
interracial love edition

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Hate normans


literally nothing wrong with this

fuck off commie



foiy (fuck off island yank)

>get shot

thanks but no yanks

blacks are cucks.


Won't bother you in your new thread to ensure the Aussie enjoys his safe space here

Sorry to the brits for being annoyingly pedantic and unjustifiably argumentative, I have the Asperger's and they're subjecting me to Schizophrenia medication to avoid admitting its a developmental disorder, not a psychiatric one.

nowadays it looks like colored men have relationships with white women and white men with colored people, the white race is slowly dying out and if there is a white only family you are racist

...throws salt in your general direction...

why are you so obsessed with him?


eski güzel günler: atatürk :((((((((((((((((((((

*waves dildo around in the air like it's an aeroplane*

yyeeeeeeannnngggggg vvvrrrrrooooooooooooooooom....

*sticks it in your gob*

sen ataturk dersen, ben atakurt cevap veririm

she's a cutey

Okay one last one; what do you enjoy most about your body sexually and about a female one sexually?

The penis if your hetero and the entire female body around the mundane pussy if your also hetero, combine both and assuming the shemale is passable its obvious why they achieved this result


I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it:

Bank of England sharply raises 2017 growth outlook - bbc.co.uk/news/business-38841747

Remoaners BTFO!

Need a lady like this to use my knackers as a punching bag

As long as you're decent with your money you should be able to save. Having capital is the only insurance against wagecuckery.

Just remember:
Don't buy shit you don't need
Do your research on big purchases
Don't be afraid to shell out more if it means it'll last you, or it'll be useful for more things.

Cheers, lads. One last thing: I don't wanna get ripped off: any idea roughly what sort of wage should a recent computer science grad expect to earn?

All that white pussies are melting because of my dick

not a single letter

fuck off back to r9k

exactly, if you were gay you'd go on gay porn
which straight man doesn't find pic related at least a bit attractive?

speak for your own nation, yassine


bare minimum of 23k

higher ideally


i want a girlfriend lads

Are you black?


shan't be showering before going to the psychologists

I feel bad for insulting the upstanding Aussie from the previous thread

He just has negative experiences with my people and wants to protect what his ancestors worked hard to establish

I want to post Candy/Bailey/Jane Marie webms but my connection won't pull through

same, really need a girlfriend (male)

fuck off Harold




assalamualaikum brother

I appreciate traps as an artform

dont post anything nsfw it's a blue board and janny keeps a close eye on /brit/

date an ugly girl then

I want to fuck traps as a post-ironic critical statement on the degeneracy of modern society.

I am a refugee so idc

what the fuck is a male girlfriend

In Psychology/Psychiatry, poor body hygiene and unkemptness are corroborating clinical signs of psychosis, severe depression or personal neglect from say, bereavement

Don't do it she'll definitely factor it in

Wa aleikum assalum m8, doing fine I hope

a piece of paper saying "i can do computers, me" is worth exactly what it sounds like in software
if you can't prove you can code like everyone else then you'll be on £16k starting like everyone else
granted, if you can, you'll soon be on £23k

>It expects the economy to grow 2% in 2017, up from a November forecast of 1.4%, which was itself an upgrade from the 0.8% forecast made in August.

I want to be a trap

Okay I won't

I need to respect his thread and stop posting

Before the Brexidiots say this is evidence that all is well may I remind you that we are still in the EU....

*enters the thread*
wew, smells like rasheed in here

mate why don't you just go back to your own board? this is a /brit/ general not /britfeel/

got nothing against you pathetic losers but we are segregated on this website for a reason.
so kindly fuck off, mate.

Business idea: be a transgender comedian and be shoved into every single panel show because the bbc loves diversity

think being suicidal tipped her off to the depression iah

/brit/ much like britain is open to all
pls send FDI and investment

Me too but it's too late and I'm a bit ugly anyway.

i gotta get in shape. too much sitting has ruined my body; too much abuse has gone on for too long.

Spotty bremaincunt virgin

Yeah I've always been fairly good with my money, and happy to live a simple (inexpensive life). For example, on my salary I could afford to get a small flat to myself, but pretty much everything I spend would go straight on rent + groceries. By flatsharing, I'll be able to save £200 each week even allowing for a little bit of a social life, and I'm hoping to start saving/investing that. Have to shell out a couple of hundred pounds for new office wear which is a bit annoying, but I'm going for quality brands in the sales, so hopefully it'll last a while.

^ he's lying to you ^

Australians are the real Britons nowadays, the true heirs of the powerful Anglo-Saxon race. British are just a bunch of Negroids.

just did 15 pushups, me

netflix shows are, by and large, shit

lel, okay I though you were being pushed by your parents for a psychiatric diagnosis like me

Wish we could offer you something in return for the colonial infrastructure, giving our doctors a refuge and opportunity to gain experience and contribute, and pretty much everything

If we could abolish the theocracy, end Islamic rule I think that would be a positive start

>inb4 MLK; house nigga vs field nigga
>inb4 spineless kafir twat
>inb4 keep sucking that white dick

the crown is pretty good

Lana Rhoades is fucking top tier

think i'm in love already lads x

i liek spen

>24 Mtf - 16 months HRT!



state of those eyebrows

mad that people actually watch interracial porn

^ he's sucking a dick right now^

>get invaded by literal niggers
>have your gene pool fucked up over centuries that pass
>call others negroids

Ugly cunt, has about an inch of makeup on and still can't hide the state of her face

have to go to uni today

fucks sake

Wait a minute, that's a girl.

Watch danger 5 it's prime Australian humour

i love The Crown and especially Elizabeth's slaggy sister but I thought it was a BBC production?

it's patrician lad, dunno why so many autists on here have a problem with it

business idea: post a picture of myself and a picture of my sister and claim it to be a HRT timeline

aussies can didgeridoo one

gonna become a nurse so i can meet women

it says nothing to me about my sex life

good chebs bad brows

Traps are patrician. Interracial isn't.

end yourself

if fta tv has taught me anything its that australians don't make good tv series

don't do it; nurses are all crazy la.

t. doctor

last time I was in hospital I got treated by this really cute murse. I think he mustve been a poofter


though tbf he was very feminine looking before

mad how putting on a dress turns you into a vapid twat

woud a girl be weirded out when she realises i only really have one friend and go out socially once every few weeks at most

great body overall but just great chebs

traps are gay

why yes m'lady, i wouldn't dare touch a non-white woman, i'm too special

Pls discuss medicine with me

Particularly newly approved 2016 drugs and guidelines

sounds like you are as well