Spoilers: DC Films Schedule & More

- DC films will be changing and WB will be announcing new films at SDCC 2016.

Suicide Squad- August 5th, 2016
Wonder Woman- June 2nd, 2017
Justice League- November 17th, 2017
The Flash- March 16th, 2018
Aquaman- July 27th, 2018
Suicide Squad Two- October 5th, 2018
Shazam- April 5th, 2019
The Batman- June 14th, 2019
Justice League Two- November 1st, 2019
The Man of Tomorrow- April 3rd, 2020
Green Lantern Corps- July 24th, 2020
Birds of Prey- October 2nd, 2020
Crime Syndicate- April 16th, 2021
The Bat Man 2- July 2nd 2021
Justice League- November 5th, 2021

- A Man of Steel sequel is in development. The film is expected to be more character driven. General Sam Lane will be the main antagonist alongside a terrorist group that uses stolen Apocalyptian and Kryptonian weapons.

- Deathstroke will be in Suicide Squad Two. Deadshot, Rick Flagg, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc, Katana and Captain Boomerang will be returning. Onslaught will be the villain.

- Justice League will have a definitive ending. I won't be a two part film.

- Barry and Victor are best friends in Justice League. Both will bond on the fact that they lost their mothers and life didn't turn out how they expected. Flash is a huge Batman fan and geeks out every time Batman complements him.

- The Crime Syndicate film will focus on the origins of the characters and how they dominated the Anti-Matter universe. Zack Snyder will reunite with his Watchmen team for the film. The film will also introduce the Anti-Monitor.

- Maxwell Lord and Vandal Savage have been discussed as future Justice League villains.

- Reverse Flash will be the main villain in the Flash movie. Ares will be the main villain in Wonder Woman.

- Xebel will appear in the Aquaman film.

Other urls found in this thread:


>terrorist group that uses stolen Apocalyptian and Kryptonian weapons.


Will any of these films share characters? Like Batman in Man of Tomorrow

Cyborg is apparently going to be in Flash rather than get his own movie, which seems like a good damn idea.

>Batman in man of Tomorrow

Fuck that

Villians for the batman?

Sounds good. I'm on board.
Release BvS Ultimate Cut on theatres pls.

They'll make more money from home sales. Man of Steel did pretty good in home sales and I think this could do better

Whats man of tomorrow and crime syndicate?

I wasn't suggesting it, just using an example.

If I was suggesting something, I'd probably go Flash in Shazam

>Whats man of tomorrow

Sequel to Man of Steel, Man of Tomorrow is one of the terms used to describe Superman in older comics.

What motivates you to lie about these movies every day on Sup Forums, OP?

With Comic-Con around the corner these threads will become more frequent.

Vandal Savage is best villain. Just some fuckhead who's lived for a long time and does whatever he wants when he wants to because he can't die.

>Crime Syndicate
Basically alternate earth evil Justice League

Jason Momoa should have been Vandal Savage

It's almost been confirmed that Brainiac is the main villain for Man of Steel 2

This could easily set up Supergirl Being in Kandor

Source: my ass

I cant stand the dude they got to play him on that shit DC show of Tomorrow. He just looks like a cheesy knock off.

Viggo Mortensen or Andrew Lincoln would be my choices

I don't see them doing Supergirl or Martian Manhunter (sadly)

Which is why these rumors are fake. The current edgy Superman isn't the man of tomorrow.


He is from MARVEL. Nice bait tho

One of the Superman movies needs to be based on What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way?


So it's pretty much confirmed that the MoS sequel is titled The Man of Tomorrow and it'll be directed by Zack, right?

Either him or Robert Maillet.

Someone isn't aware lol

Superman vs The Elite was made.

>not posting superior previous page


Loved this scene in the animated film.

Holy shit I gotta read this shit

>Flash is a huge Batman fan and geeks out every time Batman complements him.


Does this mean they're going to get into multiverse hijinks???

>Pls be good, pls be good, pls be good

>Waiting until 2019 for the Batman solo movie

Are they averse to money?

>Barry and Victor are best friends in Justice League. Both will bond on the fact that they lost their mothers and life didn't turn out how they expected. Flash is a huge Batman fan and geeks out every time Batman complements him.

Snyder Oedipus complex confirmed.

Also, sounds like they're trying to make Flash Ant Man.

Ben Affleck has a Fox contract he has to finish after Justice League.

>Reverse Flash will be the main villain in the Flash movie. Ares will be the main villain in Wonder Woman.

>All these planned movies when they've all been panned critically and BvS was a failure financially

They should just stop. The movies are just gonna start making less and less money as each one gets panned.


theyre all cancelled except for Batmwn

In before Suicide Squad beats Civil War

>None of this is true


charging on in denial is less embarrasing than giving up

So are we getting a press release thread every time some idiot at WB farts? You're taking this ironic bullshit way too far, retard.

I doubt this is true but it would be awesome to see Intergang

Lincoln would never do a superhero role as long as he films Walking Dead. The show takes a lot of his time.

They confirmed Brainiac? When?

honest question: is the pervasiveness of superhero movies and tv series as evident in other aspects of your life or just here on Sup Forums? seems every other thread is about superheroes these days. is that more telling about the people who post here or superhero culture in general?

so much falseness. Crime Syndicate sounds like the dumbest idea for a movie

It's just here and the audiences that devour it. The average person isn't going out of their way to look for development news until the movie has a trailer and some TV spots.


>- A Man of Steel sequel is in development. The film is expected to be more character driven. General Sam Lane will be the main antagonist alongside a terrorist group that uses stolen Apocalyptian and Kryptonian weapons.
Pretty cool
>- Deathstroke will be in Suicide Squad Two. Deadshot, Rick Flagg, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc, Katana and Captain Boomerang will be returning. Onslaught will be the villain.
>- Justice League will have a definitive ending. I won't be a two part film.
>- Barry and Victor are best friends in Justice League. Both will bond on the fact that they lost their mothers and life didn't turn out how they expected. Flash is a huge Batman fan and geeks out every time Batman complements him.
No Flash/ Gl Bromance :(
>- The Crime Syndicate film will focus on the origins of the characters and how they dominated the Anti-Matter universe. Zack Snyder will reunite with his Watchmen team for the film. The film will also introduce the Anti-Monitor.
Hyper Crisis?
>- Maxwell Lord and Vandal Savage have been discussed as future Justice League villains.
>- Reverse Flash will be the main villain in the Flash movie. Ares will be the main villain in Wonder Woman.
Why not save Reverse Flash for a future movie?
>- Xebel will appear in the Aquaman film.
A given

>not liking Crime Syndicate


I want muh Justice League Dark, damn it. Or at least a Constantine solo movie.

So JL: Part One and Two won't have Darkseid as the villain then?