Has Sup Forums honored their queen Lavren Mayberry today?

Has Sup Forums honored their queen Lavren Mayberry today?

has Sup Forums honored these dubs today?

>she will never beat the fucking shit out of you with a hammer and bury your corpse under the local ice hockey rink


damn hoes

This but unironically (and Annie joins in).

If my by honored you mean busted 3 big nuts for her
then yes, honored her 3 times today.

why dis nigga look like a great value bushwick bill?


bb :)

just one night, please.

You're a big guy.

can someone pls post more pics of her with red lipstick

hopes for 3rd album?

lauren nudie pictures in the booklet

i promise i'll jerk off while looking at her and listening to her music later tonight, ok???

i hate to see you so caught up on her

woof woof

why are her legs covered in shadow but her rest is not?


user what

>I don't know what tights are.

pls post more pictures of qt lauren

I wish I had someone like her,cute,funny, and intelligent.

best bait I've seen in a while


good shit my dude

you've gone off the deep end. brandon, get out of the suburban wasteland you live in and you'll see girls like this are around.



want to get out of here so fucking bad.

>Today we finally finished that stupid scene we was talking about this morning. The director was bitching all day that I walk too fast or either too slow! And the dry grass was so itchy, eah and now my feet hurt... *sigh* So how was your day, love?

Tiring and cold. Had to work in 41 degree weather by a beach and the wind gusts made it even worse. I'm not sure if I can keep doing this, but the pays good.

>I can tell since you've been irritable today. Just come here and let's go to sleep, you'll be tired tomorrow. I'm exhausted enough as it is. I hate that you have to get up so early, I'd love to see you before you leave. I'll call you before my flight.

>Brandon, honey, you need to quit your job... It's just not worth any of your time! I'm tired to say it to you... Why don't you want to do household chores? I can feed both of us, so what is your problem, h-m-m? *scratches her sole*

Annie Clark is queen you cuck


I don't think its worth my time either, I'm sore and worn out all the time. All the heavy lifting is hell on my back.