What's the strongest installment of This is England?
What's the strongest installment of This is England?
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88 i think. i don't know why i haven't seen 90 yet though, i was really looking forward to it
>the Combo storyline
You are NOT ready for those feels.
The film.
The series isn't good. Too much drama for the sake of drama.
Gilgun needs to be in more stuff
Let's be honest. This series is racist to the bone. It promotes and encourages racism.
>muh gritty, """disturbing""" kitchen-sink realism
Why did Sean turn into a beta?
Lol is fucking peng throughout the decades, no doubt about it
Let's be honest. You haven't watched it.
I have, and I stand by my post.
reminder that milky was the true antagonist of TIE and Combo did nothing wrong
top kek
The one with the train scene between Woody, Milky and friends.
Goddamn, that scene is full of emotion. Best scene in the history of cinema.
This is one of the most racist series I have ever watched. It promotes Anglo superiority in the most insidious kind of way. It's patently obvious to the most casual observer.
88, no contest
one of the finest pieces of television i have ever seen
no that's just a natural reaction in your brain because Anglo superiority is a law of nature, not a social construct
>It promotes Anglo superiority
>It's patently obvious to the most casual observer
I think you're just projecting.
combo did nothing wrong
The fight between Woody and Milk is probably my favorite of the series
is gilguns character the most cucked character in TV history?
What a beautiful man
90 is bretty good. Working class kino
i'm still fucking pissed off about what happened to combo
god damn it milky.
still can't believe he got KEKED and is now raising Milky's kid
That actor is the brother of the chav slag that plays Kelly on Misfits
>muh promises
Milky is a fucking disgrace
yeah it's alright, much preferred the older ones though, 90 was just so depressing
Why do racist fans of this series just think they can summarily disregard any claims of racism then continue talking as if it weren't just shown that they were racists and the series they are discussing is also racist?
yeah, seems like he got all the good looks
she is literally typecast as a filthy slags
her notable roles have included a chav slag in misfits and a chav prostitute in an Arctic Monkeys video (Combo's in that too)
Why do you keep posting when it's clear you're unable to articulately defend your view?
>I've got opinions! Look at all my opinions!
The actress who plays Trudy is Stephen Graham's (Combo) wife.
One thing im not understanding in this thread is, you mean the series alone are racist or you mean the movie too? Cause i've only seen the movie and if anything is the opposite of racist and brings to light such matters in a heartfelt way.
Can you please say how the series is any different ,therefore, racist?
Are you racist or not?
Ops i didnt mean you
I meant Bloody mobile
No, I'm not racist.
The film is good, but not great.
The series is the best television drama ever.
How so?
Yeah 88 was probably the peak. Good balance
Thanks for asking. I don't know, I've never watched it.
Combo's actions in the film are never once treated as a good thing, being that they ultimately shatter Shaun's worship of him when he beats Milky, that and the Pakistani shopkeeper ends up as a father figure to Shaun. So how is that remotely racist? There was nothing inherently racist about being a skinhead in the first place, it was something that people like Combo latched onto and twisted to fit their own agendas.
Heck, whites are consistently portrayed as more violent and easily led throughout whilst the blacks are conniving, such as when Milky's family hand Combo off in '90. If anyone should be complaining about racism, it's the whites over how Shane Meadows is letting the side down.
I remember there was a black in the movie. I see a black and what looks like a mod. Was this show secretly pressing diversity?
>a black
it wasn't a fucking secret mate it's pretty much the plot of the film
dopey cunt
dont really like that version. can't really match moz and marr
Never saw the series, as we don't get it in the U.S.
Saw the film, though. Thought the film sucked, but the music used in the film was good.
Skinhead culture spawned out of Jamaican dancehalls in the UK. It was diverse from the start.
The film will end up aging the best, as it feels like it belongs in the era it's set in but has contemporary production values. It also has the tightest story.
The series is great for different reasons. I think 86 is the best, as it doesn't have as much obligation looming over it as 88 or 90 do. It's like Meadows genuinely just felt like catching up with the characters and thought it'd be interesting to try, turns out it was. It successfully takes the focus away from Shaun without doing him a disservice, and therefore fleshes out supporting characters like Gadget and Kelly. I remember feeling truly heartbroken for Woody throughout the whole thing - he's just trying to enjoy his life and provide money and a house for his Lollipop and then he gets fucked over by both her and his best mate in the whole world. It's especially heartbreaking because the film portrayed Milky as a good and honest friend to have.
I remember as the Lol's Dad storyline was going along feeling like there was no way they were going to be able to wrap it up without it coming across as overly dramatic, but everything right up to Trev's rape was handled masterfully, and you really felt the weight of Lol's revenge. She didn't want to do it, but she knew she had to. And Combo gets to be the silent hero - a perfect arc from the film to the series.
88 and 90 are pretty good in their own right but seem a fair bit weaker than everything else. I will say that nothing seems unimportant though. They could've made Woody and Lol's reunion joyous and cheesy, but as it is it felt like two people struggling to cope with adult life and feeling lost finally realising where they belong, in spite of everything. Cut to 90, and they're finally happy with their lot. I love their story.
The dinner table scene in 90 is obviously the standout. So real...it blew me away. But it was hard to tell who the focus was on throughout the series really. The stuff with Kelly seemed quite forced, drama for the sake of drama as someone else said earlier in the thread. Watching Gadget just trying in vain to help her was quite sad, but even that whole angle just dragged. I will never forgive Meadows for making me hurt so much over Combo, though. He totally deserved a second chance at life, and I think it's clear that Milky saw the change in him and that his words in the cafe were completely sincere. He was regretting the whole thing as soon as they started talking. That being said, his fate also felt inevitable, and was dramatically necessary. Overall, I felt it was a worthy entry, but it's not a satisfying conclusion the entire thing. They'd do well to end on another movie I think, and really give the characters a fitting send off.
Its kind of nice how black people are so integrated in the UK
Why are you a smelly paki, Ackbar?
damn now I want to watch TIE all over again
also original Kelly = best Kelly
'this is england' blew me away first time through, but its contrivances became more and more apparent with each watch.
the series isn't good and is too twee
She is manish
you are girlish
>This is England
Every character in the franchise is scum, nobody had any superiority to anything.
>replying to stale bait
when black american soldiers came to the UK during the second world war they were surprised by how well they were treated compared to their treatment in the us. to be honest slavery wasn't that big in the uk. we profited from the goods americans made but we never had the huge ethical problems of plantations or farms.
we had slaves, of course. i always find it weird when americans call for 'representation' in their media when quite a lot of the top black actors are the minute are british, they're as much representative of african americans as a brit is of a slav.
I went to the cafe from the first one recently.
Was not a vegan place, shut down the other month.