DCEU Inside Information

-Man of Steel sequel is happening. Release date would be announced at comic con this year.

-Henry Cavill is considering to renew his contract with Warner Brothers, and would most likely sign up for another 3 DC films.

-Ben Afflecks Batman movie is scheduled to be released in 2018. The release date would be announced at comic con.

-Sequels for Wonder Woman, Flash and Aquaman are all being considered as of now. Warner Brothers are waiting to see how the movies perform before announcing the sequels.

-Deathstroke is set to appear in Sucide Squad 2 before getting his own solo movie. The solo movie would most likely be rated-R.

-A Green Arrow movie won't be released until post-2020.

-Zack Synder would not be directing Justice League 2. George Miller is set to direct it.

>-Zack Synder would not be directing Justice League 2. George Miller is set to direct it.


Zack doesn't want to direct it. He'll do a Crime Syndicate film instead


Fake. Cavill loves Superman. He won't leave the character.

Batman will not happen in 2018. Affleck has a contract for a film with Fox that he needs to finish.

Deathstroke Rated R film? The audience will immediately compare his with Deadpool.

>Deathstroke Rated R film? The audience will immediately compare his with Deadpool.

Not really since Deathstroke isn't a motormouth and is all SRS BIZNESS, Slade acts more like Vincent from Collateral

>Man of Steel sequel is happening.

with snyder right? WITH FUCKING SNYDER?


Even without a source, we all know the Batman movie is going to be in 2018.

Also I recently read that the standalone film for Cyborg has been cancelled as he will be appearing in the Aquaman or Flash movie.

A wise choice: these films will not make enough money on their own but together they would.

So I guess the order of movies yet to come out right now are:
Suicide Squad
Wonder Woman
Justice League 1
Batman Standalone movie
Justice League 2
Then Flash, Aquaman standlone movies

I thought that after BvS, they wanted to release justice league before wonder woman now?

I want to see Fisburne and that news crew again.

FUCKING LOVED Fishburne in MoS and BvS. Such an underrated character.

He deserved to be have a massive plot in the sequel and Justice League.

>Imagine him working alongside JK Simmons as Gordon

No Wonder Woman is coming out early next year after Suicide Squad this year.

Remember that every year we will get 2 DC films.

Also; Wonder Woman's filming has all wrapped up as I am aware. Justice has barely began.

Not going by what we've seen from Suicide Squad, and sure as hell not what you'd expect to get from Will Smith.

Can James Wan be an executive producer on Justice Part 2 please? He so deserves it after all he is directing the Aquaman movie and he should be an exec for the Aquaman scenes to make sure everything about his character is correct and that Snyder doesn't mess with stuff.

Would you fuck off already?

>Deathstroke is set to appear in Sucide Squad 2
holy shit there is going to be a sequel to Suicide Squad??

Also I heard Harley will be getting her own movie too.

Jeez DC has definitely so much planned... I just hope they are able to pull all these off and that they get a decent box office.

deathstroke, not deadshot

aren't both JL's being filmed back-to-back or was that bvs and jl1?

Deathstroke =/= Deadshot.

Slade Wilson =/= Floyd Lawton

>not liking Fishburne
There's the door.

What about Green Lantern movie?

aww FUCK I was so looking forward to a separate Will Smith DC movie :( DAMNIT

>announcing sequels before original movies hit

yeah that will work DC.

>Hurr durr, DC gonna do a Deadpool with Deathstroke
This is all bullshit.



Give it a fucking rest.

>Deathstroke is set to appear in Sucide Squad 2 before getting his own solo movie

So Bill "Slade" Wilson is finally getting a solo movie?

God I hope the rest of the DCEU isn't a grimdark shitfest that BvS was.
And no, I'm not talking about the movie not having quips, you retarded cucks.

>yfw Slade will actually be played by Aidan Gillen

Wow, it's almost as if that was the point of post, you fucking retard.

>get mad when an user plays along with your joke
Wew lad, you should seek counsel for your insecurities.

sure, c*ck

I actually don't consider DC capeshit really...

I mean they are referred to as "Detective Comics" for a reason.

They are more of a dark gritty crime mystery with super heroes. Hence why Batman V Superman was heavily story driven and not super heroes fighting through the whole thing.

Also the uncut version of BvS will feature Clark Kent going undercover and following a group of Lex's men or something.

Something that I wish this DC universe would do is show more of Clark Kent! We hardly saw any of him in Man of Steel as I believe they revealed him too quickly to Lois.

I wanted some of that romance between Lois and Clark that we got in the 90's tv show.

But now that the Man of Steel sequel is greenlit. I am so looking forward to seeing him work with Lois like the good old comics and tv shows!

I also forgot to mention that Justice League Part One will be heavily Gordon, Batman driven while Superman is dead during the first half

>No way is Snyder going to make Superman come back alive in the first 10 minutes
Snyder stated in an interview that he WANTED Superman dead while Batman got the Justice League team together. He did not want Superman interfering and making decisions.

This is why Superman had to die at end of BvS.

So the first half of Justice 1 won't have Jesse as Lex, will be more Batman, Alfred, Gordon, WW personal as they track down the Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg etc

Someone mentioned a couple of weeks back that they reckoned that it would be impossible for DC to catch up with Marvel in the superhero shit
But also that DC's strength was its villains and that they should use them to exploit a gap in the market

Thinking about it, that's what I want them to do
Essentially focus on their villains mostly with the heroes appearing in the background (like Batman in suicide squad) with fun queen soundtracks
And then, every few years, Snyder could come back and deliver further kino without worrying about plebs being off-put

what am i reading

>dark gritty crime mystery.
Booster Gold
Mister Mtzyplk
Bat Mite
Bat Cow
Dark as fuck, so gritty.

Jesse has stated that he "thinks" he is in Justice Part 1 has he didn't know months ago.

So for all you haters who don't like Jesse's Lex; I guess this is good news

You should seek cock for your ass

The greatest film series ever

Oh. Well fair enough then.

I really thought if they were gonna make a solo movie about DeadX/DeathX they'd want to hang it off Will Smith for star power though.

How has it come to pass that Batman vs Superman gets shitty reviews, makes a lot of money but not quite as much as they wanted, Zack Snyder is the central focus of criticism...and yet they forge ahead with a franchise, planning multiple sequels and aim to have Zack Snyder as the central creative force?

I mean, what's wrong with taking small steps to begin with and growing the series organically?

They're playing catch up.

They can catch up, they have heroes with immense cultural exposure like Batman and Superman and some excellent comic book stories they could adapt to the big screen.

They seem intent on doing anything but that though.

Suicide Squad is probably the line in the sand. Wonder Woman can (and probably will) leave nothing but a smoking crater and it will get blamed on mysoginistic man-babies refusing to see a movie with a strong female lead rather than the far more likely proposition that Gal Gadot simply can't act and it looks like a bad movie on top of that.

If the Squad fails, DC is gonna be shovelling shit up hill to recover.

It still baffles me that a fucking Deadpool movie was more entertaining, truer to the source material, better, and more commercially successful than the first god damn movie where Batman and Superman met.

Like holy shit, how do you even fuck that up?

>Man of Steel sequel is happening. Release date would be announced at comic con this year.

Frankly, I'm excited for all of this, especially the Batfleck.

The biggest mistake with Wonder Woman was choosing the wrong war.

Please Kek, god of memes, make this happen for your faithful. Be a Big Guy for us.

I'm starting to believe that the darkness of the film(both in terms of tone as well as atmosphere) is there to serve as a contrast for what's to come. In other words, The DCEU starts out as very much our dark cynical world that requires Superman's sacrifice to elevate into a brighter, more hopeful future.

>Suicide Squad is probably the line in the sand. Wonder Woman can (and probably will) leave nothing but a smoking crater and it will get blamed on mysoginistic man-babies refusing to see a movie with a strong female lead rather than the far more likely proposition that Gal Gadot simply can't act and it looks like a bad movie on top of that.

You know I actually wouldn't mind seeing it, just because it's a nice change to have a superhero film taking place in a period of history. I loved Cap's first movie for that reason too and Hayley Atwell's massive tits

That might be where it ends up if Snyder's influence is further weakened.

Given Snyder's other work and what he did with MoS/BvS I seriously doubt that's where he was going, particularly with his comments about how dark he wanted to make the movies.

God I'm so over capeshit.

seems like right up his alley. he can be as edgy as he wants and have Owlman rape Harley in front of a tied up Joker.

Given Rebirth and Snyder's comments about Bat-prison-rape I think the more likely proposition is that Rorschach rapes Batman in front of a tied-up Robin .

And now, an artist is feverishly scribbling to make that horror a reality. Yay.

Having read a couple of interviews, I'm starting to think this was intention - to start the world out as based in reality as you can be with a comic book movie.

As other people have already pointed out, it's like we start off in "Watchmen" mode, for lack of a better word - a world where superheroes just don't fit and cynicism reigns. Batfleck in BvS essentially *is* Rorschach for example, but the key difference is that Superman *isn't* Dr. Manhattan. He still sees the world as a man sees it, X-ray vision notwithstanding. He's not the alienated and alienating "god" that Manhattan is. He still cares, and his heroic sacrifice inspires the Batman back to his former greatness.

Of all the lines in the movie, the one that keeps coming back to me is never even spoken aloud. It's the last two lines of Bruce's email to Diana:

"Who are you? Where have you been?"

Poor Bruce, out there for all those years fighting the good fight, and outside his tight circle of friends, that email tells you that he'd been doing it alone. It's kind of heart-breaking.

>that email tells you that he'd been doing it alone
Hey, he had batgirl until he got her killed
And he had Robin until... y'know... Joker

it's more of a "where have you been" as in 'why have I been getting myself killed when there's a bunch of invincible losers moping around' and in that respect the batfamily had been doing it alone

>It's kind of heart-breaking.
then he goes and tries to kill Superman


Fuck off Laurence. You are too old and your daughter is a whore.