The great debate

The great debate

In The Airplane Over The Sea is better


It's a drum


Left drum is better looking but right sky gets me.
I don't look at a cover for much time, anyway.


the fuck is this dumb shit

why would you prefer yellow piss stain

Left potato is objectively better.


I didn't expect my personal piss-stained copy to take off so well.

right looks like some fag put it through an IG filter

Right because irony. If you like left, you probably grew up thinking that the washed out look of Gears of War 1 looked cool

The one on the left is a better piece of art, due to it's use of colour, but the one on the right portrays the tone of the album better

cop or not?


absolutist not



ill ask again

ill ask one more time

This is so bad that it's kinda tight

No it's a potato


the absoloot madman!

ill ask ONE more time

alt right

cop or not?


where tho

cop or not?

what an EPIC joke my dude
this is so FUCKING funny, holy SHIT