Is The Vvitch actually a good movie, or is it just memey anti-religious fedoraism?
Is The Vvitch actually a good movie, or is it just memey anti-religious fedoraism?
it's a good film
>memey anti-religious fedoraism
What the fuck are you even talking about retard?
It's not a good movie, but if you see it as anti-religious you're pretty dumb. I dont even see how a person could see it as anti-religion.
Because the people are religious and the father goes crazy?
One of the best movies this year. It's also one of the best of the genre and it is exactly what the stale genre needs more of.
One of the best movies this year. It's also one of the best of the genre and it is exactly what the stale genre needs more of.
it was so bad I couldn't finish it
You have to be 18 to post here
Stop calling people retards.
under 18's are the only ones who could appreciate this piece of shit
R e t a r d
r e t a r d e d
The only people hated this movie were brain dead normies who thought they were getting jump scares
Critics loved it and Sup Forums does too so I guess you don't belong here
pure kino
It's ok, but I think it's confused abot its message.
It has nothing to do with religion though, maybe with puritanism, but religion itself isn't shown as a bad thing.
>father goes crazy
He was the sanest person until the end.
Sup Forums loves it for 10c/post
>1mln budget
>somehow able to shill post
If you question our taste surely you must be the VVitch
critics and Sup Forums loved zootopia too and that's a movie for 6yo's. witch is more for 13yo goth girls though right?
Its deliciously acclaimed by critics too
Zootopia is a good movie. First 15 minutes are awful, but when the investigation plot kicks in it gets immediately better.
Also it could've been awful with the "don't judge the book by its cover" plot but it subverts the trope briliantly. There's also some really good comedic moments.
Overall it's 8/10, the worst thing in the entire movie was Shakira's cameo.
black phil dindu nuffin
The movie is not attacking religion, you dope.
>meant for goth girls
Lol you haven't even seen the movie. Don't ever reply to me again
It's pretty shit. The girl was hot as fuck and it would have been totally understandable if her brother fucked her.
It's also a feminist film. Critics claim claim it is about breaking free from the misogynistic nuclear family. Nothing to do with religion though.
Woah, hivemind...
It must be some kind of bug... Hiro is up to something, with the country ban issue and all
Bad movies take many forms. Also, how is it anti religious? Turns out there are a couple of evil witchs all along, they should have been burnt at the stake
it's not anti-religious, if anything it's a pro-testant film ha ha
You should avoid it, it has witches in it.. Isn't that against your beliefs? No Harry Potter or magic, or be a blasphemer.
>Americans not understanding the movie is talking shit about all of them
Only retarded too-cool-for-school edgelords from Facebook loved it. Sup Forums thought it was ok.
The satanist community shilled the fuck out it on their websites and such.
who the hell keeps tabs on the satanist community lmao
Imo, it's not very good.
It built tension quite well, although it was a lot of unrelated filler. And then the ending when full WELL HERES A GUY WHOS LITERALLY THE DEVIL LOOK SHE SIGNS A CONTRACT AND FLOATING NAKED GIRLS IN THE WOOD IT WAS ALL REAL IT WAS THE GOAT ALL ALONG :PPXXDD
I thought it was really fucking good.
I thought it would be generic horror, but I was pleasantly surprised
So did her bro got vvitch pucci or not?
Seemed a bit rapey
>this guy is too stupid to understand the meaning of the final scene
>this guy did not pay attention to the movie
I mean literally one of the first scenes of the movie establishes that there is a real witch
It's extremely memey and not a good "horror" movie at all unless you can relate to being a retarded religious nutjob
>Black Phillip
>Baahh Baahh
Honestly Oscar worthy performance. Black Phillip should be on the red carpet.
I didn't say there wasn't a witch
>extremely memey
i also say this about movies all the time
>hey what did you think of this movie?
>ehh it's extremely memey
so then what is wrong with the ending
OP literally asked if the movie was memey you absolute retard
but it's not at all anti-religious compadre
the events unfolded because of the fathers stupid pride and self separation from the church in the village
Literally the devil walking in to sign the book
I mean, they didn't have to spell it out like that, but I guess they have little faith in the normie audience.
so you described the plot and that was your critique
again, what is wrong with the ending?
That's not describing what's wrong with it, that's just describing the scene
Oh yeah I agree, not sure why OP thinks the movie is anti-religion when the entire premise hinges on believing in Satan. Sorry for calling you a retard btw, I use the term very liberally so I don't actually think you're retarded; in that instance "retard" meant "friend"
The critique is that roughly 90% of the whole movie is incredibly slow paced, building atmosphere and creating confusion and uncertainty about what's going on.
And then the last 5 minutes they went: "well see, here is the devil, you're supposed to write in his literal book and here are some floating crazy women so that was what's in the woods :p". Completely difference pacing, like a different director jumped in for the last few shots. Also ruined all the mystery the movie built up.
Its more like the movie showed what was going on was in fact real.
Black Phillup didnt just show up, last I checked, he was in most of the movie. Just because he was a goat/crow/rabbit at points doesnt mean he "just shows up" at the end.
Again, if you thought there was mystery in the movie then you missed the point. Literally one of the first scenes in the movie establishes that the witch is absolutely real and if you didn't understand that then you don't know how movie language works.
the ending scene was done perfectly
The movie literally shows you a witch grinding up a baby and floating up on a broomstick within the first 20 minutes. There wasn't much ambiguity as to whether the whole thing was real or not.
>Completely difference pacing
This critique literally makes no sense. The scene was a slow paced as the rest of the film
I remember seeing a trailer for it either when I went to see Star Wars or that bear rape film with dicaprio (so forgettable I've forgotten the name).
Looked pretty interesting, if it's even mildly enjoyable I'll check it out.
Everyone I went with hated it. I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt- I honestly think if the cinematography wasn't so shit and the script was better, it could've been good.
The cinematography and script are the strong points of the movie you pleb
The movie starts off showing the family being kicked out of what was already a deeply religious community, the point seems clearly established that the problem isn't inherently about religion but of crazy levels of obsession.
And really, its more about sex than religion.
It's a decent film mate and has a lot of memorable scenes. It's worth a watch if you are curious.
It's both
The idea of ones own parents becoming so paranoid and hysterical that they actually try to kill you over a ghost story you told to a sibling makes for great and effective horror.
I think it was amazing.
Your one retarded ass nigger
Yeah bruh, like not enough jumpscares. I'd've fallen asleep if I wasn't getting my foreskin cleaned by me dad
this x 100
Isn't pride one of the capital sins because it was the father's pride which put them all into the shit they were in.
That goat is so fucking smug
Yeah that's what I thought also.
Just got a chromecast yesterday and finished watching Locke with my family (they all liked it which was surprising, I think it's one of the best films of this decade desu)
Showed them all the trailer for this immedately after and they're all interested. I normally don't like horror but this seems really interesting, love the setting and at least the whole supernatural shit kind of makes sense in a puritanical Americas setting, not like witches and ghosts in 21st century Manhattan or whatever.
>memey anti-religious fedoraism
how is it anti-religious? just because bible is useless in the movie? witchery is a real thing, with or without religion.
ultimate villain, really hate that goat
deliciously smug
>implying the VVitch was a horror movie
it was a well acted, well produced, period drama
The goat fucked her in the end, right?
It's very unsettling and gave me nightmares
It wasn't scary thought but it did a good job with atmosphere and timing
Great movie, haven't been so freaked out since I cant remember
I didn't know what to expect when I first saw it, but in the end I really liked it.
I wouldn't categorize it as a horror movie tho, it's more like a psychological thriller, keep that in mind if you're gonna watch it.
I thought those were all different witches' familiars
My question is why they spared her and gave back her brother alive for like a couple minutes?
I fell in love
It was implied bestiality, yes.
I don't understand how people can read it as a "feminist movie". What the fuck was feminist about it?
It's one example of people reading too much about something. Kinda how there are academics that claim that black people behave in twitter the same way they communicated when they were slaves
Good movie, I don't consider it anti-religious, they treat the subject very solemnly.
Although I could see hardcore Christians being upset because they tend to forget how ridiculously gullible their religion is, specially in a colonial setting
>>The cinematography
Am I the only one than found many of the shots horribly out of focus?
Still has the glow. Anyone knows if they used a body double at the end?
Poor girl, white as fuck and Argentinian, from her twitter she seems to be confused about it
post thomasins!
>her twitter
>and instagram
What the fuck, she seems like a psycho
what a pleb
I think some women still look back to the witch accusations and take it personally, so they likely identified with the ultimately vindicated Thomasin. The Salem Witch Trials happened 300+ years ago, but it's still a fresh wound somehow.
You have Charmed and American Horror Story. And feminist Wiccans. And all other types of silly shit. Witches = girl power.
Soft focus is cool, not nailing focus is not
>so they likely identified with the ultimately vindicated Thomasin
That was one theory I had. But to me, the only way she was vindicated is if we found out they were just crazy Christians at the end
The whore literally sold her soul to the devil in the end in exchange for a pretty dress and a delicious life. We are supposed to know nothing good can come out of it.
But when she was accused, she was sinless. It was only at the end of the movie that she sold her soul. After she was blamed for their problems.
>tfw living deliciously
i watched it deliciously
is that black philip?
The movie is worth watching for Thomasin alone.
too antichristy
fucking great movie. only redditors and contrarians will disagree.
it's wannabe kino for retarded horror fans
I haven't even seen it and I can tell from the trailers
>Critics loved it
how so? because the boy looked at boobs?
It transformed itself into a monstrous beast and knotted her yes. She became a witch.
I thought it was boring.
While it seemed Baphomet was to blame, the real demon in this case is Cernnunus, the horned one.
The Witch is a film that has its credit because it scrapes the line between good and evil. The family did not do evil, but evil came to them and was not an active force but a sinister watcher under the form of a goat.
When all seemed lost, the only voice and hand of kindness offered to the girl was none other than the lesser evil.
It's beautiful to see black philip's interest on the naive innocence of a girl whose very name she cannot write. Basically, this is how man, turns to the dark side of God. Because God forsakes man. And if doing so is the way, then it is normal for the devil to aid them.
Great, great film. It preserved a thick, palpable sense of dread throughout the entire film. I'm religious and didn't see anything you could take as anti-religiousness. Maybe a critique of Puritanism and how it led to their downfall rather than saving them, but the movie does put a lot of effort into humanizing the family rather than judging them as stupid religious nuts.
The way of see it. The whole scheme of things seemed to revolve around the entity wanting to have the girl for himself and plotting the family's demise at their own hand with paranoia and grief. Only when she is at her uttermost bottom, is that Black Phillip courts her.
Personally, I doubt burning these witches alive would even kill them. And they were witches.