- DC films will be changing and WB will be announcing new films at SDCC 2016.
Suicide Squad- August 5th, 2016
Wonder Woman- June 2nd, 2017
Justice League- November 17th, 2017
The Flash- March 16th, 2018
Aquaman- July 27th, 2018
Suicide Squad Two- October 5th, 2018
Shazam- April 5th, 2019
The Batman- June 14th, 2019
Justice League Two- November 1st, 2019
The Man of Tomorrow- April 3rd, 2020
Green Lantern Corps- July 24th, 2020
Birds of Prey- October 2nd, 2020
Crime Syndicate- April 16th, 2021
The Bat Man 2- July 2nd 2021
Justice League- November 5th, 2021
- A Man of Steel sequel is in development. The film is expected to be more character driven. General Sam Lane will be the main antagonist alongside a terrorist group that uses stolen Apocalyptian and Kryptonian weapons.
- Deathstroke will be in Suicide Squad Two. Deadshot, Rick Flagg, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc, Katana and Captain Boomerang will be returning. Onslaught will be the villain.
- Justice League will have a definitive ending. I won't be a two part film.
- Barry and Victor are best friends in Justice League. Both will bond on the fact that they lost their mothers and life didn't turn out how they expected. Flash is a huge Batman fan and geeks out every time Batman complements him.
- The Crime Syndicate film will focus on the origins of the characters and how they dominated the Anti-Matter universe. Zack Snyder will reunite with his Watchmen team for the film. The film will also introduce the Anti-Monitor.
- Maxwell Lord and Vandal Savage have been discussed as future Justice League villains.
- Reverse Flash will be the main villain in the Flash movie. Ares will be the main villain in Wonder Woman.
- Xebel will appear in the Aquaman film.