Worst Olympics ever

Imagine training your whole life and 4 years at the highest level so that this becomes the highlight of your career?

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This is why the Olympics should never be outside white and East Asian countries.

Imagine how bad the inevitable African Olympics will be, Christ.


>Worst Olympics ever

That doesn't look like Atlanta, user.



>african olympics after the clusterfuck that was football

in which african shithole would you do it besides South Africa?

if you thought hue 'boooo' is bad do you want apes to disturb athletes non stop with vuvuzelas?

Kenya isn't that bad.



Atlanta was a blast.


Morocco or Kenya I would guess


>pagando 100 reais no ingresso mais barato pra ver uma bosta de modalidade tipo ir pra arquibancada do sambodramo pra mal sequer conseguir ver a porra do tiro com arco, tendo que pegar transporte público lotado e demorado
Tá achando que o povo é otário? Eu achei é que teve é muito trouxa torrando dinheiro nessa bosta.

Is that the Etihad?

The spectators were positively blown away.

b-b-but the brazilians on the board told me the stadiums were full and empty stadiums are only a western ioc propaganda lie

>Brazil angry because they GOT BTFO

At least the paralympics is going to be sold out.... right?

>Tá achando que o povo é otário?

claro que é otário. E muito otário. Veja o Engenhão, tinha capacidade para 45 mil, ficou mais de um ano reformando para as Olimpíadas, centenas de milhões gastos, aumentou a capacidade para 60 mil, e só lotou uma vez (na final masculina de 100m, nem nas semifinais com Bolt ou nos 200m o estádio lotou). O brasileiro é o povo mais otário do mundo, a conta chega.

Eu assisti tudo em casa e os mais relevante na praça Mauá com os gringos.

All black African countries would have worse petty crime than Brazil and the Arab ones are guaranteed to have a terrorist attack, unless it's in some private island in Dubai where the terror sponsors themselves live.

Você fala como se a gente tivesse escolhido sediar essa olímpiada. Pelo menos as arenas e os estadios vão ser transformados em escolas e parques aquáticos para formação de novos atletas

>implying anyone here would go to watch literal whos play meme sports or shitty qualifiers except for a small niche, especially when TV coverage is so good

Can't blame them, money doesn't grow on trees.

Stamford Bridge I think.

worst athletics arena crowd ever

Games with Brazilians or meme athletes were pretty much full.

claro que escolheu. Você deve ser muito novo para lembrar de 2007, quando qualquer um que criticasse essa merda era chamado de 'vira-lata'. Povo burro e otário.

stop lying nigger


and I heard that tickets to Olympic arena started from 300€ or something?

Ok, let me rephrase that; Relevant games with brazilians or meme athletes were pretty much full.
>horse dance
>grass hockey

Who the fuck even was Thiago Braz before this.

Não é como se o povo tivesse escolhido isso, e até onde eu vi essas arquibancadas extras atrás dos gols nem custaram tanto e colocaram em menos de 6 meses, o Botafogo jogou a segundona toda lá ano passado. Falando nisso, vocês acham que o Botafogo vai voltar pro Engenhão? Acho que o estádio da Ilha é mais vantagem pra eles, até porque só chegariam perto de lotar aquilo numa tinal de estadual sendo menos de 30% da torcida.

Fui um dia pra ver como era, realmente o lugar ficou legal, mas porra, sair de casa, pegar metrô, andar um bocado pra ficar ali no meio do sol forte sozinho, e comer nos food trucks gourmets vendendo um churros por 13 reais, lata de refrigerante ou cerveja por 7, é programa de índio, deve ser legal pra ir com amiguinhos. Aliás, aquela muvuca ali é um excelente alvo pra atentados, tem segurança sim, mas era só entrar com uma bomba numa mochila ali e literalmente PÁ PÚM!

Who the fuck thought Rio would be a good idea?

Gabon, Mauritius and Botswana would all be fine.

Central African Republic would be pretty based.

Assisti tudo em casa também e o Maracanã é 10 minutos daqui.

There were cheap tickets and expensive tickets.

I saw handball (35 reais, 11 dollars), rugby (30 reais, 9.5 dollars) basketball and beach volleyball (25 reais, 8 dollars), hockey (25 reais, 6.5 dollars), I got student discount, though, so I payed half the price. Worst part ws paying another 15 reais for transportation (subway + train 2x each).

This was only for group stage, though, as soon as the quarter finals kicked in, tickets started becoming crazy expensive. Plus, good seats are even more expensive and you don't get student discout for them. While I spent 35 reais to see a hockey match, those front row seats in athletics cost something about 800 reais. That's just too much for the average brazilian, which doesn't even care about running and jumping and shit.

Chad it is

>caindo na pescaria meney da arena do futuro
>oh que legal vamos transformar a arena em escolas!
É incrível que é só falar em educação e saúde que o povo engole bonito KEK
Mas o que fazer com o centro de tênis, natação, o complexo de Deodoro com aquela pista enorme e aquele piscinão? Será os grandes "desafios" para a cidade. Se bobear até o Engenhão vira elefante branco.

Não era bem assim, e o país vivia uma situação econômica oposta a atual existia um certo otimismo pro futuro, ninguém esperava essa crise economica, tinha gente a favor e contra, mas não tinha esse hype todo, a maioria era "ok" se não prejudicasse outras prioridades, tinha mais hype pra copa na verdade.

>hockey (20 reais)

Engenhão é péssimo negócio pro Botafogo. O clube deveria ter falido, não tem condição de pagar aquele aluguel caro, sem falar que pista de atletismo atrapalha qualquer possível pressão da torcida. Se os dirigentes tiverem bom-senso vão abandonar aquela porra.

É sério? Eu abri o site e o ingresso mais barato de esportes obscuros estavam 100, foi no no começo que eu olhei, devem ter barateado no final.

>an actual white guy in a sprinting competition

is this bizzaro land?

Eu torci pra copa vir pra cá e regreto nada. Só espero que descubram uma utilidade para o estádio que construíram em Manaus.

That was past midnight if i remember correctly and i don't think anyone was expecting him to win.

Os ingressos já estavam 40~50 reais (20~25 a meia) com meses de antecedência, anão.

I thought you were into beach volley guys...

He won bronze too.

is this where the huelocaust happened?

Só Manaus? As escolhas das sedes foram péssimas. Por exemplo porque botar em Manaus se Belém tem mais tradição, por que colocar em Cuiabá e Brasilia se Goiás tem mais tradição? Deveriam é ter feito pelo menos duas sedes no Rio e SP.

Huelocaust wasn't in Rio

this is what happens when 20 generations before you had to run from wild predators

> ninguém esperava crise econômica

qualquer pessoa com um mínimo de estudo em economia levantaria a hipótese da insustentabilidade da política econômica da época, o que foi realizado por VÁRIOS economistas, inclusive.

Posso concordar que o povo vivia de euforia. Mas o povo é o povo.

Imagine training all your life, reaching the top of your sport and learning that it will be added to the next olympics when you will be too old to be competitive

não sou ele. muita gente previu lá por volta de 2012 que o brasil iria se fuder, inclusive uma analista do banco santader que acabou sendo demitida. mas em 2007 o meirelles ainda comandava o banco central, inflação de 3% com crescimento do PIB, etc.


Crise auto imposta pelo poder econômico visando forçar uma derrota eleitoral de Dilma em 2014. Como falharam, apelaram pro golpe.


pretty comfy desu

> baiting

friendly reminder that all these stadiums will become depressing ghost towns taken back by nature in the next decade.

poder economico tipo Odebrecht, Eike, Alblio Diniz, Wesley Batista?

It was a R$100 for a weightlifting medal event.
R$600 to some of the more famous sports.

Fuck that.

Since international media decided to instill fear in the world hearts before the Olympics, i'm not surprised most of the stadiums were filled by brazillians, who know exactly how to differentiate the truth from the bullshits.

The tourists that actually came were all surprised it wasn't the end of the world like they were told it would be.


poder econômico tipo PIG, FIESP, bancos privados, rentistas de todo tipo


Damn, I'll miss Vinicius. GOAT mascot

So Brazlians can't afford 100BRL?

lmao the stadium was full only when bolt was running, and they'd immediatly leave as soon as he was gone

Minimal wage is 800BRL

>international media is to blame for telling the truth about how much of a shit hole brazil is

fucking monkey logic


Of course there are a lot of brazilians that could pay 100 reais. The real problem is that brazilians don't care about anything other than football and volley (and some rare sports where 'we' could get medals)

You're american, you're bombarded by sensationalist "truths". No wonder you think that's life as usual.

those were where the journalists were user. The stadium was really full only when bolt was running which is sad because it shows people would fill up stadiums, they just didn't want to the great majority of the time.

sidney 200m finals.
7 blacks 1 white guy; no one expected this


volleyball was barely above half-capacity for any game that didn't involve Brazil. Including the epic bronze medal match between USA and Russia, with the former making a comeback from 2-0.

We can. The question is, do i want to? For that?

shit looks like its from the 80s

>2000 was 50 years ago

That's a shit excuse and sums up your olympics. I have a poor opinion on Brazil now, not that it was great before.

>there will never be as comfy Games as London 2012 and Wankover 2010


Why the fuck gringos think we care about their opinion, fuck off and die

You could go to the website and receive the money back from your ticket.
As soon as Brazil wasn't on those events, i would bet a bunch of people just asked for their money back.

Can we be blamed to wanna see games our athletes are playing? USA and Russia should be the ones buying those tickets.

I feel old senpai

>be in Brazil
>get mugged, raped, shot, Zika'd and ran over.
I'll pass.

>"brazilians don't care about anything other than football and volley"
>turns out "we" only care about vollyeball when brazil is playing/winning

which is the same as not actually caring about the sport. Remember Guga? Remember Popó? Who the fuck cares about tennis and boxing nowadays?

Conseguiu ver as luzes no céu mesmo com o céu nublado na hora dos fogos? Eu consegui, foi bonito, o céu literalmente mudava de cor

Did you ever played tennis in your life? Saw boxing tickets selling? Because i never even set foot in a tennis court or saw a boxing gym.

We care about stuff that are widespread. Unfortunely, that's majorly teamsports in our country.

Not a hoot or a riot?

it doesn't matter what people play. Practically any futsal game without Falcão on the court will be empty here, despite every single healthy kid in the country having played it. Brazilians don't like watching sports, they like winning, when the volleyball NT stops competing at the highest level no one will pay attention to the sport.


the world record in the 200 m was held by an italian from 1979 to 1996.
If he ran now he would come solidly after Bolt in most 200 m races. And those times where with worse training methods and shoe technology than exist now.
Unfortunately we stopped giving a fuck about athletics and almost no one practices it now.

Why build so many seats. Saved money built 1/3, and the stadiums would of looked full

Ahhhh so brazillians are just moronic tribal apes hooting for their fellow shitskins and actually have zero appreciation or understanding of sport or competition

Its all starting to make sense now. Thanks monkey

So that explains why your a 3rd world shit hole. Good Job.

Everyone likes winning. Do you think it's coincidence the USA and Britain is in the top of the medal charts? Why do you think america don't like "soccer"?

Most those stadiums already existed, they are used for football matches. The rest probably follow standards and sale tickets projection graphics developed by the IOC.