What the FUCK did I just watch?
What the FUCK did I just watch?
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An audiovisual masterpiece
The 1970s Nicolas Winding Refn
Now go ahead and watch Amer and The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears if you want more audiovisual mindfuckery, or go back and watch any other giallo movie you can get your eyes because they are all incredible and beautiful.
The Neon Demon was shit in every possible way apart from two scenes at the beginning, which is a shame since I loved most of the other stuff he directed.
Suspiria is not giallo, dumbfuck. Deep Red is giallo.
Wait a second... Neon Demon is from Argento?
It fits all giallo characteristics, that makes it a giallo in my book. Granted, I may need to watch it again since it was one of the first I've ever seen, but you just can't ignore the connections with the main body of Giallo movies.
No I just felt like mentioning it since the guy talked about Refn and I saw The Neon Demon a couple days ago.
A mediocre film with GOD TIER lighting, cinematography, set design and soundtrack
The trilogy of the Mothers (Suspiria, Tenebrae, Mother of Tears) much like Phenomena (aka Creepers) deviates a lot from the typical Argento film because they have fantasy, they are not construcyed like a whodunit and they are not centered around a hidden killer who the movie latter tries to explain with psycoanalysis. I have heard him refer to them as his supernatural films.
I think Mario Bava is the one who defined this movie sub-genre with movies I cannot remember their names in english.
>GOD TIER lighting, cinematography, set design and soundtrack
And how, exactly, does that allow for a mediocre film?
>weak writing
>bad acting
>shitty death scenes and effects
a really shit movie with a terrible ear rape soundtrack
Fair enough them, I was thinking more along the lines of, as said above, the audiovisual department, which I think is fairly similar to Argento's other stuff.
Sei italiano?
the fucking music destroyed my ears, why was it so loud
I think all of these aspects only contribute to the atmosphere of the film, and by no means reduce it to "mediocre". The other things you listed are too important.
Besides, the acting isn't that bad. The dubbing is.
I'd say the effects are split between shit and great, for example, the bitch at the end looked amazingly disgusting.
the music is fine until you realise it's going to be the one track for the entire move
PERFECT first 10 minutes that turns into shit afterwards.
No sense of suspense, horror, or and while the music is great, it's used terribly. Dogshit script that isn't made up for by "pretty sets."
>It fits all giallo characteristics
no a giallo needs a murderer, like a crazy guy with a whip. a bunch of witches doesn't not count, but everything else fits
A generic movie about a witch but with GOD TIER set design, music, and cinematography.
No. Though I would like to learn italian so I could read Papini again.
the greatest horror video maker to walk among us mortals
Do it, it's not that difficult - you'd probably be "better off" with a more widely spoken language, but hey, if you like it go ahead. Obviously, I'm biased.
Really though, as counter intuitive as it may be, I don't think "suspense and horror" are what defines a really good horror movie - as a film, I mean. Maybe I'm biased by the contemporary schism between "scary" movies and well-made, artsy horror movies, but I constantly feel like the quality of a horror film is more due to its technical qualities and the director's ability than it is to the emotions it manages to provoke in the viewer.
An example of what I'm talking about, a very good horror movie that is never really scary in the sense you'd commonly think.
Disregard the godawful cover art, please.
One of the most influential horror movies ever directed by one of the most influential directors of the 70's-early 80's.
The actress of this movie was fucking hot.
Jessica Harper is hot in everything.
You're right. But this film doesn't have atmosphere. It's boring as fuck.
So they've announced a director and lead for the remake AND Dario is working on a new movie with Iggy Pop. Will either of them be any good?
Seconding this. Was watching a bit of Minority Report earlier.
>doesn't have atmosphere
Well really, it does have atmosphere.
Holy shit that looks amazing how have I never heard of it thank mate
wasnt this a ripoff clocktower
Clock tower is a rip off of Phenomena, another movie by the same director.
No worries mate.
I really liked the visuals but the lack of plot took me out of the movie.
Will I like other films by argento?
a movie which is clearly not for you and your level. stick with capeshit please.
No, you should probably avoid Italian genre cinema all together if you're concerned about plot.
Tenebrae. I'm watching Inferno next.
The quality of the surface level plot is secondary in most Argento films. To borrow the words from an unrelated Sup Forums maymay
>the plot was a vehicle for the visuals
This movie's fucking amazing
>That scene with the guard
Fucking GOAT scene
Why was the snake scene so cringe worthy?
fuck this shit
One of my all time favourite horror movie finales.
>caring about constraints such as plot or meaning
what a pleb.
reminder to stay away from anything he made after the 80s.
The Stendhal Syndrome and Trauma weren't that bad.
top cunny kino.