who here excited for neon kino?
Who here excited for neon kino?
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looks good t b h famalam
This and Godzilla are the only two upcoming movies I give a shit about.
Garbage director, garbage actress.
Get some taste and/or fuck off back to Sup Forums
>she will never know Keanu died a gruesome death trying to find her, instead she forever thinking he abandoned her
I'm still not ever it.
Is the movie different from the script? I wasn't feeling it so i'm hesitating to see this one.
Already seen it, loved it.
Just back from the theater.
What the fuck did I just watch ?
going to see this today, for once my country gets a decent film early
saw it it was pretty good
>pretty good
Why is t/v/ so anti-art bros?
It looks good but thats all. The first part is the most interesting then NWR fucks it up. It will make nice gifs for Tumblr.
A deals a deal OP.
There is about a zero percent chance I will ever watch this.
She only has a 2-minutes scene at the beginning
I haven't seen it yet m8, I can hardly call it a masterpiece yet
>that's longer screen time than drive
Will still watch.
saw it with a q and a from nwr and elle afterwards
film is nonsense
they both laughed about the complete lack of script
one pissy bitch took up a half hour with questions about misogyny
its OGF with jokes
Any nudity from Elle? Might watch if there is
16/ 17 at the time of filming
no nudity
turned 17 day of deepthroat scene
Gonna watch it tonight. Haven't been this hyped for a film in a long time. Looks like an excellent Argento-esque giallo.
Nope, nothing. She is naked in one scene but you only see her head.
enjoy your disappointment
jena malone gets pretty naked tho
so what is the story with her face?
has she ever addressed it like Tina Fey finally did with her scar?
Why comment on perfection?
I saw it.
It's a masterpiece.
You type, you think and you complain like a pleb.
I only see perfection. Seriously, what's wrong with her?
>ive only been using this site for a month and i complain about how people use grammar
film is nonsense. sorry to squash your expectations
they had fun shooting it. they shot it chronologically and made it up as they went along. they admit to its silliness.
nwr calls it his 'this is the 13 year old girl inside of me' film
the fact that his initials feature more in the film than the supporting cast speaks volumes for the level of seriousness he attached to this film
he had fun. its silly. its nonsense.
Listen, I saw it, it's definitely a complex and well structured film. It's a film about feminity and narcissism.
Screening starting soon, some twitchy autist sat next to me
Wish me luck guys
is lesbian sex is now mandatory for "artsy" flicks
not me. Terrible cast, terrible trailer.
>that necrophilia szene
nwf told at the premiere that he tricked the murican censorship association into thinking the wet noises weren't shlicking, but actually the sounds of the cloth's fabric...
meanwhile it shot totally over their heads that this scene was an euphemism for having sex with a 16 year old
Someone explain this shitty kino meme to me.
I hope so
it's rape fâm
>13 days to go
>shit opinion
Sounds about right
Saw this three days ago. Thoroughly awful, only good scenes were the opening credits, the first faux-dead photoshoot and the levitating body performance.
Everything else was "aesthetic" without really bothering to create an aesthetic, the dialogue and storyline were a braindead version of any fucking movie set in Hollywood (for some reason made me think about Maps to the Stars, think it was the "neat" photography); I've heard it was more or less scriptless fo funsies, don't know if it's true or not but it certainly looks like it.
it could have been so good, so fucking good but Refn fucked it up in ten minutes. Goddamit.
VOD when
Let's hope so.
>Refn movie
>"could have been so good"
Who is this neon demon?
I was waiting for this post.
Who is this unoriginal cunt?
We get it, you're black.
Also Refn is a good director, his only problem is that Drive was a shitty movie. Completely redeemed himself with his masterpiece Only God Forgives.
Its sophomore pleb pandering trash just like Drive and OGF
Just got out, didn't get shot by the twitchy autist.
Have to let it sink in for a while to fully comprehend it but here's some first thoughts. Audiovisually it's a masterpiece but in the plot department it could use a bit of work, kind of like Suspiria. Tons of great scenes connected by a thin thread.
Was cool to see Jesse evolve from a naïve girl to a cynical bitch and turn the tables on the other girls (for a while at least). Abbey Lee was great, I feel like Fanning was slightly miscast and lacked the uniqueness that everyone was going on about.
Lesbian-necro-rape scene was definitely interesting and surprisingly only one guy walked out. Ending scene was 10/10.
I hate it that the shitty european poster is used now everywhere. Literally every other Neon Demon poster was better than op's pic.
if it was up to me, yes
Which is as surface deep as possible
It's not an intellectual film in the slightest.
I think he's talking about the glass eye.
>Dude girl sex lmao it's like hot and stuff so it makes the film better
inb4 I get called gay. If I want to watch porn I'll just watch porn.
Me on the bottom right
porn is for people with low IQ
The belief that IQ means anything is for people with low IQ
>that fucking ending
they should've used the color red instead of purple
what a beautifully retarded post
>that reflection