided to endorse it and scare the mainstream parties off.

elaborate please

but what would be the point of leaving?
Even all Scandi countries combined wouldn't be strong enough to oppose USA or China

If we look past superficial crap like red houses Finland is more similar to Japan than Sweden

We could form a Nordic Union and still be in EU though, since EU isn't a country.

sure you could
but i dont really see whats the point
after all, you are all different countries with distinct culture and languages

This, read The Finnuit by Edward Dutton

Hogwash and pseudoscience,


Can't really make up mind. Pros and cons from a finnish perspective:


>Stronger economy
>Stronger military
>More relevant on global scale
>Bigger market for finnish products
>Finland wouldn't have to buy energy from russia anymore


>All the other cunts are scandinavian and have somewhat similar language. Finnish language could be in danger.

>Who would decide where the money for infa, education etc. goes? Would Sweden, as the biggest member of the union, have more votes than other cunts?

>Could it happen that people from Finland would start moving to more central parts of the union, Stockholm for example?

Edward Dutton is right that Finns aren't European but he's fundamentally a racist and sees Uralic people as inherently inferior and weird to himself.

>Either a standard Nordic/Scandinavian language would be created, or we would just keep using the same language as we used before.

>Every country gets 1 vote.

>Yes, would that be a problem?

We were pastoral metallurgists for pretty long, something Scandicucks never knew. They just went straight from huntergathering to farming. We're nothing alike in origin and soul. The only thing that connects us is Lutheran culture, architecture, customs and religion.

No reason to be different countries, you all are sons of Odin

If you make a Nordic union, we will make a union with Poland!

>The only thing that connects us is Lutheran culture, architecture, customs and religion

As in practically everything that is relevant culturewise these days. Your pointless we wuzzing and isolationist attitude serves no-ones favourably.

>Yes, would that be a problem?
Essentially, yes. Ruralization is a problem and kills industry, services and overall economy by focusing emigration too hardly on one urbanized spot.

did you ask poland about it or its world war time again?

t. Duttonist

Everyone can see through your propaganda.
You'll only manage to turn more and more Finns against your Duttonist bullshit so please keep posting.

It will be returned to us, or suffer the consequences.,7340,L-4697871,00.html


More like self-preservationist.

No. Because fuck having to submit to the retarded swedish majority.

>Yes, would that be a problem?

Yes I think it would if people were to migrate in large numbers. Finland could end up being an entire country of backwards countryside.


Based Denmark

Wow. Finland wtf?

Kukaan sua täällä yritä tuhota, varsinkaan sun naapurit. Täytyy kyllä olla jokin vialla kun näkee vihollisia joka puolella ja onnistuu kääntämään kaikki itseään vastaan. En mä tästä rupee enää uudestaan väittelemään, menkää vaikka mämmiin puhumaan turhaa sontaanne.

WTF I love Israel now!

What is this? We would never oppress anyone, the way Finns oppress Finland-Swedes.

>implying it isn't already

>r- ruotsi oli pasifistinen imperiumi kuten on vieläkin ja haluaa suomelle vain hyvää
Mee nyt vittuun siitä hurrisympatioines


>Danish banter is this obvious

Didn't see that one coming

best ally. are they going to bring military personnel to ensure that the new borders are not violated?


Mitäppä jos ensiksi käyt vaikka ulkona hengitätä raikasta ilmaa. ja käyt vaikka wikipediasta katsomassa minkälainen hallintomalli ruotsissa on.

pls make this happen so I can legally work and live in Finland

And what did this person do in practice? I've never heard of him. Or is the absence of his historical relevance one of the fennoswedish tricks again?

Kaltaisillasi ihmisillä tuntuu olevan hirveä hinku Ruotsin valta-aseman palauttamiseen. Liittovaltio, jossa skandinaavit ovat viisi kertaa lukuisempia ei voi päättyä hyvin Suomen kannalta.

Swedish People's Party of Finland's highest award is named after him. Also they call him the party's spiritual father.

Ovatko nämä skandit nyt sitten joku yksi entitieetti jolla on yksi vai onko tämä tapasi maalata lisää piruja taivaalle?

Vai meneekö tämä sellaiseen rajuun mitä jossitteluun nyt osaltasi? Ethän sinä hyvä mies tiedä paskanvertaakaan mistään mitä täällä jauhat, vedät asioita kontekstista ja jauhat samoista asioista kuin hullu.

sisäinen keittiöpsykologini sanoo että ei sulla kaikki ihan hyvin mee.

You can do that already. It's super easy.

Jatka vaan tota suomalaisvastaista paskapostausta.
Se saa kunkun jutut näyttämää järkeviltä.

An eu like nordic union would be alright

sure but atleast change the fucking flag, that's god awfully glaring.

Pan-skandinavismihan on ihan oikea ideologia jota ei olisi hankala elvyttää moisessa unionissa. Siinä sitten olisikin suomen kieli ja kulttuuri vaarassa jos suurin osa unionin kansalaisista kääntyy meitä vastaan.


Juuh no sittenhän Suomi vaan lähtee moisesta pois. Mutta yrittäen maalata nykyajan demokraattisia liberaalivaltioita jonain rotuteorioitsina jotka haluavat vain pahaa suomelle ei tietääkseni ole mikään realistinen näkemys nykyään eikä varmaan tulevaisuudessakaan.

>As in practically everything that is relevant culturewise these days. Your pointless we wuzzing and isolationist attitude serves no-ones favourably.

Isolaatio vain ja ainoastaan Ruotsista näyttää olevan sun ongelmas.
Miksi on ihan pakko juuri Skandinaavien kanssa kaveereta? Nehän olivat ihan suunnaton riesa suomalaisille vielä 1880-luvullakin ja tätä et voi kieltää.

>Montgomery ja muut ruotsinkieliset liberaalit pyrkivät politiikassa torjumaan epämieluisia esityksiä varsinkin vetoamalla juuri Suomen perustuslakeihin. Näin saatiin torjuttua muun muassa 1882 Yrjö-Koskisen esittämä suomen julistaminen maan viralliseksi kieleksi; Montgomery vetosi kyseenalaiseen laintulkintaan, jonka mukaan suomi oli oikeudenkäymiskaaressa mainittu tuomioistuimissa kielletty vieras kieli. Montgomery erosi prokuraattorin virasta vuonna 1886 keisarin annettua käskykirjeen suomen ja ruotsin kielen käytöstä virastoissa.

Skandinavismia pitää karttaa kuin ruttoa.

>Juuh no sittenhän Suomi vaan lähtee moisesta pois
Ihanteellisestihan se kävisi noin helposti, mutta tässä skenaariossa integraatio on viety niin pitkälle etteivät suomalaiset enää kykene estämään skandeja pitämästä meistä pakolla kiinni, koska suomalaisten omat asevoimat ynnä muut itsenäiset instituutiot ovat lakkautettu federalisaation edistämiseksi. Ja sitten pakkoasimilaation (ellei jopa pakkohävityksen) seurauksena Suomen kieli ja kulttuuri hiljalleen lakkaisi olemasta.

>you are all different countries with distinct culture and languages
You're only technically correct. No, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian culture is not all the same nor are our languages the same, but we share a common cultural heritage and history together. Our languages are also mutually intelligible to each other, maybe with the exception of Danish to Swedish and vice versa, but in written form we can all understand each other just fine.
>but i dont really see whats the point
What's the point of the EU? What's the point of anything?
We're much more at home in a Nordic Union than an European Union.

We can have a union but Swedes will have to remove muslims and Finland will have to unlearn mongolian.

>but Swedes will have to remove muslims
That goes for you and Norway too.
>and Finland will have to unlearn mongolian
Don't you fucking dare say anything about the Finnish language when yours sounds like someone is choking on a big potato.
Finland deserves their own language as much as you do.

>Finland will have to unlearn mongolian.
aar juu kreisi?

What nationality do you think the person who wrote that was?

Danish sounds like swedish while choking on a potato but swedish sounds like danish while choking on a dick.

Also Finnish is fit only for throat-singing and striking fear into the hearts of the chinese. It has no place in a scandinavian union.

Only if estonia can join it

Bitch, please. We have fucking NINE (9) monarchies and we are still functioning as a proper state. You can copy our style of Elective Monarchy.

>It has no place in a scandinavian union.
It's a good thing we're not discussing a Scandinavian union, but a NORDIC union.

please tell me that the "new swedes" dont know about this

Estonia is our only brother nation, they are more precious to us than to anyone else. Keep them out of this.

I doubt it. It's not taught in school or anything. I just thought that I might want to get finnish citizenship one day, and when I searched I found it was pretty easy. And easier still to just live and work there.

Im for it